Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 4

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 4

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-09 - Updated: 2006-08-10 - 551 words

Chapter 4

Laura's POV

We walked to the back of the bus, where Pete and Joe chilled watching a movie; of course Stacey and I are loud and interrupted by screaming and laughing jumping in the middle of them.
"Shush!" Pete yelled at us.
"Sorry..." I whispered to him. He rolled his eyes mumbling something to himself, before turning his attention back to the movie.

Stacey's POV

"I'm bored, isn't there something we can do?"
"We've been on the rode for an hour, you're not serious?" Pete sighed pausing the movie.
"When Stacey says she's bored, that means she's bored,"
"Well we can always call ya a cab, and stop until it picks you up," Joe laughed.
"Just entertain me and I'll be fine," I shrugged.
"Go bother Andy and Patrick,"
"Fine," I got up walking through the bunk part to the very front where Andy and Patrick sat reading books quietly, "You gotta be kidding me," I sighed. Patrick put his book down looking at me.
"Bored already?" he laughed.
"Yeah," I sighed sitting next to him.
"Read this, it's amazing, and it will kill time,"
"haha that's funny," I laughed taking the book from him.
"Just read it, trust me," I opened the book to page one. I couldn't believe I was reading a book, usually I just read magazine's unless it was for school, I didn't have time to read keeping up with Laura and all the partying we did there was no time for reading a book. I guess its better then nothing.

Laura's POV

I lay my head on Pete's arm. I was just as bored as Stacey, but I didn't dare say it. One there was nothing he could do about my boredom. And two, I did ask to come. Instead of thinking about being bored, I should be enjoying this time I had with my brother.

It was basically like I had him to myself; at home I had to compete with my parents and our brother. Sure there were more people on this bus then at home, but they didn't care if Pete paid attention to them.

Pete's POV

"Laura..." I whispered at first as I turned off the movie, it had just finished and my arm was had fallen asleep.
"She's passed out dude, want me to move her?"
"I'd move her if I could... so yeah thanks," I laughed. Joe picked her up, it must be something that is just normal to girls cause she wrapped her arms around his neck and laid her head on his arm. Joe took one step as the bus jerked to a stop, falling backwards onto the sofa. I laughed as he cursed our bus driver, Fred. Laura didn't even stir; you'd think she would have but nope.
"Okay let's try this again," Joe laughed, he turned his hand backwards, so I could pull him up, without him dropping my sister in the process. He got his balance, sighing before I laughed opening the curtain for him, "I'm glad you find this so funny,"
"I don't know which her and Stacey agreed on just pick a bunk and lay her there," I walked to the front part of the bus to see what happen, we were moving again so it wasn't that important of a problem.
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