Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > but its better if you do

I can't

by meesheemooroo 1 review

fake emotions turn real for Amy.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres:  - Published: 2014-08-24 - 1276 words - Complete

hey guys! Thanks again for reading! Huge shout out to heyyoungblood for hanging in there with me this whole time and being my biggest fan, your amazing! Be sure to comment and rate you beautiful people! Anyway here's y'all's chapter.

Brendon had given me dinner and now we were laying in my bed watching some house flipping show that Brendon was obviously bored with. I know he was bored because he was rubbing gentle circles my thigh. To be honest I wasn't concentrating on the show, I was mostly thinking. Even though Brendon had obviously kidnapped me, which is awful, he must of really liked me to plan all of this out. Most guys I met wouldn't even bother showing up for the first date. Brendon had made me food every day, cared for my wound (even though he caused it) and told me about his life. Since the stabbing thing he had been pretty kind to me. some part of me deep down inside felt kind of bad about lying to him. Brendon propped his head up on his arm and looked in my eyes and smiled.
"I love you." He said meaning every word.
"I love you too." I said back.
"Sometimes I wish I could sleep in the same bed as you but I'm afraid." He admitted.
"Of what?" I asked as I pushed a loose piece of dark brown hair out of his eyes.
"I don't want to to get hurt or you to leave me."
"Okay how about this. You can chain my foot to the bed again and leave the key to it somewhere upstairs? And if you don't hurt or leave me, I won't hurt or leave you, I promise." I said looking him in the soft brown eyes.
"You would really let me chain you to the bed again?" He asked unsure.
"If it means you would feel safer and happier I would." I said.
"If it's really okay." He said and I nodded.
He went upstairs and ran back down with the shackle in less than thirty seconds. He gently chained my foot to the bed then laid back down with me but this time he put his arm around my waist and pulled me close. His body was warm and he smelled so nice. He was wearing pajama bottoms and no shirt. He looked at me for a moment before he kissed me. The hypnotic feeling of missing him was back and worse than ever. His fingers ran through my hair and my hands were on his chest. For some reason I couldn't stop, I didn't want to stop maybe I was just to scared to but my body heated up when his fingers touched the bare skin of my stomach. I felt like pushing him off of me and bringing him closer at the same time. I had been alone for so long and suddenly he was just there, he loved me.

I woke up on my own this morning with my TV still going. I was startled when my skin touched warn skin that wasn't my own only to look over and see Brendon beside me asleep on his back with his mouth kind of hanging open. I thought back and the memories of last night came with a stomach clenching feeling. What had I done? I tried to get up to go to the bathroom but remembered my leg was still chained up. I had to wake Brendon up but I was scared to so I decided to do it in the nicest way possible. I leaned over and kissed his cheek then said his name as I ran my fingers through his hair which did the trick.he took a deep breath before he opened his eyes and smiled at me.
"Do you even know how beautiful you are?" He said with sleep still in his voice.
"Morning Bren." I smiled.
"Morning." He answered.
"I'm sorry to wake you up, but I really have to use the bathroom." I said and he let out a laugh before getting up and throwing back on his pajama pants that he was wearing last night and going upstairs to retrieve the key to my lock. He unlocked me and I put on clothes and went to the bathroom. When I came out the door was open leading upstairs. I was iffy about going up without his permission or some kind of go ahead but my thoughts were broken by his voice.
"Hey if you want to take a shower just come on up and take one, I'm about to start breakfast." He called. Wait, what? Something was wrong here. I climbed the stairs carefully and made my way to the kitchen where I saw Brendon sitting at the table. Something was very wrong here. his elbows were on the table and his head was in his hands, it looked like he was crying.
"Are you alright, Bren?" I asked carefully as I approached him.
"I can't." He said. I was puzzled by his statement.
"You can't what sweetie?" I asked.
"I FUCKING CAN'T!" he yelled making me step back a little. "I can't do this to you." He began to sob. "I can't keep you here like this, you don't deserve it." He said. I went to his side and began to run his still bare back gently. "You're free. I don't care if you tell the police or whatever, god knows I deserve it." He was breaking down, this had to be a test. I wanted to go home badly but I was still too scared.
"Bren, I want to stay with you, I love you. Everything will be okay." I said.
"No, I'm fucking crazy! You don't need to be here with me. I can protect you from the world but when the time comes I can't save you from me. I'M A FUCKING MONSTER AMY! you were right." He said. I lifted his face up to look me in the eyes which were full of tears.
"You are not a monster Brendon." I didn't look away or even blink as I told him this. I honestly didn't feel like he was anymore I've seen him be human and compassionate.
"Now, I'm going to take a shower, you can come with me if you like, then I'm cooking this morning." I said then kissed him on the forehead.

Brendon didn't bother following me to the bathroom or even blind folding me as I walked through his house, he just told me where the bathrooms were. I came back down and began to cook biscuits and gravy. Brendon was still at the kitchen table but he wasn't crying or upset anymore, he just watched me make breakfast.
"I'm warning you I'm a terrible cook" I laughed as he took a bite.
"No, it's really not that bad." He said but I could tell it was a lie.
After breakfast we sat on the couch in his living room and watched TV together before I went back down to my room on my own. I laid in the bed and began to think. What was I doing? I was being nice to Brendon and meaning it after he had kidnapped me and stabbed me. I sort of felt bad for him, he did feel remote for what he had done. I didn't feel alone anymore and I knew someone cared about me plus he was cute, I smiled at just thinking about him from last night. Oh god! What am I talking about? Maybe I was even starting to trick myself I actually liked Brendon.
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