Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > but its better if you do


by meesheemooroo 1 review

Patrick makes Amy an offer.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2014-08-27 - Updated: 2014-08-27 - 1282 words - Complete

When I got home with Patrick, Carla was already at my house.
"Hey, used the spare key. How did every thing go?" She asked from the couch just as we walked in the door.
"Good. I found out the gender." I said and she got all exited.
"What is it? Tell me! Tell me! tell me!!" She said and Patrick did a drum roll on his legs.
"It's a girl!" I said she shreeked and jumped up off the couch and gave me a hug.
"That's what I said it would be! I'm so exited!" She yelled.
"Get this, the doctor assumed Patrick was the one that put it there." I laughed and Patrick's cheeks went red again.
"Lucky" she wrangled her eyebrows at Patrick. She was doing this to him all the time partially because the fact she liked to tease and embarrass him and also the fact that she had a thing for him, I honestly think she was just a fan girl.
"We also went to see Brendon." Patrick added.the excitement on Carla's face melted off in horror.
"Oh god. How did that go?" She asked.
"He was- he was pretty drugged up on medication and he seemed pretty sad." I said swallowing hard not knowing if I wanted to talk about it. Patrick gave Carla a look that I didn't understand.
"Did he say when he gets out?" She asked.
"No, he said he's maid some progress though." I said quietly.
"And you believe it? That man is a psychopath."
"Uh, Carla, I don't think you should..." Patrick mumbled ant trailed off.
"I don't think I want to talk about it." I said sadly.
"I'm sorry, I just don't think you should see him anymore. Your always fine until you see him after its always like you've been hypnotized by him or something." She said speaking truthfully just like she always does, but I felt fragile right now and didn't know if I could take it.
"I miss him, I'm not hypnotized by him, I feel so bad for him. I'm having his daughter and I don't know if I want to do this alone." I said beginning to cry.
"She is the reason you should do it alone. What if he hurts her? I can't let that happen." She said.
"I don't want to do this right now." I sniffled and went up to my room. I herd Patrick and Carla whispering until closed my room door. I sat on my bed and cried in confusion and frustration my emotions were all over the place right now and I felt horrible. A few minutes later I herd a knock at my bedroom door but I didn't answer it.
"Its Patrick, can I come in? I hear you crying and I just want to help." He said.
"Come in" I called and he slipped in.
"Carla went home, she said she's sorry for getting you so upset, I told her you needed some time to cool off. Can I sit with you and talk?" He pointed to the bed where I was and I nodded. He sat down by me and cleared his throat nervously and looked at my walls.
"This might sound crazy but I looked up some stuff on pregnancy and I know your basically feeling like a live grenade right now and I know Brendon is a sensitive subject for you because your so confused. You said something a minute ago that you were very wrong about, you don't have to go through with this alone, you have Carla and I. I didn't like how Carla put it so harshly, but I think I made a big mistake by taking you to see Brendon today, he wasn't in the greatest condition and I know it brought back a whole slew of emotions and things. Bottom line, I am so afraid you are going to take him back and what if he's not all the way better?" He said and lowered his head and looked away from me. "When you told me all of the things that he had done to you, I just-I just couldn't believe it. I was surprised he didn't kill you. I don't want anything to happen to you or the baby. You have another life to look out for now." He said I realized he was actually crying. "I just want you to keep in mind that I'm not like him."
"That's the problem Patrick, I know you aren't. Its not the bad things I fell in love with about him, its him" I said.
"The bad things are a part of him, and they may be forever only held back by constant medication and therapy? Was the Brendon you saw today the one you were in love with."
"No." I answered.
"If you decide to be with this medicated mellow Brendon then what happens when he forgets his medicine one day or skips therapy? What happens to you? What happens to the baby? And what if he was faking being a whole new guy just to get you back, you know he's that crazy." Patrick said and I realized he was right, there were too many what ifs. I suddenly felt like I had lost the strength in myself since I had met Brendon.
"I have so many other worries, my KOB doesn't pay enough to take care of a child and this is only a one bedroom apartment. And since the kidnapping I having felt like working much, I don't know what to do." I said stressfully.
"Let me help you. I have two extra bedrooms at my house and we can fix one up for the baby, you can stay with me until your on your feet, and when the baby comes I can help out so it's not so hard on least there I know you will be safe anyway."
"No, I can't do that." I said turning down his offer.
"I wish you would." He said.
"What would Carla think?" I said.
"It's nothing like that, besides I'm not exactly into Carla." He looked up at me.
"I noticed." I let out a little chuckle. "I don't understand why your offering me this and honestly I'm more than a little scared of taking it, the last someone was nice to me I end up in their basement." I said.
"You can trust me, I told you I'm nothing like him I would never hurt you physically or emotionally, I swear on my life. Plus I don't even have a basement." He smiled.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Positive." He said simply.
"Okay." I agreed but hesitantly.
"I promise you won't regret it." He said.
"You want to lay down with me?" I asked just like I did every night for the pat week now.
"Do you really need to ask?" He laughed."Carla doesn't know about us sleeping in the same bed every night, does she?" Patrick asked.
"No, I'm afraid she might be mad, she really likes you ya know." I said.
"Yeah, but the problem is she's nothing like you." He said and turned to smile at me.
"You don't want me Patrick. I'm damaged goods" I said as I stared at the ceiling.
"Your not, actually now that you have a bun in the oven its like your even more valuable, and all the other things can be fixed with time and being surrounded by people who would never hurt you." He said. I yawned.
"Your so smart, how do you always know what to say?" I scooted into his side and instantly felt comforted.
"I don't, I'm just honest.
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