Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 22

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 22

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-10 - Updated: 2006-08-11 - 564 words

Chapter 22

Laura's POV

I walked away from dirty and charlie. Wow that close. I still don't understand what happened. What is the problem with kissing me? If I wasn't pete's sister would he have pulled away? I don't know what to say to him or how to even act. Its not like pete could even stop us if we did get together right? I don't see whats the big deal. So what if its his friend...grr! I walked around until I found myself sitting down on one of the bar stools.

"Whats the problem kid" Dirty asked sitting next to me.

"I don't have a problem" I replied tracing the patterns on the table top.

"why the long face then?" he asked moving closer to me.

"I just...its nothing" I told him getting up and walking away.

"Hey!" he called out to me. I stopped and turned around to face him.

"just know I'm always here if you need anything" He smiled.

"thanks dirty" I smiled before walking away. "anytime!" he called to my retreating form.

What do I do...I need to tell someone...I wonder where stacey is.

Stacey's POV

I turned to see Pete standing there. "Nope you're not interupting anything...thanks Patrick" I said smiling to him before walking away.

"STACEY" pete called running up to me. "we need to talk"

"no we don't. you're the one being the asshole so lets just forget that anything ever happened and move on. No harm no faul. I mean its not like it ment anything anyways" I muttered turning away from him.

"no your didn't mean anything" he said nodding his head. "and I'm not the only one being an ass" he added after a minute.

I choose to ignore the last part and If it didn't mean anything then why did that just feel like a stab to the heart.

"so we are all good now?" I asked looking up at him.

"yeah" he nodded after a minute.

"good" I replied walking away. I bit back the tears that treatened to fall

"Stacey!" why is everyone calling me! It was laura this time.

Laura's POV

"Stacey" I called again this time she stopped.

"Whats up?" she asked turning to face me.

"can we talk?" I asked looking around to make sure no one could here us.

"sure whats up"

"not here" I said pulling her towards a corner of the room

"whats up" she asked again once we were far away from everyone.

"well you see" I started. "I see what..."

"you see...I kissed Joe or rather he kissed me" I bit my lip waiting for her reaction. "and so whats the problem?"

"the problem is...He pulled away from me saying how wrong it hurt hearing him say that" I mummbled.

"hun..." she started trying to find the right words. "do you like him?"

"I don't! Its all so confusing!" I shouted drawing attention that I didn't want.

"Well just think of it this way. You still have two more months to this tour and the next three days off. Just hang around him and see what happens...if its ment to happen it will" she said smiling at me. I nodded taking in what she was saying. Maybe she is right...if its ment to happen it will.
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