Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 21

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

Chapter 21

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-10 - Updated: 2006-08-11 - 545 words

Chapter 21

Stacey's POV

"Clear out," Fred muttered climbing off the bus. Laura and I walked off the bus after the boys, she looked sad, and my first thought was she knew about the kiss.
"You alright?" I asked as we leaned against the bus, watching autographs being signed and pictures being taken.
"Yeah I'm fine," She mumbled.
"Did I do something to make you sad?" I asked. She looked at me confused.
"No, no not at all, I'm not sad," She looked over to Joe for a second, and then she looked away as he looked back at us.
"Did something happen?"
"Huh? What? No, why do you ask that?" she mumbled.
"Come on tell me what happen," I kept on.
"Let's go," Pete waved to us.
"Nothing happen," She answered, before jogging over to Pete. Patrick stopped waiting for me as I walked slowly.
"Why so slow today?" he asked.
"I'm not slow," I mumbled.
"You walking slow," He smiled draping his left arm over my shoulders, "By the time we get in there it'll be next year," he laughed. I rolled my eyes walking a little faster, "that a girl,"

Laura's POV

I sat next to Pete leaning my head on his arm as he text people on his sidekick, Joe sat on the floor next to Andy playing video games. I tried not to look his way to much, but I found myself just staring.
"So anyone choose which we going to tomorrow?" Pete asked bringing me back to reality.
"I say we get blindfolds and let the limo driver choose where we go," Andy suggested.
"That's a good idea," Pete laughed.
"So lets do it,"
"Want me to set it up?" I asked just cause i knew it'd get me out of this room.
"Yeah go ahead dont forget your pass," I got up walking out the door. Last night might have just been the perfect if he didnt think. why did he have to think??! i thought to myself.
"Whose he? and what did he think about?" I turned to see Dirty and Charlie.
"Umm no one, just a thought didnt mean to say it a loud, umm for tomorrow the boys wanna be blindfolded and have the driver taking us to the theme part just pick one and let us see which he picked once we get there, can we manage that?" I quickly changed the subject.
"Yeah, no problem, Pete's idea for the blindfolds?" Dirty laughed.
"haha no, actually it was Andy's," I answered.
"surpise, seems like something Pete would come up with," Charlie laughed.
"Yeah you'd think,"

Stacey's POV

"You know I'll get whatever's got you all upset out of you," Patrick broke the silence.
"Nothings got me upset,"
"Well its gotta be something, you dont just walk all slow and hang your head for nothing,"
"If I tell you, you gotta promise not to say anything," I turned to him, I was screaming on the inside I need at least one person to talk to, and usual person would have a fit, so i very well couldnt tell her.
"You can tell me anything, and my lips will be snitched together, scouts honor," he laughed.
"The other night...," I started.
"Hey.. not interuppting anything am I?"
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