Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 32

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 32

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-11 - Updated: 2006-08-11 - 554 words

Ok so i gave in and i'm posting the rest of the chapter we wrote today lol. but we would still love to have reviews!! they make me happy...just ask laura! i feed off of them lol

now on to the chapter

Chapter 32

Stacey's POV

The ride back to the hotel was quiet. I think everyone was pretty much exhausted. And if they weren't I think I would have to kick them. I was trying to figure out what pete ment when he said 'even just you and me' is that some sort of hidden mean! Damn it I have to stop thinking like that! It will get me know where.

"The wheels on the limo go round and round round and round round and round. The wheels on the..." "if you don't shut the fuck up right now I will go Darth Vader on your ass" Laura growled cutting pete off. I had to bite back the smile. Oh don't you just love the siblings. I watcheds as pete sat back pouting and mumbling something about no respect for limos. "Thank you" I said suddenly. "oh so you're glad I shut up too?" pete glared rolling his eyes. "no you moron...stop being so melodramatic... I ment thank you for this...for all of this" I said waving my arms around. "for a limo?" joe asked scratching his head. "oh I give up"

Laura's POV

The next night we had all decided to go the the Pirate's Dinner Adventure. I am so glad the boys were paying becaue it ended up being 80 bucks a person because pete insisted on sitting front row. We walked inside and I have to admit the place was amazing. It was set up like an old town square. "LOOK" pete yelled pointing to the gypsy hut. "And LOOK!" he yelled pointing to the gift shop. "lets go be pirate!" I laughed as he dragged us over there. Oh boy...about 20 minutes and two advils later the pre show had started. The guy came out and asked for 15 manly men. Some how we convinced all four boys to go. The guy proceed to tell us that there was going to be a beauty contest, a talent contest and a bikini contest. But in the ended they all just ended up doing the kankan. He then picked out 4 people and andy ended up being one of them. We laughed as was told to sit in the chair and lean back on the guys lap behind him. "hey pete they should have had you and patrick do that" I laughed elbowing my brother. He just shook his head at me. The man proceed to take a chair out from under each guy. Eventually all the chairs were gone and it was just the guys. It was pretty neat to see.

Stacey's POV

I screamed and clung to pete as the pirates came running out! I bit my lip and looked up at pete... "oops...sorry" I muttered. "not a problem...I'll protect you" he grinned pulling me back to him...what the hell...this boy is as confusing as patrick's style. We were all taken hostage and aboard the 'boat' which is where the main act would take place and we would get to eat. And let the fun begin.
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