Categories > TV > Doctor Who > The Companion Adventures

Chapter Six : Back to normal lives

by Kiyohime93 0 reviews

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2014-09-18 - 1204 words

I do not own Doctor Who or anything related to it. This is just a lemon fan fiction for the reader to enjoy. If you do not like Doctor Who or how I portray the characters, then back out of reading now. Nope? You've been warned. Enjoy!

"River, I don't even think the Doctor is back from his outing," Amy said trying to reason with her daughter.

"Mum, I know, but it's best and safer for you all to go back home where you belong."

"I don't get it, first you take us away and then you try to get rid of us. What's the difference between you and the ---" Martha started before she was interrupted by Amy's scowl. "I had better just keep my mouth shut."

"Yes you had better," Rose said with a smile. "I understand that you want us safe, but we need to be here to help protect you as well."

River smiled at Rose and pulled her into a hug, "It's quite alright, I'll be back before any of you know it." She flipped a lever down to bring the T.A.R.D.I.S. to a stop and snapped her fingers opening the doors. She saw the look on their faces and felt downhearted with having to tell them to go. She snapped her fingers again after they left and shifted the T.A.R.D.I.S. again to make it move.

Soon it was out of sight as they walked towards Rose's flat. "Well, I guess this is where we part ways," Rose started. "The Doctor will be back soon, I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, I'm sure he'll be back," Amy continued, "I need to get back to Rory so he's not worried."

Martha turned and walked off without saying goodbye. Goodbyes to her were harder when you had gotten close to someone. Amy pulled her back and hugged her, "We'll be together with River again soon, don't you worry about it."

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Martha said sounding depressed.

Rose walked into her flat only to find her mother searching through her things. "Mom! What are you doing here?!"

"Rose Tyler, you just up and leave for a few weeks and not even leave a note on my door. Just because you live alone does not mean you can just leave without telling me!" Jackie said in a shrill voice. Rose sighed and closed the door behind her.

Amy went to her house and found Rory on the phone, frantic saying she was missing. "I'm here," she said walking into their home. Rory dropped the phone and ran up to her, grabbing her hard. "I didn't even have the Doctor to help find you, you think I wasn't worried, I was petrified!" he said all in a busy tither.

Amy sighed hugging him back, "I was just fine, Rory.." She really wanted to go back to River and be with their daughter, but understood that now was not the time.

Martha walked into her place and found it empty. She was empty. They had gone on adventures together and shared times together, had sex together and now she was alone. She didn't want to be, but she really couldn't go elsewhere. She had abandoned the Doctor when he needed her most. Maybe being alone was her punishment. She dropped her keys into the dish by the door and walked into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and realized that the food was spoiled. "But we were only gone a few days," she said to herself.

River leaned against the console and knew that she had to go meet up with her husband to explain a few things. She looked on the monitor to see where in time he was and found him. She adjusted the controls and headed there. She stepped out of the T.A.R.D.I.S. and appeared behind him. "I thought you were on an important mission," she said leaning in behind him to kiss him on the ear.

"I was, wait, how did you know?" he questioned her.

"I..well um..ugh..I have to tell you something and you have to promise not to get mad," she started to explain. He nodded and motioned for her to sit beside him. "I used my machine to get to 2009 and took all your companions on an adventure of our own. They all know each other," she said explaining herself, her words almost getting caught in her throat.

"River, you know that is wrong to do that," he said, his voice becoming somber. "What made you want to do that?"

She looked away feeling ashamed of what she had done, "I don't know. I was just concerned and thought I would need their hel---.." She stopped short of speaking and realized that she was messing up.

"They're help? With what?" He had caught what she was saying before she had stopped herself. He knew her very well and knew when she was messing with him.

"Spoilers, sweetie.." was all she could say with a smile. She got up and made her way back to her machine and stepped in before turning back to see him getting in his.

"Guess I should go back to Amy and get her and Rory for the next trip," he said fixing his bowtie.

"I should get back to finding artifacts," she said, lying of course. "Timelord," she joked..

"Archaeologist," he joked back. "Until next time, my love.."

He nodded and turned to go into his T.A.R.D.I.S., it starting to move, whirring and disappearing. She looked somber knowing that her time would be coming soon and she had to get back to the women before that happened. She had to complete her mission before it was too late.

Rose heard the familiar noise from a T.A.R.D.I.S. and hurried outside to check it out, hoping it was River instead of the Doctor. She opened the door of it and saw him. Her face turned sad and her heart sank. "What's wrong? Looks like you were expecting someone else," he said, standing there dapper with his glasses on. She stepped into the T.A.R.D.I.S., "Oh no, who else would I have been expecting," she said, not letting him know what was going on.

Amy was making dinner for herself and Rory when she saw a T.A.R.D.I.S. appear outside their house. She ran outside to open the door hoping to see her daughter, ready to welcome her with open arms but became sad when she saw it was just her Raggedy Man. "Sorry I'm late, Pond..Had to meet with someone first.." His face was seeing the look on hers and could not reveal that he had actually been with River, or else she would know that he knew.

River sighed and flipped the lever, deciding it was time to go. She slipped on her boots and adjusted the controls to go to Ancient Egypt. "Now to get back to the mission to save my love," she said quietly to herself.

~Next Chapter - Chapter Seven : The Revelation
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