Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Young and Reckless

Chapter 40

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 40

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-11 - Updated: 2006-08-11 - 401 words

Chapter 40

Stacey's POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. "memo to self...never step in between pete's fist and joe's face"

"yeah that's not always a good thing" I stared at pete's reflection in the mirror.

He was leaning against the door way just staring at me. "everything ok now?" I asked turning to face him.

"yeah...I decided that maybe I should let her grow up a little" He said forcing a little smile.

"sit" I said pointing to the closed toliet seat. He gave me a look but did as I said anyways.

I grabbed a wash cloth and ran it under cold water. I gently ran it over the cut on his eyebrow. He caught my wrist in his hand.

"I'm so sorry" he whispered running his thumb lightly over my lip.

"Its harm no faul" I said smiling gently.

"Will you stop that! Damn it! Just yell at me! You're always trying to make everyone else happy but yourself. Just yell at me or something" He finished the last part in a dead whisper.

"Pete there is no sence in yelling at you...for anything...its not your fault you don't feel for me the way I feel for you...I cant help that...but I can help the fact that I do not want a friends with benefits relationship..." I bit my lip as I finished forgetting about the cut. I winced slighty turning away.

The silence grew as I waited for pete to say something.

Patrick's POV

"nice...hotel sercuity was called" I told andy as I sat back down on the couch.

"oh well...atleast its all settled now" he said flipping on the tv. I cant believe this tour. We arent even half way into this tour and the drama has peeked!

"breaks over tomorrow" andy sighed.

"yeah maybe that will be a good thing. Atleast there was less drama when we were on the road"

Andy nodded his head in agreement.

"Hi my loves" Laura said walking out and sitting on Andy's lap. "shhh we cant tell the others" he laughed pulling her close.

"Andy man! You stealing my women?" "sorry dude...cant help that I'm prettier"

I laughed as Andy batted his eyelashes to Joe.

Wow no matter what happens some things never change. And then we heard Pete and stacey fighting... "whose up for round two"
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