Categories > Original > Fantasy > TWHiddleston: Love story

No choice

by PartyPoisen 0 reviews

A trip

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] [V] [?] - Published: 2014-11-05 - 2857 words

Two weeks passed when Lily last seen her mother and step father after they chewed her out which was fine by her cause she was pissed off still. So she took a leave from her internship to relax at home and even avoided Evelyn and all her "friends" as they called themselves. She ignored her phone and had to turn it off cause Andy and her mom paid the bill when she didn't. She had taken her dog, Jack, with her to a separate home that her and ex finance owned but never talked of selling and hid there with food and shitty TV. Since Andy owned the hospital, there was no consequences, that is if he didn't kick her from the program like he threatened. She was watching Grey's anatomy well eating chips and petting her dog when a car pulled up to the house, taking her off guard and making her hop up and grab a bat ready to attack. The house porch squeaked from under the persons feet which was sounding the multiple feet, all heavy, from the sound of it. Knock.

"Lilz, open the door." Her mom's voice rung, a sigh she guessed coming from Andy could be heard.

"Go the fuck away. I give up on school and making everyone else happy so leave me the fuck alone." Lily snapped, yelling at them through the door.

Andy started pounding on the door that was when Jack went crazy trying to get the people upsetting his owner to leave. Lily held the door in place and the hinges started to move and the door slammed down the door. Lily stood back with her arms over her chest, deciding how the hell is she going to get the damn door back up.

"Get the fuck away from my home and leave me the fuck alone. I am not going to back to that shitty lace you call a home so fuck you." She glared.

Then a third person appeared, Thomas, the person who now left her a shiny like scar on her wrist.

"No, We have decided on what we were going to do and it has been decided that you are going to be going to Africa to help with refugees there with my cousin and I and You will not have a choice in this matter if you want to get your medical degree." Andy threatened.

"I am done with medical. I quit so go fuck the pig you call your wife and get her pregnant with your prodigy cause I want nothing to do with the hospital or with you so fuck you and leave already."

They didn't listen as they walked in the room and sat down in her living room to talk to her.

"I said stay out! Get out of my house!" She snapped.

They didn't moved so she grabbed her bag and dog and went to her car and ignored them as she attempted to drive off. She was gonna win but when the car didn't move, she knew she was stranded there with them. Leni came up to the window and tapped on it.

"Lilz, we need to talk."


A week later Lily was on a plane with her step dad and his friend, Thomas. Jack laying next to her on the floor sleeping well on the ride. Even though she was running a high fever, Andy and Thomas made her hop on the plane any way. Leni came along too for the beginning of her daughter's time away even though Lily had not said a thing since she was literally dragged, kicking and screaming about getting the traveling shots. It took them forever to do them with her struggling but soon she was down for the count after a little cocktail of Thorazine and Valium to calm her down.

"You are going to love it Lilz. There is so many kids there for you to care for and you are going to have a great time." Andy tried.

Lily ignored him, hugging her dog to her well he snores in her face. Leni stared down at her daughter, trying not to rant about the unsanitary floor. Lily had been coughing the whole time and had gone through a box of tissue all well trying not to puke again.

"Okay enough Lily. You're either going to cooperate and take something for adverse reactions you're having or I will give you something against your will. What will it be?" Thomas asked.

She flipped him off and continued to cough into her dogs chest.

Thomas rolled his eyes and walked away from them to another part of the plane well Leni just shook her head at her daughter, hugging a dog who looked just as miserable.

"Lilz, you're sick and need to be checked out. Please stopped this nonsense and take something sweetheart.

"Leave me the Fuck alone." She snapped, wiping her nose again.

"You're acting retarded Lilz. They are.........."

"Technically kidnapping me!" Lily snapped.

She went into a coughing fit and started wheezing from lack of air. Andy grabbed a mini trash can and held it for her well she coughed up a lung. Thomas came back in the room looking mad but put what he had down and helped Andy hold Lily up and pat her back till she stopped from the coughing fit and could only gasp for air well grabbing onto Andy for comfort as he rubbed her back. Thomas took that time to get the things he put down and walked over to them and sat next to Lily.

"Easy way or hard way?" He asked.

She weakly looked at him and just sighed, leaning into Andy trying to breath still but it got hard again with her fear of needles kicking in. Andy pulled her face deeper into his neck and continued to rub her back.

"Needle phobia?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, you think the traveling shots were bad, trying having two of them and having them get a scalpel and slicing away at anyone who gets near them." Andy chuckled, resting his head on Lily`s head as his cousin wiped Lily`s upper arm with a alcohol pad and jabbed the needle into her arm, earning a whimper from Lily.

"There sweetheart. All done." Thomas told her, bandaging her arm.

"I wanna go home." She whined, not moving beyond hugging onto Andy as he picked her up and sat back in his seat.

"First doing good deeds."

"I hate doing good deeds. I would rather be at home sleeping and eating popcorn or something greasy."


The plane ride had long ended and Lily had been been long asleep by then from the ambien Andy had basically forced down her throat when he realized she had been awake for three days straight so she was long asleep when they landed and needed to be carried off the plane. As she was carried off, she slightly woke up and noticed Thomas carrying her and talking to someone else as he did so. As she did was cuddle into him and and fell back asleep against his neck, taking in his scent like ether. She woke back up, feeling even more sicker than before and didn't have the energy to get up from bed but she really had to pee so she did all she knew she could so unburied her face from the pillow and weakly called out.

"Mum! Mum!! Mummy!!!!" She sparsely called out.

Heavy footsteps rung out of the room and instead of her mum, in came Thomas in all his glory as she stride over to her and stopped just by her bed and felt her forehead.

"Still have a fever. I know you feel like shit but you feeling any better from earlier?" He asked, walking over to a cabinet and pulling it open but that was all she seen as she laid her face deeper in the pillow and exhaled on exhaustion.

"Just peachy. Where's my mother to take care of me?" She replied sarcastically, sneezing.

"She is out with your stepfather playing with the kids of the camp." He replied.

"Why are you here then?" She asked, yawning and rubbing her eyes before sneezing again.

"Someone needs to take care of you." He argued back.

"My mum is capable." She resorted, cuddling into the bed. "Is there any way of finding her cause I am cold and want a cuddle." She sneezed again this time going into a fit.

"No. There is not cell phones out here and she is out in a field so she is not near a land line to get a hold of her on so you are stuck with me and with you asleep for the last three days..." He started.
"Three days!?!" She hoarsely asked.

"You have had a fever for four days and you need to rest. Three days you have not woken up and if you weren't so sick, you would notice the iv in your arm."

She looked down at her arm and noticed the needle on her forearm and her and immediately her breathing became hoarse. Long forgetting she had to pee.

"Get it out. No no no!" She cried out, trying to weakly pull it out if her arm and getting frustrated when he stopped her.

He already had run over to her before she had grabbed the iv and held her arms down, waiting for her to calm down enough to look at him with fear in her eyes as the tears threatened to leak.

"Shhhhh, don't look at it. Let me get something for you to help." He told her, not breaking eye contact with her.

She whimpered, still scared of the needle in her arm and tried not to grab at it as he walk away away, keeping eye contact.

"I want it out." She whined.

He rushed off, not taking his eyes off of her as prepped the valium and walked over to her and pumped the medication through her veins through the IV. He held her hands as she shook in anxiety and finally realized why she had acted the way she did at his home and realized it was from anxiety of needles. Her anxiety got the best of her and tried to pull her hands away and pull the IV out but Thomas grabbed her hands and held them in place till he was sure the valium had done its effect and she calmed down. She sighed deeply before looking at him.

"I'm sorry for attacking you when you let me in your home and when I refused to calm down or sit down. I know you were just trying to help and I was being irrational and over reacting." She told him, sneezing.

"Don't worry about it. You hurt nothing but yourself sweetheart. Now we don't have anything through the iv for the fever so for now, hyperdermicly is the only way." He explained.

"I can heal on my own so no thanks." She replied, already trying to scoot back when she seen the needle already ready.

"Not a option and you know you're weak so you won't have much of a fight in you and I can over power you. So easy way or hard way?" He asked.

Her eyes watered and she tried to become smaller in the bed.

"I hate needles. Get my mum. I want my mum....." She whined out, weakly scooting back when he shook his head at her.

"Thomas! We're back!" Andy called out.

"I'll be back but you need to get the fever under control." He told her, getting up and walking off.

As soon as he left the room, Lily weakly got up and kept the thin blanket wrapped around and walked to the door he went through. It was cold she thought but judging by what he was wearing, it was hot out. She heard her mum and step dad talking to Thomas from the hall and her name was mentioned few times. She couldn't go far with the IV line connected to her.

She was to exhausted leaning on the wall that she didn't hear them coming toward her and stopping right there in front of her till Thomas pulled her toward the room and helped her stand up straight. She grabbed onto him as she went light headed. He helped her to sit on the bed and immediately Leni pulled her daughter toward her and hugged her to her.

"I wanna go home and I really gotta pee." Lily whined.

"It has been agreed you are staying here Lilz. You're gonna love it once you are better. The kids are great and so sweet. I am going to stay here longer with you all." She told her, helping her daughter back up and helping her toward a rest room to use.

Lily would be horrified if this was any other situation but she needed to pee and her mum was her only help.

"I wanna go home. I didn't wanna come here and you know it." Lily told her, washing her hands and walking back to the room with her mum.

"Lilz, you need need something for the fever and we have no Tylenol." Andy commented.

"I can heal myself! I don't need nothing. I'm a hippie and hippies don't do this." She weakly held up her IV`d arm.

"Not here you're not so you can do one of two things and those are let us heal you or I will hold you down and you will be given something for the fever then sedated till the fever breaks. There is a hospital here and it is just as stocked as the ones in London." He warned.

"Then give me Tylenol or aspirin or Motrin!" She cried out as her arm was grabbed.

The fight began, as Andy pulled her away from her mother and held her to the bed by her wrists. He laid across her stomach, holding her arms at her side we'll she screamed and cried. Thomas was already got to work with the syringe he already had ready and cleaned her upper arm that he now had tucked over his lap and was secured as he plunged the needle into her arm muscle and pumped the medication. They didn't let her go even then as she continued to struggle and cry weakly.


A week straight the fever kept and Leni was tempted to take her home but Andy refused and held her passport. Lily still went outside at night and sat the water edge of small dirty river. She learned that they were at the out skirts of city where there were kids homeless. She sat at the edge of the water as it ran over her feet, and was wrapped in a blanket. Her mum was in town with Andy and Thomas for a meeting. It was cooler out now so she decided to go out before they got back to the place. Jack was playing around in the dirt with another dog that was wild but came around when Jack started to follow her mum around. Lily stayed outside for a while that she did not realize that it was getting dark.

"Lilz? Come inside." Thomas told her, walking over.

"No. I like it out here better. It feels good to be in the breeze."

"That is nice...but there are people who will rape you or murder you or even do both, not in that order mind you." He told her, sitting next to her. Next dose of the fever reducer in his hand.

"When you are you ordering the oral fever reducer?" She asked, looking up at him.

"They should be in within the next two days. Come here." He told her, reaching over to her. " "Lap." He told her.

It was now a rule that we'll she was sick and needed to have anything injected, it would be over a bed, table or lap depending on where they are.

"No." She whined, already crawling over.

He ignored her and lifted her blanket to expose her upper arm. Despite being on his lap, she kept her back to his chest and sat on her hands well he lifted his legs up around her to hold her in place.

"I hate this." She told him.

"Head to the right sweetheart. Left arm now."

He wiped her arm and waited for it to dry before jabbing her arm and tighted his legs when she jumped and started to move.

"Hold still." He ordered, pulling the needle out.

"Why do you care?" She asked, leaning on him now and letting him rub her arm.

"Andy is family which makes you family."

"You hurt me on a daily basis."

"But it's for your own good sweetheart." He told her, getting up and pulling her along.

"It has not helped in a week. I should just kill myself, shit would be easier."

"Talk like that again and we WILL go back to England and you will be put a 5150 young lady." He snapped.
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