Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My Dirty Little Secret

New Chapters?

by BleedingValentine 4 reviews

Notice fo you guys

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2014-11-06 - 128 words


If I were to tell you guys that I was going to start updating this again, who'd be excited? Because I wanna start updating it again.

My writing's evolved since this was last updated, and I've grown as a person, so this WILL take a different turn from what it used to be. I have some interesting ideas to spice this story up and to make it not your average every other fic.

And I know, reading about MCR since they broke probably isn't at the top of your lists, but hey, I was reading this earlier and I laughed like hell! So.

Please leave me a comment if you think I should continue to write this! I might finish off my other fics too.

Rachel xx
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