Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 2 reviews

Gerard and Helena talk about what to do with George.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2014-11-07 - 981 words

Helena, Gerard, Bob, and Frank were walking down the road back to the house, slightly cleaned up from the bloodbath at the McCormick house. Helena held George in her arms. George remained silent except for an occasional sniffle and a small choked sob. Tears trickle down his face and held Pengy Tightly.
Helena peered into Gerard's thoughts and saw nothing but misery, sadness, disorinate, and many other bad feelings that she was sure that George couldn't name just yet.
George is now a orphan.
Helena turned her head to Gerard quietly.
"We'll talk when we get home," Gerard said in a low voice. "Let's let George get some sleep."

The five finally reached home and Gerard turned to Frank and Bob, "Take George into the guest room next to the drawing room. Get him to sleep."
"Yes," They both said.
Bob took George from Helena's arms. George cried and reached for her, "Helly"
"It's okay, George," Helena reassured him in a soft caring voice. "They won't hurt you."
They took the crying George out of the room. Gerard gently grabbed Helena's hand and guided her to the living room. They both sat down on the couch and Gerard took both of Helena's hands into his.
"Talk," said Gerard. "You've been wanting to since we left."
Helena rubbed her thumb over the skin of Gerard's hand, "Why would those freaks kill an innocent family just like that?"
"We were no different from them back in the old days," said Gerard. "We have rules and regulations now. But back then, we used to bleed them dry and I mean anyone. Even children. It's only the vampric freaks and the time-stuck vampires sticking to the old rules now."
Helena felt a wave of disgust wash over her. There were still vampires out there that bled children. She thought about George again.
"What are we going to do with George?" Helena asked in a woried tone.
Gerard shrugged, "Have Frank take him to the police tomorrow morning."
"The police would just send him to an orphanage!" Helena protested.
"Not if he has family," Gerard argued.
Helena shook her head in regret, "I took the liberty of looking into George's memory banks and found out that he has an elderly aunt...and she hasn't spoken to them since George's mother married his dad. Family politics."
Gerard threw his hand in speculation, "The kid's four. How would he know about that?"
"Just because he's a toddler doesn't mean he's not smart," Helena retorted. "Look, the point is we can't take him to his aunt."
"If not his aunt or the police, then who?" Gerard asked suspeciously.
Helena said nothing, only staring into Gerard's eyes almost pleadingly. Gerard only blinked.
Then it came to him. What her stare meant. It hit him like a bolt of thunder.
"No," Gerard said instantly. "We can't take him."
"Why not?" she asked him.
Gerard took his hands away from hers, got off the couch, and went over to the window. "Because we're vampires. Not caretakers."
"Gerard," Helena said in a pleading voice.
"Helena," Gerard turned to her, eyes serious. "I know you care about the kid and nobody says you shouldn't. But he doesn't belong with us. You saw the fear in his eyes when those freaks tried to kill him. What makes you think that he'll want to stay here with a bunch of monsters?"
"Because he's not afraid of me," said Helena, standing up and walked over to him. "He knows I won't hurt him and if he sees me around you guys, he won't be afraid of you either. He'll know that not all vampires want to eat him."
"Nice thought," Gerard scoffed. "But I doubt he'll think that now."
Helena crossed her arms, "Glad my opinion doesn't matter here."
Gerard sighed and went over to her, "It does matter. But think about it. What do we know about bringing up a toddler? Neither one of us had or will ever have children."
"We can learn!" Helena cried. "Look, I understand you think we should just give George to the police and his aunt, but they won't care about him!" He'll just be another orphan to the police and his aunt will treat him like shit!"
Tears welled up in her eyes, "I don't want him to think that nobody wants him. He needs to be loved and needed! He derserves a family that loves him! I-I..." Helena stopped speaking so she could wipe her weeping eyes. She hated yelling at Gerard and being this weak in front of him, but he was being unreasonable.
Gerard watched her cry. He hated seeing her like this. He didn't know that she felt so strongly about this. He closed his eyes for a minute and then opened them. He placed his hands on her face, using his thumb to wipe off a sliding tear. Helena's eyes were open but she didn't look at him.
"I'll give you one month," he said softly.
Helena looked at Gerard, eyes red and puffy but surprised. "What?"
"He'll stay here for a month," he reinstated. "If he's still afraid of us by that time, we take him to the police. No questions, no protests. I'll "slip" an idea into their heads about giving him to a childless couple I know near Redeemer Road. Agreed?"
Helena nodded, smiling, "Thank you."
"Well, you pushed my box office appeal," he told her. "You're right. He doesn't have to be afraid of us. But I'm placing you responsible for him, since he already seems to trust you."
Helena didn't say anything. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, "I love you. I really do."
"Yeah, yeah. I'm awesome," Gerard said with a smirk and kissed her with more fierce.

A/N: George and Helena are in the next chapter and Frank too. More soon.
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