Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 1 review

Helena calms a saddened George and Frank admits his love for her

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Horror,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2014-11-12 - 1444 words

An hour passed when Gerard decided to head upstairs and do some research on the vampric freaks. Helena stayed downstairs to make sure that George was sleeping. When she sensed that he was still awake, she decided to go to the guest room where he was staying.
Bob stood by the door but Frank was nowhere to be found. Helena approached him, "Where's Frank?"
Bob sighed and shook his head, "Hell if I know. He took off as soon as Gerard was heading upstairs."
Helena nodded, "Well, I can watch over George."
Bob raised his eyebrows, "You sure?"
Helena smiled and let out a little laugh, "Yeah. George's my resposibility. I should be watching him."
Bob shrugged and moved from his place by the door, "Okay. I better go find Frank anyway."
He walked away and Helena quietly opened the door and slipped into the room. The room was dark and a bit drafty. She saw that the window was open a little and went over to close it. She turned to the bed and the back of George's head was facing her. He's not asleep, Helena thought. Then again, who can sleep after everything that's happened?
She tiptoed towards the bed and sat down on the side of the bed. She reached her hand out and stroked his golden wheat hair, "George."
George slowly turned himself around to face her. His brown eyes were red and stinging with tears. His nose was running a little and his round face looked crumbled. "Hi, Helly," he said in a choked voice.
"How are you doing?" she asked.
"I-I..." George tried to say before he started to cry again. He started low and then went into a howl, "I want my mommy!"
He threw his small arms around Helena's waist and cried into her shirt. "Mommy used to play with me and Pengy, a-and t-tucked me in at night, a-and read me s-stories..." George managed to say while he cried harder into her shirt, causing a wet spot.
Helena didn't mind it. She hugged him tight while he continued to sob. For a moment, the memory of her mother entered her mind. She hasn't seen her mother since she was taken by Gerard. The thought of telling her mother about what happened to her that night and what she has become frightened her.
Then she thought about how those freaky fanged fuckers killed not only George's mother but his father too. She never felt so much rage in her entire existence.
She finally snapped out of her thoughts and looked down at the crying child beside her. "George," she said to get his attention.
George looked up at her, nose sniffling.
Helena picked him up and had him sat on her lap, "George, I want you to listen to me. I don't want you to be afraid of me or any of the people that live in this house. There are vampires, George. Vampires are very real and there are some who want to hurt you. But there are some vampires who just want to live peacefully. Me and the people who live in this house are those kind of vampires. You don't to be afraid of us. We won't hurt you and we can protect you from the other vampires. You're safe here. Do you understand?"
George nodded slowly and wiped his eyes.
Helena smiled at him and then helped him back into bed, "Don't worry. You don't have to change anything. Frank can watch you."
"Who's Frank?" George asked.
"He's the boy with the black hair and the tattoos that was with me tonight," she said. "He can walk in the daylight. He's not a vampire." He's a ghoul, her mind said. But it's best to keep that part a secret for now.
She tucked him in, "You'll be staying with us, George. We'll be your family."
George smiled for the first time since this hell night began, "Thank you, Helly." He shifted a little, "Um, Helly?"
"Would you tell me a story?"
Helena smiled sweetly and began to tell him the story of the three little pigs, thankful that George is safe and feeling a little better.

When George was finally asleep, Helena snuck out of the room and went out to the porch. She leaned over the wooden railing and looked out onto the grassy field. The nightwind blows gently through the tall grass in the field. She felt her long dark hair billowing a little in the wind.
"Hey Helena," a voice greeted but startled her.
Helena looked and there was Frank standing in the walk path to the house. He walked up the steps and went over to her, "How the kid?"
"Asleep. Finally," she said. "Bob's looking for you."
"I know," he said with a grin. "I've been having fun hiding from him."
Helena snickered. Frank smiled, "A smile. Haven't seen that since the party before it got ruined by Sloane's bloody message."
Helena let out a small bitter laugh, "Some un-birthday party, huh?" Then she shook her head, "This whole night's been a living hell."
"As much as I hate to say it, but I feel sorry for Gerard."
"Crazy fiancee back in town, vampric freaks running about, all that stuff."
Helena nodded in agreement.
Frank flashed a knowing smile, "And now I have to play babysitter during the day."
Helena blushed, "I'm sorry about that. It's just that-"
"Don't worry about it," Frank waved off her worry. "If you didn't volunteer me, Gerard would've ordered me to."
Helena knew that to be true. The wind started to pick up. Helena started to shiver. Frank came over behind her and wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm. She sighed in his arms. Then she turned her head to Frank, a question plagued her. "Frank, have you ever thought about your family?"
"All the time," he said solumnly. "Especially their deaths. So I sympathize with the kid."
Helena swallowed hard. She forgot for a moment that Frank told her that his family was killed. By Gerard. She felt a twinge of guilt.
"What about your family?" asked Frank.
"My dad bailed out on us when I was seven, so it's just my mom and me," she said. "I haven't seen her since Gerard brought me here."
"So why don't you go and see her?" Frank suggested. "I'm sure Gerard wouldn't mind if you visit her."
"What would I say to her?"
"I don't know. 'Hi, Mom. I'm a vampire and I'm married to my master'?"
"Yeah, that'll go over well," Helena giggled. "But really, what?"
Frank came closer, "If she's your mom, she'll understand and still love you."
Helena understood that and sighed, "Great. Now I'm depressed again."
"Here," said Frank, turning her around and leaning in towards her lips. "Let me cheer you up."
He places a gentle kiss on her lips and Helena kissed him back softly. Then she gently pushed him off.
"Frank, we can't," she said softly.
"Helena," he said, touching her cheek while his arm was still wrapped around her. "I know you think I'm just playing with you...but I have feelings for you. Real feelings."
"Frank," Helena was surprised.
"It's more than that," he said. "It's something very real and I know I'll be killed for it eventually but I don't care."
"What are you trying to say?" Helena asked, even though she knew exactly what he was saying and it was too much for her to handle.
"I love you, Helena," Frank confessed to her. "I love you so much...and I can never have you."
He leaned in and kissed her again. Helena surrendered herself to him and ran her hands through his hair. She tilted her head a little so she can kiss in another angle. She couldn't believe it. Frank told her that he loves her and she knows that he meant it. As much as she didn't want to admit it, but she has feelings for him too.
They finally pulled apart. Frank still held Helena in his arms.
"Frank..." Helena panted as she touched his lips were her fingertips.
"Shh," said Frank, pressing his lips to her fingertips in a tender kiss. "Let's just enjoy what's left of tonight. We can talk seriously tomorrow."
Helena nodded once and Frank ran his hand up her back. She rested her head on his shoulder and he kissed her hair.
Neither one of them was aware that a set of deep jade eyes were watching their every move.

A/N: Wow, a love confession. Who's watching them? We'll find out in the next chapter.
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