Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart

chapter 11

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 11

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-13 - 812 words

Chapter 11

Stacey's POV

He kicked the door shut, taking me to the bed and sitting me on it, before leaning down kissing me. Sure I had wanted to kiss him since I saw him again and everyday that i was gone, but this... this wasnt the reason I wanted to be kissed, and espically not this way. I turned away from his kisses, he sighed. "What's wrong?"
"As amazing as kissing you is, and the amazing thing im sure this would lead to, I have to stop, you've been shocked with two major life changing things, I dont wanna be used to make this fade.. cause once this is all over tomorrow morning, you'll still have to deal with it,"
"i could careless about making anything fade... I just want your lips touching mine,"
"You care the world about making this all fade for the past fews monthes you thought you were gonna be a father, you changed yourself to make that happen, and then it was ripped right from under you, and now Laura..." I stopped thinking for a moment, "MOVE!" I pushed him yelling, I shouldnt have left her alone, fuck. I thought to myself. I pushed the bedroom door open seeing her no longer in the bed. I walked into the room quietly, I heard her sobs from the bathroom.
"Stacey whats your problem?" Pete walked into the room being loud.
"Fuck," I heard her mumble. I walked standing in front of the bathroom, she sat on the floor, holding her hand. She looked up sobbing. I quickly ran over, now seeing the blood on her hand.
"Are you out of your mind??!" I yelled at her, as Pete walked over.
"He hates me, Stacey, he hates me, I didnt tell him about her, and then I lost her, and now he hates me... I dont want him to hate me, I cant take him hating me," she cried, I grabbed the towel that lay on the bar, moving her one hand wiping it with the towel. This cut didnt was luckly only an accident, or if not it wasnt anything serious, just a little pressure and it would stop, "and my brother, god Pete probably hates me..." I felt a tap on my shoulder.
"Let me take over," he mumbled.
"just make sure you keep pressure on it, Im gonna go look for..."
"Yeah okay," Pete took Laura's arm putting pressure on it.

Pete's POV

She was crushed into nothing but a puddle on the floor. "You hate me now dont you?" she choked out.
"No, no I dont, I could never hate you, your my sister,"
"Joe hates me now, I ruined everything with him,"
"No, hes just trying to deal with this all, just as the rest of us are, you shoulda said something when you first found out,"
"But then I wouldnt get to be here, being all dramatic, and loosing my head..."
"Well dont loose it, its gonna be okay,"
"Everytime I look at him I wonder if she would have looked like him, or me or a good mix of the two..."
"She would have been adorable," I looked up at her using my free hand to wipe her hair out of her face, and to wipe the tears from her eyes.
"I watched myself fall, just as its happening now, and I scream on the inside trying to make it stop, but it doesnt work..."
"Your not falling, its gonna be fine, Joe is gonna think, and hes gonna come back here and the three of us are gonna talk, and you two will be fine, right now though you need to sleep," I stood picking her up off the ground walking her over to the bed.
"You should hate me.. not bein taken care of me,"
"You do, will, and would have taken care of me if it was reversed, just doing what big brothers are suppose to," I scooted close putting my one arm under her head, covering her up, "Just try and relax, and in the morning it'll be calmer, okay?" I looked down seeing her eyes closed.

Stacey's POV

"Did you get your sick laugh out of this?" I walked out side still looking for Joe.
"She was warned, she pushed it," Jess rocked back and forth in the rocking chair that sat on the porch.
"She deserved to have her world flipped upside down?... but just think to, shes not the only one you just crushed to a million pieces..."
"Well it just happen to fit that way, If you're looking for Joe, he walked that way, it was pretty funny to, he was talking to himself, and i think i might have even seen a tear..." Jess smirked. I tried to ignore her, I had to find Joe.

last update for tonight...until tomorrow my loves
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