Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

Sloane and the vampires are gonna party

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-11-22 - 351 words

The nighttime moon was high up in the sky like an orb latern. The small church was lit with flickering candles.
Inside, everyone went right to work. Hayley was gathering all of the crucfixes she could find. Brandon was packing a bag full of blood packets just in case of any injuries. Tre and Mike were packing up their weapons.
Billie Joe was sharping pencil-sized wooden stakes with a pocket knife. They're for the small crossbow he'll be carrying.
Ville was looking out of the broken stained glass window. Billie Joe came over to him and cleared out his throat, "Ville, we're ready to go."
Ville nodded, "You all head over there. You know what to do. I'll be there momentary."
"What are you going to do?" asked Billie Joe.
Ville turned to him and smiled, "I'm going to have Helena come to me."
Billie Joe didn't know what to make of that comment but he gave a whistle to the others, "All right! Let's go party like a bunch of fuckin' animals!"

Down by Redeemer Road, Sloane was standing by the crossroad sign to Ophelia's Field with Niccolo and two other vampiric freaks.
"Tonight's the night, eh?" Niccolo gushed. "Helena's gonna be my own little sex pot!"
Sloane secretly rolled her eyes, "Do you guys know what to do?"
Niccolo nodded quickly, "We enter Ophelia's Field quietly and bust into the house. My boys will distract the others while you and I grab Gerard and Helena."
"Exactly!" Sloane smiled at them while thinking Only that's not how it's gonna go down.
She motioned them to follow her, "This is it, boys. You're going to become full fledged vampires after tonight. After all, there are two other female vampires" She said the last sentence to the other freaks who were drooling with anticipation.
They headed down the road to Ophelia's Field with evil grins on their faces.

The residents of Ophelia's Field and Masque's Hall only had one hour until Hell comes to Earth.

A/N: It's a short chapter this time but the next one's longer. Next update's soon.
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