Categories > TV > Supernatural > Burn it to the ground.

Here I AM

by LostInWonderLand13 0 reviews

"Come on Dean, they don`t bite!”

Category: Supernatural - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2014-11-26 - 1062 words

Think of a young bright eyed boy with a cheeky grin and scraped up knees. The kind of kid that worked hard in school, all of his teachers simply doted on him and he was loved by all of his classmates. That was me. No joke. I lived my parents, who I practically worshiped, dad in particular, in a three bedroom semi dethatched house in the middle of friendly neighbourhood. Mom and dad took it in turns picking me up from school and afterschool sports clubs, I was off round at my best friend`s house every Tuesday and on Thursday she came to us for dinner and swimming lessons.
I adored my Mother, she was kind and gave the best hugs. The kind of hugs that warm you up from the inside and make you feel all snuggly and warm. I loved my mom, but my dad was always the one I was closest to. He was my hero. Most kids my age would have said Batman was theirs, and while he was awesome, he didn`t hold a candle to my daddy.

Most weekends were spent holed up at his garage, reading car magazines, or rather, looking at the pictures, helping him clean up the shop at the end of the day and sometimes, if I was lucky, he would even let me help him out as he worked on his own car. A beautiful 1967 Chevy Impala with shiny black paintwork. All in all, a pretty badass work of art. It was going to be all mine one day, so I had to learn to treat her good, he would tell me with a great big grin on his face. I couldn`t be happier. Yeah, he was a doofus, but back then I didn`t care. He was a doofus, he was goofy and always covered in some kind of oily stain, but he was my doofus. My hero. I was the luckiest kid in the world and I didn`t even know it, but somewhere an unseen clock was ticking, counting down to the crash.

He just left me. Not one word, just a poxy little note and poof! Gone.
Well that was just fine. I didn`t care. I don`t care. I don`t need him, not anymore. I didn`t need him when I was sent off to live with grouchy old Granddad, or when mom started working late all the time or when Lisa thought she was pregnant (and thankfully wasn`t!) I didn`t need him then, and I certainly don`t need him now. I`m doing just fine without him, Okay, well maybe not fine, but I`m getting by.

The drive back from the airport is pure hell on wheels. I had to bite back a smile when he slung my bags in the trunk of the Impala. She hadn`t aged a day, still as beautiful as when I last saw her. I wonder briefly if he had promised her one of his other two sprogs. He and his new tart had two children, Sam and Adam. I wonder if he finally got that big garage he was always talking about, if he had a great big crew working under him.

“The house isn`t too far,” he say cheerfully, trying to meet my eye. “Over an hour away yet though.”

I continue to stare straight ahead, watching the scenery go past. Or not, seeing as we were stuck in a seemingly never ending traffic jam.

“Least it will give us a chance to chat, huh?” he smiles hopefully, the same smile from long ago and I feel sick again, heart suddenly deciding to do all kinds of acrobatic flips and twists in my chest.

Eventually the worst of the congestion clear and we are heading out of the city. Norwich I think it was called. Weird name. We reach the outskirts of the bustling city and drive down a much quieter country road decorated with quaint little cottages, each with a colourful hanging basket of flowers swinging by their front doors. Bored, and with my behind going numb from all the sitting, I turn my IPod up a little louder and read the street signs as we drive leisurely past. Penny Lane, Church Lane, Sycamore Crescent who the hell comes up with these?

“Kate, Sam and Adam are all really looking forward to meeting you, ya know? Sam is the oldest, well he and Adam insisted wed decorate the house to celebrate.”

Oh how sweet. It was really, but I quickly push that reluctant admission from my mind, once again focusing on the bizarre street names.

He sighs and runs a rough hand through his greying tangle of dark hair. “You`re going to have to talk to me sometime you know, kid, maybe as well be now.”
I almost bite out “Oh yeah? Want to bet?” but thankfully stop myself in time.
“So what do toy want to talk about?” He asks casually, to damn casualty for someone who I had not had any contact from since I was twelve. “Now would be a great time to chat and catch up, before you meet the others.”
Okay, here is a nice catch up chat, right? Fuck off and die. I think it, but don`t say it. I just didn`t have the energy to argue right now.
“It`s a lovely house, about fifteen minutes away from the ocean.” He tells me and I yawn to show how much I cared.

The car grinds to a halt in front of a picturesque red bricked house. Rainbow, half circle flowerbeds and potted plants fill up a good portion of the garden, and a squeaky old swing set sways lazily in the early summer breeze in the far corner. A neatly trimmed, lush green lawn complete with a large fish pond lad up to the impressive front porch, where -gulp- a group of three people were sat waiting, ready to pounce.
The traitor empties the trunk of my belongings and carries them up to the door placing them down just long enough to embrace the woman and the two other young boys.
“Come on Dean, they don`t bite!” John calls back to me laughing, as he places my bags inside.
Too bad I think, because I do.
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