Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forever Trying to Find you


by JessieIero 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2014-11-28 - 313 words - Complete

04/09/2000 - 6:33pm

Dear Gerard,
Happy Birthday, I'm sorry I haven't written in so long.
It's – It's been hard, you know, living without you. I had a breakdown, and they put me under a 72 hour psychiatric watch. That's where I'm writing this from, I was so lucky to even get a pencil and paper. They're watching me like a hawk with it though. I broke Pansy, I was playing her in my room for the first time in so long, it had been 189 days, which was one day before you left me. I still can't say it, I can't say that you – left me.
You would have been 22 today. Whatever happened to SVA Gee, you were gonna go there and be a famous comic artist, and I was going to go to Rutgers and maybe major in literature, I could have been a great school teacher, you know I love kids. Or I could have done something with my music. We both could have soared.
I finish Senior year soon, and I'm supposed to be applying for colleges but I don't really wanna do something when you're not here to support me in my decision.
Anyway, I smashed Pansy up, she's a mess. I think there is still pieces of her around my room.
Mom is scared that I'm gonna go do what you did. She thinks I can't handle it, but I can. I think.
I've managed to last six months without you by my side.
You really were everything to me Gerard, you still are.
I'm getting out of here soon, and I'll come visit you. I'll talk to you like we used to, but god I wish I could hold you like I used to.
They are taking this off me now, the nurse said I can get it back when I'm discharged though.

I miss you so much,
Frankie xx
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