Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Hitsugaya Clan

Hitsugaya Clan

by Amber96Anime0 0 reviews

Toshiro Hitsugaya, of the Hitsugaya Clan who are known for their Legendary skills and ancient powers.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Kakashi,Naruto - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-12-03 - Updated: 2014-12-03 - 534 words



It had been a night... or rather one of those nights, that had me curled up in my bed that stormy night, I'd had a bad feeling, I knew something was off...... something was coming and I could feel it in my bones.

At the time, I was too scared and too weak,

as lightening struck I heard thousands of screams high pitched and echo-ing through out the village.

Then there were the voices, I could hear the village men in battle, the frightning war cries,

a stray kunai crashed through my window shattering the glass as shards landed on my bed, I was wake - I'd been awake all night, I hadn't even tried to close my eyes once, I sat up from my bed as I stared at the weapon lodged into the far wall, I stood up and walked over to see it covered in fresh blood - my eyes widened but not in shock......

for there was nothing shocking about this as sad as that may seem, what shocked me was the prescense I'd felt coming from the faint aura of chakra.......

It was familiar to me.......

but the prescence was so low that it was a wonder I'd noticed it at all.......

this particular scent of blood and this particular aura couldn't ever be mistaken for anyone else.......

My Father's.

Thunder struck, and only now was my surprise transformed into shock, I dislodged the blood-stained weapon from its hole in the wall and wraped it in a piece of cloth, I closed my eyes and held it close - This time the Monster struck too close to home,

I know why they battle,

I know why the men fight,

I know the reason why Mother cries,

Why the villagers look to me in hatetred and scorn,

why the children refuse to play with me.......

its always been clearly known to me,

yet there's nothing I can do to stop this.

Tears fall from my face as I remember the horror of these things......

I got dressed and gathered my weapons, I tied back my long brown hair and wore my Mother's favorite earrings, I took my Father's cloak with a hood along with his old sword,

It shimmered as I shone it to the full moon's light,

I sighed,

The Full Moon the main source of our ancient powers, what gives our people the courage and streangth to fight against the Beast! I placed it in the sheath and took my Head-protector with the Silver slate revealing the symbol of our people etched into its mane.

The Symbol of The Full Moon's Rise,

I placed around my head and stared into the nearby mirror, I took a breath, I am of proper age for at the strike of Midnight will be the time, to protect this village and all its remaining people I'd be willing to bear this Curse.

As I left my room I took one last look, the only items with me were the things I wore and a small sack filled with what I needed and old memories. As I left I said to myself clearly...

This is the path of the Hitsugaya's Clan.
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