Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Hitsugaya Clan

Ch.1 Daughter of Destiny

by Amber96Anime0 0 reviews

Toshiro is on her own in the forest when she comes across trouble. How will she handle it?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Naruto,Kakashi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-12-03 - 2801 words

Toshiro's POV

Its been over 2 weeks since the time I left my home land,

my parents had always prayed this day would never come...

though in retrospect I'm pretty sure that this was always how it was going to be.

After that night everything changed......

I can't go back now, I can never go back

not after all the effort my people had put into these past 7 years.

They managed to keep me safe for most of my years but sooner or later this was going to happen - Honestly we had no say in the matter at all... and I Hate that fact, I tried to help fight "It" off but to no avail the monster was too strong.

Why? Why did this have to happen? Why now? why again after 7 years?

It doesn't make any sense

Sighing to myself

but sill I can't help but wonder. If there had been anything that could of helped change our Fate... could we of been able to use it?

I stare st the sky, the sun will be setting soon better find a place to sleep for the night.

Flashback ~

As I stepped outside the house I was met by a familiar sight, for this tends to happen to our village quite more often than any had in mind.

The night was cold as a breeze brushed through rapidly, I walked along the patches of grass that haven't already been set a flame, the villagers young and old ran right past me in every possible direction, the regular residents screamed and ran for cover while the more prepared residents took up their arm's to fight this loosing battle,

as I looked around parts of almost every roof top was a blaze, blood and gore stained the earth, I stared up at the now Full Moon and took in the powers it would grant,

it was closing into Midnight and after that all would be calm,

I suppose I too should of been shivering in my boots but to even my own surprise I wasn't phased in the slightest

(by now you may already think that I'm cold-heart-ed I wouldn't be surprised by that concept either.)

I heard the deafening roar the the frantic beast it was so loud the earth itself seemed to crumble and shake at the sound of its mighty cries.

I wish I could hate it

I honestly do

but for some strange reason I never could, in fact instead of blocking my ears while it howled I began to feel tears streaming down my face.

I understood

I knew what it wanted most

I'd swear I was insane for such thoughts - The villagers on the other hand seem to already think so. It would be hard to explain, so I'll try the best I can...

This beast was a Jinchuuriki and I was its other half.

Toshiro's POV

I suddenly woke from my dream, my heart now racing I took multiple breaths before I could calm down.

Ever since I left I've been having these Nightmares.....

though they were more like my own memories haunting me.

I took in my surroundings, I was still in the forest where I had stopped to rest.

looking at the moon which wasn't full tonight I sighed as I wished it had been, because maybe then I'd get a clue as to how the village would manage.

I stood from my spot near the tree and gathered my things for now I was much too awake for anymore sleep,

I walked on for what felt like miles until I heard the sounds of a small river or was it a stream?

I looked at my reflection as a faint light shinned onto it, and couldn't help but laugh at myself,

I looked ridiculous!

My hair was getting ratted in the back of my ponytail from lack of bothering to maintain it during my travels, my face was all mucked up and my clothes were covered in dust and dirt, I splashed water on myself to try and fix it but it seemed to of only made it worse.

I shook my head in defeat as I decided to give it up, there was no way I'd be able to fix it at this rate.

I lay on my back and took out my sword from its covering as I stared blankly into it, the light reflected off my headband and into the sword and for a moment I saw the faint image of my dear mother wrapped within my father's arms - I'm truly glad that they remained safe, as the light shifted so it took the image along with it.

I smiled to the moon.

"Thank You" I whispered lightly

Suddenly feeling a calm wash over me, I was truly grateful to see them at peace if only for the night. I drifted back into my slumber...

Next Morning ~

I dusted my clothes and cleaned up as much as I could before setting off again, as I looked into my pack I realized there wasn't that much food left, a half-day's worth at least it was disappointing but considering how long I've been alone its a miracle it had lasted this long...

I wandered on many miles, I'd realised about a week ago that I was lost, no sign of a town or village in sight, maybe if I climbed a few tree's I'd be able to find something...

Nah, I'm not that desperate........ yet.

I came across a little silver chipmunk the poor thing seemed more starved than me, I bend down as I broke apart a piece of my bread and left it close to him, I stood up as I watched the creature gobble it down and kept moving on.

"That was so cute!"

I laughed to myself knowing no one could hear. I made it about halfway away from it when there was suddenly something on my shoulder, I looked in slight shock as I realized the little thing had been following after me.

"Still hungry little one?"

I pulled out another scrap

I held it out in my hand and watched as it first sniffed, then grabbed it way with its tiny hands, then devour it practically whole!

"I suppose I can share... as long as you stay small"

I jokingly said to it.

It looked up at me as if agreeing.

Is it possible it could understand me? I wondered.

For the remainder of my morning I continued to feed the little guy until I'd at last run out of my scraps. It looked at me expectantly.

"Sorry, little one its all gone" I sypmathetically admit

It could of been a trick of the light but I'd swear I saw it nod at me, I blinked a few times to re-adjust my eyes and looked back at it.

Sighing to myself

I think I've been alone too long

I shake my head at myself.

"I should probably give you a name if you're gonna be following me around... Hm ... I know how about 'Silver'?"

It seemed to agree.

"Silver it is then"

Late Afternoon ~

I kept a steady pace as I made my way in the same random direction I'd been using since I'd originally left my people. Surprisingly enough the chipmunk had decided I was his new home while it had climbed upon my head and is currently resting there. I roll my eyes

"Doesn't get any better than this..... am I right?"

I direct towards my sleeping friend and Laugh

"I suppose it is.."

I continue on my way.

About an hour later, I noticed movement in the tree's and it wasn't the usual wild beasts, it was humans... or something close to being human.

My new pet woke up and jumped onto my shoulder and started squeaking as if it were warning me of something.

I nod in agreement with it as I slipped a kunai into my sleeve.

I kept my pace hoping to myself they'd find me useless and leave but sadly it wasn't meant to be, apparently they thought I was very useful because it turned out they were "Bandits & Robbers"

about 4 of them - I heard wolves travel in packs... but ganging up on a poor defenseless girl?

Alright check that - I'm not totally defenceless considering I'm packing full of sharp weapons, but still I'm a girl

I looked at them all blankly as if I couldn't care less if they tried to rob me or not, They seemed to buy it for a moment but.....

I wonder just how stupid these 4 could be?

The first guy was big and bald - Lets call him Crome Dome.

The second guy was big and muscular - Lets call him Meat-Head.

The third guy wasn't as big but it probably meant he was fast - Lets call him Speedy.

The fourth and last guy in the group was big and had a funny beard - Lets call him Fuzzy or whatever goes with hair.

I held back a laugh as I forced myself not to smirk or make any kind of offensive look as possible. Maybe if I was lucky they'd decide not to pick on me.......

I pray I didn't just Jinx myself.

"Well, look what we have here boys" Crome Dome said, looking down at me with a gleam in his eyes

"Hey she's a looker isn't she?" Meat Head proclaimed to his comrades, cocking his head as if I were a baby bird that would fly away if he were too harsh.

"She's just a squirt... Couldn't be worth verry much" Speedy snapped back, his brow raised as he glared at my ragged out clothing, messed up hair and dirt stained face.

I glared at Speedy for the rude comment.

"What's a kid like you doing all alone out here?" Fuzzy asked me slightly currious, as if I were a lost 6 year old

Of course I am lost, but not so little.

"Traveling" I stated blankly

"Oh..." Fuzzy mumbled, satisfied with my answer.

"Excuse me, but If you have no buisness with me I'd like to be on my way" I said as nicely and with as politely as I possibly could fake, sliding my way around the 4 big brutes.

It almost worked for a second..... until......

"Hey Wait A Second Missy!" Crome Dome yelled, his hand now holding tightly on my right shoulder.

"Yeah your not getting away that easilly" Speedy said, his annoying voice rinnging in my head

I stared blankly at them again

"Then what do you want?" I ask knowingly.

"Hand over your money and you won't get hurt" Meat Head said trying to sound intimidating. Course he wasn't. At least, not to me.

"Sorry, I don't have much on me" I say as I pull out my small money bag.

Speedy takes it from my hand and opens it expectantly, his face suddenly drops as he realises the truth to my words.

"She's right Boss, this chick's hardly got nothin' just a few petty change, not even enough for a meal let alone enough to steal" Speedy says as he returns my bag

Che, Morons....

"Yeah, Sorry I ran out of money about a week ago" I say as believably as possible.

The real truth is, I never had much to begin with anyways. I simply took what small amout I managed to collect from off the ground back in the village.

Crome Dome whom I assumed was their boss sighed heavily and agree'd with Speedy, he pulled back on my shoulder making me face him.

I stare blankly.

"You been traveling alone with no money for a week?" he asks suspiciously.

"2 weeks actually" I correct him and smile.

They seem to be taken aback by my response as I continue being expressionless.

Now may be my chance

"Well, if you're gonna let me keep my petty change I really should be going on my way" I say as I slip out of his now lighter grip.

Before I could make my escape Speedy got in my way...AGAIN....

Crap, What's with this guy?

"What about those earings? or that sword? or maybe that fancy headband? those could probably fetch a good price" Speedy smirks as he reaches for my face.


I yelled as I backed away

"Not these! they are precious to me" I said hope-ing they'd consider my feelings, in vain, but always worth a try.......

"Yeah, he's right" Meat Head agree's with Speedy


I mentally sigh,

Great~ Just. My. Freaking. Luck.

They begin to surround me.

Ugh, what am I supposed to do? No. Wait. I need to be smart about this.

"The only value they have is Sentimental and other than that they are worthless trinkets!" I say still hopeful and still knowing...

"How's that?" Crome Dome asks

"They belonged to my parents, its the only things I have left of them" I fake with half-truth

"What happened to your parents?" Fuzzy asks concerned, still looking at me like I'm a 6 year old

Hmm, I should play on that.

"Our village was attacked by a Demon and everyone in the village was slaughtered!" I raise my voice

"Oh..." Fuzzy mumbled again

"Is that true?" Meat Head asks with wonder

I nod my head trying to look as depressed as possible - Fuzzy and Meat Head seemed to have bought it but the one's I need to convince are Speedy and Crome Dome.

"Your parents as well?" Crome Dome asks, that gleam he once had diminished

I'm in the clear.... for the moment at least


forcing fake tears

"The earrings were my mother's and the sword was my father's, I took them after they died... its all I have left of my family"

again going with another half-truth. hope-ing there's some sympathy even in "Bandits & Robbers"

"Your not gonna believe this are you?" Speedy asks with disbelief

"I think she's telling the truth" Fuzzy and Meat Head say in unison

"She can't be any older than 13. I don't see why she would lie....." Crome Dome says pondering my fate

And... what the hell makes you think a 13 year old doesn't know how to lie? Or that they wouldn't?

"I am 13"

I think I'll play on this one too.

"Hmm.... I see... well kids are bad a lying anyways, if she was an adult I'd be more suspicious of the story but it seems to be the truth" Crome Dome confirmed

Hah, what a laugh. Children learn at younger ages than 13 how to tell a proper lie. Even if people don't always believe it.


Speedy rolled his eyes in disbelief

"Can I keep my things?" I ask innocently drying my false tears.

Crome Dome nodded in agreement

"Be on your way child"

I faked a smile

"Thank You!"

I bowed my head as I kept my normal pace, forcing myself not to run or act suspiciously because Speedy is sharper than the other's.

I sigh with relief after I'm certain they are long gone

at least I got out of that one in a single piece I thought to myself as I smile evilly

"Suckers" I mumbled darkly under my breath.

Thankfully they were as dumb as they looked.

Early Night~

I kept on walking until I thought my legs would break if I took another step.

It turns out the second I sat down, I'd fallen asleep, for when I awoke again the Moon had already made its way across the darkened skies.

The people of my clan were known for their vast knowledge of the sun, moon and stars and many other things I won't mention at the moment.

As I was about to fall asleep again I heard a......


I was instantly awake and on guard, scanning my surroundings. I was about to say it was nothing when something hit me from behind.

Everything went darker than the night sky.

Attacker's POV

A kid out alone in the middle of the forest, she looks familiar but where have I seen her before?

he silently wonders

He pulls out a little book with names and faces on them, he searches through his book until he finds what he is looking for.

"Ah, I see..... There's a Bounty for the little Brat! If I turned her in I'd make quite a lot of dough" he snickers in the shadows

I snuck up to the sleeping child but made a mistake as I steps on a fallen tree branch.


The child was instantly awake and on her guard as she seemed to be scanning her surroundings

"Fast Brat"

I was behind her in an instant

"But not Fast Enough"

I hit her over the head and she fell unconscious to the ground.
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