Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Under a Watchful Eye

The boy who lived

by mysecretthoughts 1 review

Second chapter.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-12-29 - 4301 words

Refer to the first chapter for disclaimers, warnings and anything else you want.

"Now that we're all settled I believe I will start." Dumbledore stated from his chair at the head of the room, opening the book to the first chapter and reading out the title.

"That's you Harry!" The twins chorused devilment in their eyes. It was obvious they saw this as an opportunity to have a bit of fun. They directed wide grins at their friend.

"Really? I would have never guessed," The younger wizard shot back sarcastically, anger coming back at the confirmation that it really was all about him. Sirius gave him a half concerned, half warning look..

"Harry," Hermione muttered quietly so only he could hear. "You might want to calm down." Harry was slightly surprised to see that his friend looked genuinely worried.

"Yeah mate, it won't be so bad. So what- there was the troll, and the dragon, and the through-the-trap-door thing..." Ron's voice trailed off. "Sweet Merlin, we're dead. My mother is going to kill us."

"Yeah, well at least she knows some of it. This will be all new to Sirius." Harry sighed heavily as he glared at the room. Ron and Hermione exchanged worried glances. They knew how much their friend craved the man's approval.

Unconcerned with the increasing tension Dumbledore read out the next sentence.

"Perfectly boring if you ask me," Bill muttered softly to his brother Charlie as they heard how normal the Dursleys thought themselves. He sent a concerned look at the huddled trio.

His father noticed the look but he was soon distracted by the mention of muggle technology. "Do they really?" Arthur Weasley asked eagerly. "What are drills?"

"Not now dear," his wife admonished, unable to completely hide a fond smile as their sons snickered.

The rest of the room chuckled, well aware of the man's overt fondness for all things muggle. Dumbledore's eyes were twinkling brightly as he picked up from where he'd left off.

His next words left several of the adults gaping at the descriptions of the Dursleys while Harry snorted in amusement at the thought of his cousin as small, and couldn't help but smile a little at the twins, who were having an enthusiastic discussion on the types of animals they were reminded of. "A walrus and a giraffe," Harry supplied. "But I suppose she does have a somewhat horse-like appearance as well."

Sirius shared a relieved smile with his best friend as the rest of the room erupted in laughter. A moody Harry was new to him, and he wasn't quite sure what to make of it.

"What's wrong with the Potters?" Emmeline asked in outrage a moment later as the book revealed the Dursley's greatest fear.

"Who would want to keep their family a secret?" Tonks added furiously, her hair turning a fiery red color.

"I find it perfectly all right," Sirius spoke up teasingly. "I've tried to keep you a secret for a long time."

Tonks narrowed her eyes dangerously. "Now I know why we're not allowed to use magic. You, my dear cousin, would be fully hexed for the entire duration!" she groused, aiming a smack that he easily dodged.

Remus laughed and slapped his friend on the back. "So true." He quickly quieted down at the impatient look on McGonagall's face and motioned for the reading to continue.

"UnDursleyish is not a word!" Hermione exclaimed next. . "They're just being idiots!" She blushed as everyone turned from the book to look at her.

Snape meanwhile was frowning. He knew Potter had been raised by relatives, but he had never thought that it would be this particular relative. He glanced at the teenager and had a sense of dread curl in his stomach. But surely Potter was just being dramatic, wanting the attention. He quickly turned his attention back to the book unsurprised to hear the brat labeled as a bad influence on the Dursley boy.

"See mum, you've corrupted us-" Fred announced.

"Letting us mix with a child like that!" George added, grinning widely.

"So really mum, all the trouble I get into is your fault!" Ron spoke without thinking. His eyes popped wide as he realized what he said and even Harry couldn't help laughing at his stricken look.

"I assure you Mr. Weasley, you need no help in getting in trouble. As I am sure we would hear about if you would be quiet and let us continue." Snape sneered.

Dumbledore shot him a censorious look before reading about mysterious things happening.

"What things?" Neville asked, speaking for the first time. He appeared very intimidated by his surroundings and couldn't help the frequent glances he shot at the escaped criminal Sirius Black.

"You'll understand in a moment Nev." Harry answered softly. He was curious why he and Luna were there but happy too. He'd become closer to both in the months since the DA had been taking place and figured he'd need all the friends he could get to help him through this ordeal.

"Dudley's a couple months older than me so this must be around the time my parents died." He spoke up a minute later seeing the increasing confused looks at the reference to a baby Dudley. Sirius reached over and squeezed his knee in silent understanding.

Harry gave him a grateful look, turning back to the story in time to grimace at Dudley's toddler antics. The pig still liked to throw his cereal at the walls when he was throwing a tantrum.

"What an outrageous child!" Emmeline and Hermione cried out in disbelief.

Molly nodded sternly, "Any child of mine behaving like that would soon have his bottom warmed." At once the six Weasley boys, Neville and Harry squirmed in their seats. McGonagall smirked at the troublemakers' obvious discomfort.

Dumbledore mentioned a cat reading a map in the next paragraph. Perking up Sirius opened his mouth to make an outrageous comment about his favorite animagus before rethinking this decision in the light of the previous discussion. Remus smirked, knowing full well how his best friend's mind worked.

Pretending to ignore the antics of her former students the Head of Gryffindor puffed up as the headmaster spoke of the Dursley male's confusion and agitation she was able to cause him with her cat form.

"I didn't know you'd been there Professor." Harry stated in surprise.

"How do you know it's her?" Ron asked blankly. "It could be just a cat."

"Honestly, Ronald," Hermione rolled her eyes. "Even in the muggle world cats don't read signs!"

"Well, he could have just been seeing things couldn't he?" He shot back, a red flush lighting his face.

"Even you, Mr. Weasley have more sense than that." Snape sneered at the boy's stupidity. He fumed on gryffindors lack of brains, only refocusing his attention when the Vance woman opened her mouth.

"Don't muggles wear cloaks?" Emmeline asked in confusion, turning to her companion who was very versed in muggle relations.

"It is not considered usual muggle attire, no." Kingsley answered.

"Careless," Moody grunted causing Neville to give him a frightened look. He was still wary of the man even after having been taught by him for a whole year. He huddled in his seat, not understanding what the headmaster meant about the people on the street collecting something or other.

"Blimey Harry, the way Dursley rationalizes things you must have been able to get away with everything!" Charlie said in awe. One man noticed the pained expression fleet across the sullen face. He frowned at the conflicting emotions.

Fred grinned. "Yeah mum, I really think you need to take lessons from this,"

"Become more Dursleyish," George added.

"Cause we never get away with anything." they finished together.

"I'm sure you'll find that's not true, at least at Hogwarts." Dumbledore corrected them with a smile. He chucked at Molly's groan as he read a description of Vernon Dursley's day at his office.

"Wow Mad-Eye, I think he likes to shout more than you!" Tonks tossed out, grinning at her mentor cheekily.

"Wouldn't have to yell if someone had a bit more respect for authority," he growled pinning her with both eyes. Beside her Remus snickered quietly.

The group remained quiet for a while letting the headmaster tell them about the obese man's lunch time trip and whispers about the Potters.

"He didn't even know your name?" Molly interrupted with a shriek. "Does he know it now?" She demanded turning to her son's best friend. Most of the younger generation laughed at the thought that he wouldn't after living with him for fourteen years.

Harry was careful to keep a blank expression on his face. "I suppose so," he answered, shrugging. He honestly couldn't remember his uncle ever calling him by name before.

Several pairs of eyes narrowed at his response but kept quiet for the moment. Dumbledore was quick to resume, feeling it best this particular group did not dwell on the child's living arrangements. He chuckled as he read about the small wizard Vernon ran into you. He was sure the man sounded familiar.

"Ouch," The twins chorused- picturing the vast size of Harry's uncle.

"Poor guy, must have ended up in the hospital for months after that." Fred shook his head in sorrow.

"I'm just surprised Dursley was courteous enough to apologize." Bill muttered. He didn't like what he was hearing about the man so far. He raised an eyebrow as the strange wizard hugged Harry's uncle.

"Wow, how in the world did he get his arms around him?" Charlie asked in amusement as he tried to picture it.

"Stretching jinx." Ginny answered instantly in a completely serious voice causing the two marauders to stare at her in consideration.

Seconds later Luna cocked her head at the information of Dursley's disapproval of imagination. "Of course not," She spoke up in her dreamy voice over the cries of the twins. "He's probably had a run in with a wrackspurt at some point in his life."

There was a moment of silence as everyone processed this. Sirius turned questioning eyes to his godson who just shrugged but he had a smile on his face.

"Indeed Luna, we shall have to look into the possibility." Remus smiled at one of his favorite former students. He was well aware that she often saw the world in a different light. He listened in amusement as Dursley arrived home and received a stern look from a cat.

"Minnie," Sirius sang receiving the same stern look in response. Tonks wasn't completely able to hide her laughter at the name.

Remus shook his head at her. "Don't encourage him." He admonished though in truth he was happy to see his friend being more lighthearted. The months confined in the house had been hard on him, in some ways harder than years in Azkaban.

Across the room Snape's expression grew more severe. his retort was quickly cut off by the headmaster as he continued reading the first chapter. The older women in the room winced at the appalling behavior of the youngest Dursley.

"The goal of every mother..." Molly grumbled. Arthur smiled as he patted his wife on the arm.

"Were people really that obvious?" Charlie asked in surprise a couple minutes later after hearing the muggle news report.

"You have to consider how it was at that time. After years and years of living in fear he was finally gone. It was such a relief, like a huge weight had been removed." Kingsley answered in his deep voice. "They cannot be blamed for expressing their joy."

"You call that expressing their joy? They almost exposed us all didn't they with their celebrations!" Moody snarled. His comment effectively quieted the room until Vernon made a venomous comment about wizards.

"I'm part of her crowd and proud of it!" Hermione declared in a waspish voice, surprising most of the adults.

"Here, here!" everyone agreed hiding smiles at the way the two teen boys edged away from their high strung friend.

The merriment faded swiftly as Dumbledore read out Petunia's derogatory words toward her nephew's name. Sirius was quick to note the increased tension in the room as well as his godson's dejected posture and decided some humor was called for. "See I tried to tell James that when you were born but he had his heart set on it!" He shook his head sadly.

Harry's head snapped towards his godfather. "You don't like my name?" he yelped indignantly.

The older man shrugged carelessly. "It's not bad but it's not my first choice."

"I believe he wanted Sirius Jr. but Lily shot that down before the name was out of his mouth." Remus filled in, smirking gleefully as the room filled with laughter.

"What, its a very nice name!" Sirius shot back pleased with the reaction. Harry had a happy look in his eyes that he was hopeful would last at least for the next page. The book dashed his hopes as the author himself told of how wrong Vernon's own hopes were.

"How I wish he wasn't..." Harry muttered, shoulders slumping as he was reminded of his home life. His friends and family on either side shot him concerned looks.

Deciding to follow Sirius's lead Remus waited for the right opportunity, finding it at the next mention of the cat animagus. "Minnie," He sang, throwing his voice so that McGonagall glared at Sirius instead. The twins grinned in delight at the act but were careful to avoid their Head of House's gaze.

Sirius huffed and shoved his best friend in the shoulder as Harry chuckled.

There were some chuckles and calls of good show from around the room as Dumbledore read about his own arrival in the book in a delighted voice. Even Snape's lips twitched at his mentor's description.

Harry looked down to hide his scowl. Even if he wasn't still mad at the older man for avoiding him for the last six months he knew why Dumbledore was on that street and it wasn't anything good.

Across the room one of the twins began teasing the headmaster about his big head until his mother's sharp remark shut him down.

"Don't worry Mr. Weasley. I believe I am safe from afflictions such as that." The old man chucked as he picked up his own adventures in finding the cat animagus on Privet drive.

"Really Albus? You find amusement in the fact that I sat there all day waiting for you to arrive?" McGonagall's voice had dropped to dangerous levels causing the Marauders, Twins, and the Trio to shrink back into their chairs.

Dumbledore glanced over his glasses to smile at her. "I am sure I was just happy to see you there," he replied serenely. Beside him Snape's lips twitched again before thinning as the book version of the headmaster used a small object to darken the street.

"I want one!" All the male teens in the room chorused enviously. Bill had an intrigued look on his face and made a mental note to inquire if he could examine the object later.

"Very helpful that thing." Moody added somewhat grumpily. The old man had never once let him barrow the tool, despite how much it would helped in catching criminals. Dumbledore smiled innocently at him at he continued with the story.

Mcgonagall blushed at her official entrance in the story, blaming the long wait on the wall for the foolish question she asked.

The current students looked at her incredulously while the former ones began laughing. "Really Minerva, who else would I expect it to be?" Dumbledore asked gently. She sniffed and sent him a stern look. Her eyebrows raised as she heard how judgmental she sounded in the next bit. Really Dedalus wasn't that bad.

"Still doesn't have much sense," Moody grumbled but no one took notice. Everyone had realized what was about to happen and the room had grown quite tense. He stewed in his thoughts until he heard Dumbledore's seeming agreement of Voldemort's demise.

"Did you suspect then that he wasn't gone?" Bill asked leaning forward. "Did you know that he would come back?"

Dumbledore looked thoughtful as he thought back. "Right at that moment? I was undecided. I had not yet had the time to think it through or to investigate things." He offered leaving the young man unsatisfied with the half explanation.

The headmaster continued on, chuckling as he repeated the actions of the book by pulling out a bag of lemon drops and offering them around.

"Albus," McGonagall shook her head as the room laughed. "Don't think I don't know what you were trying to do or what you have in those candies of yours."

"I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about." he responded his eyes twinkling madly. "I merely find that they have a very calming effect."

"Precisely," She sniffed before urging him to put away the candies and read the next paragraph.

Around the room the younger Weasleys, Neville and Luna winced while Snape barely managed to repress a shudder at the sound of You Know Who's name.

"Oh get over it already!" Harry snapped angrily his mood having worsened as the chapter continued.

Remus reached over and tapped him on the back of the head. "While I share the sentiment, your tone needs to change," he warned quietly. The teen flushed in embarrassment while giving him a wide eyed stare.

Sirius caught his eye. "Don't act like you've never been reprimanded before." He said for the teen's ears alone. "I seem to remember several letters where I've gotten on to you about something or other." He reminded him in amusement.

Harry shrugged, though a small smile graced his face at the feelings those letters had produced. "Well yeah you have but Lupin's never."

"Yeah well he merely beat me to it. Watch the mouth." He warned his godson, mentally frowning at the distance between his best friend and godson. He tuned back to the reading in time to listen to Dumbledore talk about Madam Pomfrey flirting with him.

"Really Dumbledore, I didn't need that image in my head!"

Tonks burst out laughing as everyone else started at Kingsley in shock. It was not something they would have expected the quiet man to say. For his part he merely gazed back calmly, his eyes darkening as the announcement of the Potter's death was read.

There was a moment of silence as everyone bowed their heads in respect. Sirius found that his own heartbreaking grief was abated somewhat by the need to comfort his godson. Reaching over he ruffled the untidy hair before gently massaging the exposed neck.

Across the room Severus Snape squeezed his eyes tightly closed at hearing about the death his closest friend. He had an inkling of what Potter must have been feeling upon hearing about the books and he almost felt sorry for him. That feeling disappeared quickly as the book version of the transfiguration professor added to the brat's fame by inquiring how he'd survived.

"Something I'm sure we'd all like to know," Emmeline said quietly.

Harry looked up in surprise. "You don't know?" he asked turning to look at the Headmaster.

"I felt it's better to limit the amount of people who know certain information," the older man answered, smiling apologetically at the woman.

Harry huffed. "Oh, yeah I know all about that!" He snarled angrily under his breath.

"So does this mean you'll tell us now?" Fred and George asked eagerly.

"I am sure the books will fill everyone in," the headmaster explained gently, his voice disappointed. Feeling the dark haired teen's gaze he kept his eyes fixed firmly on the book in his hands. He quickly began reading before anyone else could comment, explaining why he had appeared on Privet Drive that night.

"Why are they my only family though?" Harry asked suddenly. "Didn't I have grandparents, cousins, anything?"

Sirius frowned. "You don't know anything about James family do you?" he asked sadly. "I'll tell you about them later." He promised when Harry shook his head. He raised his eyebrows as McGonagall's protest of his godson's placement was noted.

"Thank you, Minerva, for at least trying to talk sense into him," Molly Weasley huffed. Emmeline and Tonks nodded their heads in agreement.

"But Professor." Hermione spoke up, a look of confusion on her face. "If you didn't know that Dumbledore was going to leave Harry there why were you watching the house all day?"

The heads of nearly everyone in the room swiveled to the transfiguration professor for the explanation. "Lily and I had a good relationship and as such I was aware of her sister and the tumulus relationship they shared. I also knew that with Lily's death Petunia would be the last of her family. I felt it was my duty to give her the news of her sister."

"All day?" Charlie asked tactlessly.

She turned to glare at him. "I used the time to deal with my own emotions. I did not want to appear overly emotional in front of Mrs. Dursley. The headmaster showed up before I could finish my task." she explained huffily. "Not that I agreed with his way." She added in a mumble once the headmaster had read off his intentions.

"A letter?" Remus exclaimed angrily. "You thought they would be able to understand everything from a letter? Did Voldemort's apparent demise leave you temporarily senseless?" His voice had risen until he was close to shouting.

Everyone looked at him in shock. Grateful for allowing him to come to school Remus had always been one of Dumbledore's biggest supporters and to hear him question the older man was unheard of. Added to that the werewolf was adamant about keeping his emotions firmly in check due to his condition, his loss of control was surprising.

"I felt it was the best way," Dumbledore answered gravely, the tone of his voice warning against further questioning.

"Then why do I have the feeling that it wasn't?" the werewolf shot back causing Snape to scowl.

"How dare you question the headmaster?" he snapped.

"See? McGonagall agrees with me." Remus mumbled under his breath a minute letter as McGonagall's reaction was read out. Sirius bumped shoulders with him in commiseration, noting the considering look Harry was giving the werewolf.

The teen's attention was diverted as he heard mention of a Harry Potter day. "There isn't is there?" he croaked in horror.

"No." Kingsley answered though he was grinning. "I believe the paperwork for the approval got lost in all the hubbub of rebuilding."

"Thank Merlin," Harry breathed, causing most of the group to laugh.

Snape echoed the words in his mind shuddering at the thought of the brat being even more acclaimed than he was. He listened to the next bit with half an ear, sneering with envy as the headmaster exclaimed his trust in Hagrid.

"I'm just not so sure you should trust him with important information..." Hermione muttered to her best friends remembering all the slips the half giant had made in their first year.

Ron snorted. "Or pets." he added, thinking of the various animals he had come into contact with courtesy of Hagrid. He chuckled at Harry's take of the big man.

"That's a very sinister description of him," Charlie said frowning. He was very friendly with the gamekeeper. "It makes him sound dangerous."

"Don't worry about it. Everyone here knows Hagrid and knows he's not dangerous." Bill pointed out effectively calming his closest sibling. They exchanged smirks as baby Harry was exposed for the first time in the story.

"Aw..." all the women cooed causing the Harry to turn a bright shade of red.

"When we take a break I have baby pictures upstairs if anyone's interested." Sirius offered grinning at the excited looks on Molly, Tonks and Emmeline's faces.

"What?" Harry yelped looking at his godfather in indignation.

"Oh, no you don't young man!" Mrs. Weasley scolded. "I want to see those pictures!" The laughing atmosphere of the room died a short time later as they all turned to gape at Dumbledore.

"You left him on the doorstep? In November!" She shrieked in anger.

"I hardly think that was wise, Albus," Moody growled at his friend. "And I'm surprised you allowed it, Minerva."

"There was little I could do!" she defended herself. "He was quite determined that his way was right."

"You cowardly, cowardly old man," came a low voice. Sirius was glaring at Dumbledore with a fierce light in his eyes. "You left him on the doorstep with a letter because you didn't want to have to face them. You didn't want to interact with the lowly muggles."

Dumbledore flinched inwardly. "I could not take the chance to that they would refuse the care of him." The finality of the words ended the conversation but the feelings of outrage and anger remained as he read the last two paragraphs, finally announcing Harry as the Boy Who Lived.

There was silence around the room as he closed the book, the teenagers too intimidated by the previous argument to make comments. Remus was sitting forward with his head in his hands while Molly was gesturing angrily to her husband.

Snape sat on the other side of the room in contemplative silence. He understood why Dumbledore had acted as he did but the thought of Lily's reaction kept him quiet. The red headed mother would have disemboweled the older man for his treatment of her son.

Restless Sirius jumped up from the couch and headed to the kitchen part of the room. Soon he was back with a tray of snacks and bottles of butter beer. "Are we going to read this bloody book or not?" he growled.
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