Categories > Original > Romance > The Heartbreaker and Sweetheart

chapter 2. Who are my parents?

by darkloveforever1998 0 reviews

Continue of last chapter. ..

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2014-12-31 - Updated: 2014-12-31 - 558 words

Riders pov.

I sat there all shocked and silent letting what they just says sink in. "What?!?" I helped after a few moments.

"I'm sorry hunny" my "mom" reaching out, trying to touch my face but before she could I slapped her hand away and stood up really quick.

She pulled her arm back and just looked at the floor.

"Well if you aren't my mom and dad, then who is?" I yelled, getting annoyed.

"About that, hunny please sit down, there is more we have to tell you." My mom whispered

"Oh , great, what's next? You're going to tell me you kidnapped me? Or that you kill baby kittens? " I snapped back but reluctantly sat back down.

"Dad" gave me a stern look.

"The thing is sweety, your mom is a great women, one of my best friends but she's not like the rest of us, well I mean not like me and Greg" she says.

"What do you mean different?, and who is she? " I asked a little confused and curiously.

"I can't say, she'll explain it all tonight when she gets here, but in the mean time you need to go pack your stuff" she said with a tear rolling down her face.

"Where am I going?" I asked panicking.

"The same place all your other siblings went when they were almost sixteen" Greg said.

Now that I think about it they all have had to leave and I only see them on the holidays and even they seem distance from me and 1 younger sibling.

I didn't trust my mouth at the time so I just got up without a word and went to my room.

I layed there for I don't know how long just thinking "why would they lie to me?, who is my real mom and dad?, where am I going?, what does she mean different?, do I have to go?" These questions kept turning in my head but after a while I started packing like my mom told me to do.

When though she didn't have me, she is still my mommy, no matter what!

I got done about a hour after I started because most of my things weren't unpacked from when we moved.

We moved two months ago but I been to lazy to unpack so I guess that's a good thing.

After I was done I went to my computer and checked my email.

I saw I had one from my biggest brother, Blaze.

I clicked on it and a video popped up with two of my brothers and one of my sisters around the camera.

I hit play.

"Hey bub, I know your probably scared out of your mind, but today is the day, it well be alright" my sister startes while smiling at me.

"Hey bro, I know you might be scared, I was scared at first to,ours alright. They will give you a choice to stay there with mom and dad #2 or to go with our real mom. You can choose whatever you want to but you need to know that truth, you're not what you think you are, your different, we're different and we need you here, we need your help" Blaze says.

"We love you and hope to see you soon" they all three say in union then the screen went black.
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