Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Sweetheart Wedding

Sweetheart Wedding

by Noizchild 0 reviews

More anyone? Keisha pushes Pete to marry Rose to make the family legitimate. But knowing the BRM crew, simple is out of the question!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2015-01-10 - 181 words - Complete

Sweetheart Wedding


Alas, here we are at the final book in the Sweetheart series. Yep, the fat lady is warming up to sing on stage. I decided to do something a little bit different with this story. Instead of the different titles, I will break up each chapter into three parts, song or narration each. Plus, this story’s going be shorter than the ones in the previous series. I plan to make this twenty-four chapters.

Why am I ending this series? I figured it was time to move onto other things. (I started this back in about 2007-2008?) Plus, I want to spend my energy on other stories and editing. There is so much that I want to publish. Plus, I have to edit up my web site to make it look more professional. Don’t worry, fans. There will be one more stand-alone story for the characters ofSweetheart later on this year or the next. Just sit tight and stick around. I will give it my all for the end.

So without further ado, here is Sweetheart Wedding.
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