Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart

Chapter 18

by youngandreckless 3 reviews

chapter 18

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-13 - Updated: 2006-08-14 - 603 words

Chapter 18

Joe's POV

After signing the papers and complaining at the nurse and Laura about a wheel chair, I got to walk out of the hospital. Patrick stood leaned against the car. "Feel better?"
"I will once we drive away from this place," I laughed climbing in the front passenger seat. We listened to music on the way back to the house, every once in a while Patrick and I talked about random things, finally pulling into the drive way, I sighed.
"You think they all still sleeping?"
"Probably, and if they are there not the only ones..." Patrick laughed, I looked to the back seeing Laura sleeping.
"Funny how she can sleep perfectly in a car, but not on a tour bus," I laughed opening my car door.
"I'll get her," Patrick jogged around the car, slowly opening her door picking her up out of the car.
"You know I coulda got her, she is my girlfriend," I rolled my eyes at him, closing the car door.
"No way, you just got out of the hospital..."
"Its not like i broke anything, or theres any damage, Im fine,"
"Fine," He stopped turning around once we were in the house, "Take her,"
"Gladly," the switching of who was holding her woke her up, she opened her eyes looking at me, as I walked up the stairs.
"You're superman," She smiled.
"If you say so," I smiled back opening the bedroom door.
"Okay put me down..." I removed my hand from under legs slowly until they touched the ground, with the now free hand I closed the door, "Im not sleeping so we dont gotta be in here,"
"Yeah we do.." I whispered leaning down to kiss her neck, she tilted her head back. I moved to her lips she placed both hands on my cheeks, I lifted her up barely off the ground walking her over to the bed. Just as I placed my hand under her shirt, I heard the door open and...
"You been home not even five minutes and you're allready trying to get her clothes off, I didnt even get a hi," Andy laughed.
"Hi Andy... goodbye Andy," I looked back at him, waiting for him to close the door.
"Wow my walking in hasnt ruined anything your still just gonna go at it?" He laughed.
"Get out!" I grabbed one of the pillows throwing it towards the door.
"What are you doing to my sister?" I looked now seeing Pete in the door way.
"Nothing, nothing at all," I sighed.
"That's what I thought," He shook his head pushing pass Andy walking into the room, sitting on the bed.
"Pete what do you want?" Laura asked.
"Nothing, your not doing anything, so I thought Id sit with you,"

Laura's POV

I laughed as Stacey came in the room next. "Who were you yelling at?" Stacey asked Joe sitting in a chair that was across the room.
"Dont you people have anything to do?" he asked. Pete looked from Stacey to Andy then to Joe.
"Nope, we're all yours," he laughed.
"Well go be each others for a little while, go play somewhere,"
"So you can "play" with my sister, I dont think so," Pete put his fingers up making quotes as he said play. Joe looked to me, I shrugged.

Stacey's POV

Leave it to Andy and Pete to ruin Joe getting some. "Im gonna go watch TV, who's coming with me?" I stood walking towards the door.
"Me," Laura crawled off the bed, following me.
"Yeah me too," Andy agreed.
"Dont forget me," Pete laughed getting up.
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