Categories > Original > Humor > Jadi (Joy/Madi) fluff fanfic

Jadi (Joy/Madi) fluff fanfic

by zeeebraxxo 2 reviews

This is a fanfiction based off an internet friend I have and a friend she has that she's told me about. Neither of them are gay, but I still ship them! Their ship name is Jadi, for Joy/Madi.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2015-02-26 - 396 words

Joy woke up to the beeping of an alarm. It was 8am. "Fuck!" she said. She had woken up late. She needed to get to Madi's house and pick her up before the bus came. She threw on a band t shirt, black jeans, and combat boots and ran out the door and down the street to Madi's house. She didn't even ring the doorbell, she knew where Madi kept the key hidden in case she got locked out (which Madi was likely to do, she was very forgetful.) Joy threw open the door once the lock was unlocked. She ignored Madi's furry white dog and took the stairs two at a time until she got to Madi's room. She looked around and couldn't see anything except the usual room- it was full of books and had several My Chemical Romance posters on the wall. Joy tiptoed around. She couldn't see Madi anywhere. Then she noticed a suspicous lump under the covers of the bed. She ripped the covers off, and there was Madi, fast asleep. Madi was in sweatpants and a tanktop. She had a small lion stuffed animal cradled in her arms. Joy could never get over how cute Madi was. She still slept with a stuffed animal, for fucks sake! Joy wondered whether or not to wake Madi up. Madi looked so peaceful, cuddled up under the blankets. Joy brushed a strand of hair from Madi's face. Madi's big blue eyes opened slowly. Joy jerked back. "Um, hi Madi." Then she remembered something. "Shit! Madi, here, get dressed! We're going to miss the fucking bus!" Madi yawned. she sounded like a kitten. "Joy, it's Saturday. We don't have school today." Madi actually looked kind of sad that she didn't have school. Of course she was, Joy thought. Madi got perfect grades and loved school. "We don't?" Joy asked. "Fuck, I forgot it was Saturday." Madi yawned again. (Oh my god shes so fucking cute Joy thought) "So, um, do you want me to leave" Joy asked. Why was she being awkward around Madi? She was never awkward. Madi was the awkward one. "No, you can stay," Madi said. patting the bed and yawning (again? Fucking again?!)So they spent they day chatting about OTPs and bands until Madi invited Joy to sleep over. Joy said okay. They didn't go to sleep until 4:30 am.
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