Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

Demolition Lovers

by SluttyJacketPotato 1 review

In a world of order and no free will, it seems like theres no hope for humanity. Covered in white and bleach, no free speech. It seems that all we have is nothing.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-04-11 - 236 words

Here i am, on the run. Nothing to gain, nothing to lose. They're going to try and find me soon, i wont be abled to stay out here forever. They won't kill me, they'll do something much worse. They have my brother, Mikey. I'm sure they'll use him against me. I could never let anyone hurt him, even if it were to ruin a mission of our rebellion. It wouldn't happen. I escaped New Jersey a few months back. One of the most industrial zones out there. I walk alone along the road, unable to think about much. Our camp had just been raided. My home was gone. The rebellion camp XY22 was gone. I thought i had made it, to the safe zones. But i somehow knew it wouldn't last. My happiness never does. The rain poured down into my raven hair, i pushed it out of my face and pulled my hood up. Sighing, i picked up my pace. There would be cars from the raid heading up the road. Presumably with my friend's unconscious bodies inside. I wasn't going to attempt in saving them. I was one guy, there was nothing i could do. Getting myself captured as well wasn't going to do anybody good. I knew i would have to travel to the next camp, XY23. And warn them that the ISG would try and find them as well. (International Safezone Guadians).
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