Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

Chapter 1: Hand In Mine, Into Your Icy Blues

by SluttyJacketPotato 1 review

Chapter 1

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-04-12 - 523 words

6 Months Earlier

This was it. The day i get my results. The day i find out what I'm doing with my life. I don't want it to be true. I want this all to be a nightmare so i can wake up into a reality without The Judgement. But i knew that wasn't possible. The Judgement was a test, determining what job you should have, where you should live, and what person to fall in love with. I knew in my heart that love wasn't a choice, i had discovered that before, but everyone else considered it normal to be forced into loving someone. It was just the cruelness of the world. I was sat, outside the exam room in my school. My uniform was supposed to be white, matching the rest of the school. But the fabric had faded to a dull grey over the many times i had worn it. My family could only afford one uniform each for my brother and i. I swallowed, checking my watch. It was almost time. 9:55. My exam started at 10 o'clock. In the morning, of course. School hours lasted from 8 to 6. 10 excruciating hours of work, work, and work. Our lessons the same until we had our Judgement results. I thought to my brother, Mikey. If i ended up living in another district, it was likely i wouldn't see him again. A tear threatened to escape my eye. It peeped out, for it to be immediately wiped away by my stone cold hand.

Mikey was so young, 12. I was 16. Everyone had to complete The Judgement exam the day after they turn 16. From what little i knew about my grades, i was probably a little below average. That was New Jersey. New Jersey was a below average district. There were average districts, below average districts, and above average districts. Below average districts were dirty, industrial, full of mainly idiotic impolite average joes. Average districts were just... normal. Like a small amount of crime, full of just normal people. I had been to one a few times, just to see what it was like. But that was on my own. I was lucky i didn't get caught, i would be severely punished. I didn't know what with, i just knew it would be bad. Anyway, above average districts i knew close to nothing about. Very rich, very... clean, white. That was basically all i knew. We didn't really talk about them very much, unless a teacher had moved from one or something.

Mikey. Oh god, i hoped i could stay with him. I hoped i would be abled to take care of him forever. Just so he wouldn't be alone. Even with an assigned lover, i knew he probably wouldn't find love in a random girl. Our parents weren't really lovers, more like best friends. Forced to have children by the system. My dad was gay, i knew it. But that wasn't allowed, it would disrupt the system by giving it's citezens a choice. Who the fuck made up the system, i did not know. God, i hate-

"Gerard way?" A voice called, stopping my train of thought.
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