Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Demolition Lovers

Chapter 2: And Then I'd Say To You, We Could Take To The Highway

by SluttyJacketPotato 1 review

Chapter 2

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-04-12 - 446 words

"Gerard Way?" A voice called, Interrupting my train of thought.

I looked up at a young blonde woman. She was wearing a tight white dress, cleavage spilling out. She was obviously attractive, but an attactive teacher was at the bottom of my to-think-about list.

"Yes?" I answered, getting up.

She bit her lip as if she found me simply standing was attractive. I frowned and raised an eyebrow.

"This way" Her voice was very seductive, almost hypnotising.

I knew this was some sort of test, all apart of The Judgement. There were cameras everywhere, of course they would be watching. So... i become unintelligent if i bang a teacher on a desk? sounded fair enough. Sex was something i didn't really think about. With the little friends i had, i didn't have anyone to do it with anyway.

I followed the woman into the room. She shut the door behind us. I was immediately shocked. There wasn't desks or anything like a normal classroom. There was a chair, more like a bed in the centre of the room. Hooked up to a load of wires connected to a computer.

"What type of exam is this exactly?" I asked cautiously as she typed in some things into the computer.

"One that you'll never forget" She said, biting her fingernail while looking at me straight in the eye.

Was she seriously trying to seduce me? ugh, god. Always stereotyping teenage males as horny, it annoyed me. She strutted over to me and took my hand, leading it to the chair in the centre. I had a face that said i wasn't enjoying this on, but she didn't seem phased.

"So, why's there a bed?" I asked.

There were restraints attached, that worried me.

"The test you're about to take is not on a sheet of paper. It is a test of the mind. You'll be asleep, but we'll be challenging you're unconscious mind while you're here" She explained, puting some rubber gloves on.

"Lie down." she ordered, taking my arm rather firmly.

I did as she asked.

"I'm going to tie your limbs down now, it's so you can't move while youre asleep. Disrupting the program" She said.

My breathing became quicker as she tied them down with the belts. She walked to the side of the room, where cabinets were. She pulled a bottle and syringe from it. Oh. My. God.

"You're not puting that thing in me" I said, struggling slightly.

"Oh, sweetie. Afraid of needles" she teased.

I didn't respond, as my breathing reached a point where my chest looked like it was a pump. I whimpered. I couldn't help it. I didn't do needles.
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