Categories > TV > Supernatural > Bloodlines Re-Write

Dean pulled up outside an abandoned house; about a five minute drive away from the rest of the town “So the teenagers went missing, right? That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re dead. They could still be inside the house.”

“What if they did die though?” Penina asked.

“Well we still need to double check.” Dean said “We can’t take the chance. If they’re alive in there then they need saving.”

“Fair enough.” Penina said “So me and Hozzie can search the house while you and Cas dig up a dead body.”

“Um no,” Dean said “Not a good idea. The three of us are gonna go round the back and dig up the grave while Cas checks out the house. Then we’ll go in and help him afterwards. Got that?”

“What if something attacks Cas though?” Penina argued “Someone should go with him. Just in case.”


“I volunteer as tribute!” Penina cried.

Dean sighed and rolled his eyes “Cas, it’s your call.”

Castiel looked between Penina and Dean “I’m not entirely sure-”

“Please Cas, tell him, you need some kind of backup!” Penina whined “We need to learn how to hunt one way or another.”

“Okay fine, you can come with me.” Castiel said, then looked at Dean “I will do my best to make sure nothing bad happens.”

“If anything goes wrong-”

“Nothing will go wrong.” Penina said “If Cas decides it’s too dangerous for me or whatever then I’ll come outside, okay? I promise.”

Dean sighed “Alright fine.” He turned to Castiel “Look after her, alright? We’ll meet you inside once we’ve torched the sucker.”

“Who exactly is haunting the house?”

“The hauntings only began occurring after the death of the last owner, Evie Edenshaw.” Dean told them “I did my research, alright? Let’s just get started. Come on Hozzie.”

Hozzie and Dean walked around towards the back of the house while Castiel and Penina went up to the front door “You seem surprisingly calm.” Castiel said, glancing at Penina “As if you’ve done this kind of thing before.”

“Not really.” Penina said “I’m just not entirely sure I believe in ghosts.”

Castiel crinkled his eyebrows in confusion “What do you mean?”

“I was thinking... Are you guys playing some kind of joke on us here? I mean...” Penina started laughing “Am I supposed to believe that you’re an angel and that Dean has the King of Hell locked in a room back at the bunker? I’m supposed to believe that he hunts ghosts for a living... I don’t even know if him and Sam are definitely mine and Hozzie’s brothers. Big deal, they know about our Dad. Anyone could’ve found that out.”

“I don’t know what to say Penina.” Castiel said, pushing open the creaky door to the abandoned house “I wish there was a way I could prove I was an angel... But. I’m not anymore. I’m just human now.” He ran his fingers through his hair “It’s my fault the angels fell.”


“I was tricked by a man named Metatron. He made me believe I was sealing the gates of Heaven. I thought I’d be helping everyone... But I was wrong. As usual.”

“Hey, we all make mistakes.” Penina said “You were doing what you thought was right. A tip for the future though... Don’t trust anyone. Ever.”

“You don’t trust anyone?”

“Not unless they’re family, no.” Penina said “People are too... Crazy? I don’t know. You can’t trust anyone Cas. Our Mom trusted way too many people.”

“I know. I knew there was something wrong there.” Castiel said “... Is it cold in here or is just me?”

“It’s an abandoned house Cas, it probably hasn’t even heard of central heating. Of course it’s cold.” Penina said, rolling her eyes and smiling “What exactly are we supposed to be looking out for?”

“Cold spots, strange smells or noises...”

“... But it’s an old house. All those things are kind of included anyway.”

“Just keep an eye out for anything that looks weird.”

Dean handed Hozzie a shovel “... You actually want me to help you dig up a grave?” Hozzie asked, looking down at the tomb stone in front of her “Apart from a dead body being super disgusting and disturbing, how far down will the coffin even be? It’s gonna be exhausting.”

“Yeah, well, it’s part of the job.” Dean said, pushing the shovel into the dirt “Get a move on.” Hozzie groaned and copied Dean. They worked in silence for a couple of minutes before Dean said “So, you haven’t said a word in front of Castiel.”

“Haven’t I?”

“No. In fact, it took you a while to say anything in front of me or Sam.”

“Yeah, well...” Hozzie didn’t say anything for a moment, just continued digging up the grave “I don’t know what to say.”

“Are you afraid of strangers or something?”

“Kind of. Well... Not afraid exactly. I don’t know.”

They were quiet for a moment “You don’t have to be afraid of me and Sam.” He said “We’re your brothers.”

“I know.” Hozzie said “But... Look, don’t take offence to this but that doesn’t mean anything yet. Me and Penina have only just met you. We don’t know anything about each other yet. I don’t know who I can trust.”

“That makes sense.” Dean said “But I promise you, you can trust us.” Dean sighed then seemed to zone out for a moment before shaking his hand and getting back to digging “I know a lot of bad things have happened to you and Penina but it’s okay. You can get past that. Me and Sam can help you.”

Hozzie smiled “Yeah. Cool.”

“Cas, it’s been like half-an-hour and we’ve just been standing here.” Penina said “I thought we were meant to be looking for the teenagers.”

“We need to look upstairs for them.”

“... Okay. So why are we just standing here on the ground floor?”

“Because I’m afraid if we go up the stairs that a ghost will pop out.”

“Are you serious?” Penina asked “Stop being such a wuss. Come on, let’s go.”

“Penina, wait for me!” Cas cried as Penina started walking up the stairs. He followed her closely.

“I thought you were experience with this kind of thing.” Penina said, looking at him.

“If you must know, this is my first ghost hunt.” Castiel said “I have experience with most supernatural beings... But not ghosts. So I’m not entirely sure what I’m supposed to-”

He was cut off by something grabbing Penina from behind and throwing her across the room. He ran towards her but was pulled off his feet as well. Before either of them knew what was happening they’d blacked out. The last thing either of them could remember was seeing a woman in a floor-length dress staring at them. The only disturbing thing about her was her lack of eyes.
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