Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > True to Your Heart

Chapter 40

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 40

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-14 - Updated: 2006-08-15 - 494 words

Chapter 40

Joe's POV

I pushed the snow off of myself, standing up, reaching for Laura's hand pulling her up. "You didnt have to cover us in it," I laughed walking over to Pete.
"You shouldnt have thrown it at me,"
"You shoulda known it was coming, oo Stacey gave you your chain," Laura asked, he nodded happily, "You like it?" he nodded again.
"Let me see," I looked at Pete's chain, then pulling mine out to show, "Mine's better," I laughed.
"I dont think so," We went back and forth for a while, then we agreed that both our chains equally the best. I looked over seeing Laura leaned against Stacey.
"Are you done yet?" She asked.
"We agreed mines better," I laughed.
"No we didnt!" Pete yelled.
"Bell is better then both of your chains," Stacey laughed. Pete looked at me, and then we agreed on that.

Andy's POV

She took my hand pulling me out of the ice, i slipped and fell pulling her down with me. "This was easier without the skates," I laughed causing her too laugh too. She stood grabbing my hand pulling me up.
"Just move your feet slowly back and forth," I got it for two seconds then we were both back on the ground.
"I think we best down here," I laughed.
"Ohh come on, my son can do this, and hes three, you have to be able to do it," she stood.
"Comparing me to a three year old.. okay okay I'll show you," I tried to get up falling on my ass each time. She grabbed my hand pulling me.
"Relax," She smiled.. she had like this angelic light shimmering around her it was amazing.
"Im getting it!" I got excited to soon, down we went, this time she landed right on top of me her face only a little bit from mine. She moved getting up quickly, "Sorry," I mumbled.
"Its okay, falling is the beginning of skating, you'll get it,"

Patrick's POV

"I havent seen her smile that much in a long time," Lizy looked to me, we were tired of skating and decided to sit on a bench and watch Andy and Ana.
"Well then I guess he's just the medicine needed,"
"I guess so, where will you guys go once you leave here?"
"Probably back to cali to work on some recording,"
"Recording?" She asked.
"Umm for our band?..." I thought she knew we were in fall out boy.
"Ohh you guys are a band?"
"Yeah, um Fall Out Boy?"
"No, you're not,"
"Yeah we are, that's why Joe's guitar said Fall Out Boy on the back,"
"You never saw pictures before?"
"Nah just heard the music, I wondered it sounded so fimilar last night," she gave an uneasy smile.
"Hmm well that's a good thing, at least to me, Id rather you get to know me and my friends as us, then know us by Fall Out Boy,"
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