Categories > TV > WWE > The Past is Not Me

The Past is Not Me

by txnsgrl 0 reviews

Logan(Marcella) is a WWE Diva that has had a tough up bringing but wrestling has always been there.Her new life is amazing until everything comes undone.

Category: WWE - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-07-09 - 63 words

Name:Marcella Renae Torrez
Ring Name:Logan
Occupation:WWE Diva
Height:5' 8"
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Black

"Dragon tattoo on the back
Stay Strong on the wrist(Just like Demi Lovato)
Texans on the inside of the left arm
A cross below the index finger on the left hand
A broken heart behind the left ear
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