Categories > TV > WWE > The Past is Not Me

The Start

by txnsgrl 0 reviews

Logan (Marcella) is a WWE Diva that has have a tough upbringing but wrestling has always been there.Her new life is amazing until everything comes undone.

Category: WWE - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-07-10 - 397 words

"God I can't wait to get out of this hell hole of a place.I can't stand living in this snake infested place.Did you know I had to call someone three times to remove some snakes out of my bedroom?I'm glad I don't have to stay anymore."

"You're the one who picked this ugly place to live.You could have picked something better,"Jason said.

Jason is one of my closest friends I have.He has been there from thick and thin.I can honestly say I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him.I guess thats what real friend are for.

"I'm sorry I didn't have enough money to buy a place by the beach.I couldn't be picky about my choices."

"I know.So what are you going to do with all your stuff?"

"I'm selling to the landlord and I am putting the rest of my things in a storage locker till I find a place in California."

"Thats smart,but I still don't see why you are moving to California.Why don't you just go back to Houston?"

"You know why I can't go back there.I don't want to deal with everyone and there God damn opinion.I sure in hell don't want to go back a see Emmett after everything he did to me.I just can't."

"Maybe if they see how successful you are then maybe they will let up."

"There are not going to let up Jason.I want nothing to do with them after a the shit the said and did to me.I did something they never thought I can do.I went to rehab.I got myself cleaned up.I went and got trained and jumped to do something that I love to do.I will not go crawling back to them'"I said angry.

"I didn't mean to upset you.I just wondering why Cali and not Texas.I guess I should have known."

"I want to move to California because this is my official new start.I am finally standing on my own two feet."

"You don't seem the type to live there'"Jason said.

"Really.Let me guess blonde hair and fake everything?Am I right?"

"Yeah'"Jason said laughing.

"I should be going I have a long drive.I really don't want to be tired when I get there."
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