Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wrong Kind Of Attention

chapter 7

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 7

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-15 - Updated: 2006-08-15 - 354 words

Chapter 7

Pete's POV

I watched them leave the resturant shaking my head.

"Whats wrong?" Kristi asked attaching herself to my arm.

"nothing" I smiled at her trying to get my arm away with out making it to noticable.

"ya ready to head back to the house?" Patrick asked walking up to us. I nodded slightly turning to walk to the car.

"are you sure nothing is bothering look sad maybe even disturbed" she wouldn't understand.

"nothing you can help with" I sighed smiling at her. I sure hope this doesn't fuck up my relationship.

Laura's POV

"THIS SUCKS!" I yelled slaming open the door to stacey's apartment.

"hey! That's my door! Don't kill it! It has feelings too." Laughing I mummbled a sorry before jumping up onto the kitchen counter.

"how are we supposed to do this for two weeks?" Ana sighed. Looking around I saw everyone looking as sad as I felt.

"Lets go on a trip" stacey said suddenly I was about to object but she cut me off "Las Vegas for a week. C'mon its not like we have jobs at the moment. It will get our minds off the boys" She did have a point but what about jordan.

"I could get my friend to watch jordan for me" ana said answering my thoughts.

"then its settled! Las Vegas here we come!"

Joe's POV

I read the text that laura sent me over and over again. They were going to Las Vegas. What the hell are they thinking.

"Did you get one too?" Pete snarled walking into the living room. I looked up at him nodding shortly.

"she promised" was all he said before walking out pressing buttons on his phone.

"Are they really going?" Patrick asked from the doorway.


Stacey's POV

"You promised!" pete yelled over the phone.

" said no partying. We arent going to be partying there. I cant even drink. Neither can Laura. Calm down" I knew this whole contest shit was going to cause problems.

"fine" a click was heard followed shortly by a dial tone.

Great...this is effing perfect.
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