Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Carry Me

Over The Threshold

by LifesRichPageant 1 review

The conditions are met

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2015-08-14 - 2184 words

The evening at home was the same as always. Silence. The loud clank of the fork hitting the plate. We could hear each other chewing and swallowing. Without Charlotte there, there was never any words exchanged, just sometimes a brief glance, usually with distain and then back to our meal - our disgusting, tasteless meal. This girl who I married - I didn't know her anymore.

After the dinner, we passed in the hallway. We brushed past each other the same way you might do to strangers on the subway. We felt like strangers more and more every day.
I went up to Charlotte's room that night. She was sound asleep. No doubt dreaming the most wonderful dreams. She was nicely tucked into her pink duvet surrounded by teddy bears. I went in and kissed her lightly on the cheek. I whispered good night and then tip-toed out hoping not to wake her.

Was I really going to do it?

I had to do it for Charlotte. She didn't deserve to grow up in a house where her parents hated each other - as cold as ice. But as I went to bed that night, I knew I had some serious thinking to do.

Hermione was already asleep too but I was completely restless, thinking too much. I tossed and turned on the bed for hours and eventually gave up and went back downstairs to sleep on the sofa.

Morning came. The sun rose up from behind the curtains and I squinted, the bright light hurting my eyes. I rubbed them and yawned. I got up and pulled the curtains open. It was another beautiful autumn morning. The birds were chirping a wonderful tune. A perfect day, almost. Then the thought hit me like a ton of bricks crashing down on me. Today was the day. Our deal, our arrangement - it started today.

I washed my face and looked in the kitchen. Hermione still wasn't there yet. I thought that was strange because she usually got there before me. I looked upstairs and saw Hermione standing there, wearing a short denim skirt, tennis shoes and tight tank top. She was just standing there with her arms folded as if she was waiting for me. I grabbed my wand from the side cabinet. A lot of dust had formed over the top - it had been a while.

I walked up slowly like a scolded, sulking child. The tension between us was killing me. At the head of the stairs I watched Hermione's stern expression. I watched carefully to see if it would change. She seemed to have this permanent scowl etched into her face. I was never any good at conveying how I felt and the result was more silence, more icy cold tension.

"You sure took your time." she said.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know today is the first day of our arrangement. So I'm not walking to the front door by myself."

Of course I remembered the arrangement. I had been thinking about it non-stop. "So," she said and then paused for the longest time expecting me to act. She unfolded her arms and lifted them up slightly, perhaps to make it easier for me.

I took my wand out from my back pocket and held it up. Hermione looked at the wand with complete disdain. For her, perhaps it was the symbol of everything that was wrong with our relationship. The black wand now grey with dust showed her that the magic was gone.

I planned on using the levitation spell. It was one of the first spells I had ever performed but I hadn't performed any magic in many years and I wondered if this was actually a good idea. Would it even work with Hermione's weight? I was going to try though and I closed my eyes and focused as hard as I could. I waved the stick from left to right. "Wingardium Leviosa." I called. And then it happened, Hermione's feet lifted from the ground and she started to float in the air. I floated her over to me so she was in the perfect position to glide gently down into my arms. I thought I had done a good job but Hermione wasn't impressed.

"Stop this right now!" she shouted.

It took a few seconds for the words to register and I continued to steadily float her body toward me.

"I mean it, Harry!" she shrieked. Her shrill voice was like a knife piercing into my skull.

I released my spell and set her down.

I apologised but I didn't know what the problem was. No doubt it was just Hermione being difficult. It was only a simple spell. I thought that was what was missing in our lives but as usual I was wrong.

"You can't use magic." Hermione said. "It's cheating so it's not part of this deal. Magic is banned for the next thirty days. You have to carry me properly using your own body and your own strength."

My own strength? I wasn't sure I even had any.

I gulped. This was it. As silly as this was, it was important. That's what I had to keep telling myself.

I put my right hand around her waist. Touching her felt strange and then I bent down to put my left hand under her thighs. Her skin felt so soft. I hadn't touched her in such a long time. I lifted her up, awkwardly at first. I was nervous and embarrassed about the whole situation. This wasn't like our wedding day at all, where I had carried Hermione over the threshold and into the bedroom with a confidence I had all but lost now. She was a little heavier now too, or maybe I was weaker. I carried her down the stairs gingerly. She put her arms around my neck but looked away, not saying a word. It was more awkward than I thought it was going to be. A month of this was going to be pure hell.
When we reached the door, Charlotte shouted from the top of the stairs. She beamed as she couldn't believe I was standing their with mummy in my arms carrying her in such a loving way. She had probably never seen that before. She ran down the stairs and glomped onto my leg almost making me lose my balance.

"Daddy, you're the best!" she sang as she skipped into the kitchen.

Then Hermione turned to me and whispered quietly: "Please don't tell Charlotte about our divorce."

I nodded and agreed and then put Hermione down on her feet. That was it for today. She touched my arm, maybe to thank me, I wasn't sure. Her expression remained stoic. I just couldn't tell what she was thinking.

At work, Ginny asked me how it went and whether I actually went through with it. I told her that I did it. I carried her from the bedroom to the front door and that I would have to do that 29 more times in order to get the divorce.

Later in the day, I complained about a back problem and held my lower back as I limped across the office. Carrying Hermione had hurt my back. Ginny asked what was wrong and told me to sit down.

"Guess I'm not used to the workout." I said, half-joking.

"Don't overstrain yourself, Harry. You don't have to do this. There are other lawyers you can talk to."

"No, no, it's fine. It'll just take me a few days to get back in shape."

Ginny massaged my shoulders and back. It felt so good having her hands wash over aching muscles. I closed my eyes and sighed deeply relaxing back into the chair.

"Poor, Harry," she said. "You don't deserve this. You deserve better."

"Thanks Ginny. I really appreciate all this."

Maybe Ginny would be the one to drag me out of all this. To be my shining beacon of light in a world full of darkness. Ginny continued to caress my weary limbs. This was the closest we had ever been too. I quite liked it.

On the second day, I lifted Hermione more easily this time. She went up in my arms with no problem at all. As soon as I picked her up, Charlotte came out of her room already dressed in her school uniform. She was so excited to see mummy and daddy like this. It was becoming the best part of her day. She would even be late for school sometimes because she wanted to wait and see me carry mummy.

I carried Hermione down the stairs and to the front door just as I had done the day before. I was going to put her down but she told me not to and instead instructed me to carry her out the house and to the car. This was too embarrassing. In the house was fine but what if someone was to see us? The neighbours knew how bad our relationship had got. What would they think if they saw us like this?

Charlotte opened the front door for us and I walked out the house with Hermione in my arms. Then I heard a familiar voice from across the street. It was Ron. He had grown tall but kept his huge mop of bright red hair. He waved his arms. I smiled back but with a slight grimace. Hermione was the same. She clung to my neck tightly. Her head now nestled in the crook of my shoulder. "Hey. hey, superman!" Ron shouted. "I didn't think you were the type for this. I must say I'm impressed."

"I can assure you Ron, I'm not the type for this. But if you'll excuse me, I've got a job to do."

I carried Hermione over to the car and set her down gently in the passenger's seat. I had agreed to drive her to the tennis club that day. I was just glad that she didn't ask me to carry her all the way there.

Charlotte ran off to school and Ron laughed and continued strolling leisurely down the street without a care in the world. His life seemed so much better than mine. How did end up that way? He and Lavender had had a short fling but that soon ended. Now he was enjoying the single life. He could get up whenever he wanted and could stay out late. I envied him somewhat. That life seemed more appealing to me now than ever.

The next few days were like a blur all mashed together.

I remember Hermione speaking to Charlotte in the kitchen over dinner one time. She was explaining to her why I was carrying her every morning. She told Charlotte that I was such a loving person with a big heart and I just wanted to hold her in an embrace al the time, never letting go. Charlotte smiled. She was so happy to hear that.

It was a lie though. Hermione didn't really think that. It was all a trick. She wanted something more from me and I was determined to find out what it was.

I walked into the kitchen and Hermione immediately stopped talking. Charlotte then looked at me and said: "Daddy, I want you to hold me just like, mummy."

And that's what I did, scooping up Charlotte and lovingly carried my little baby to the living room.

On the fifth day, my schedule was now like clockwork. Get up, wash, dress, carry Hermione downstairs. It all seemed normal, except the last part. If only it were lovingly.
I lifted Hermione effortlessly this time. She was getting lighter or perhaps I was getting stronger from this unique workout. This time I noticed her face so close to mine. There were fine lines and wrinkles on her cheek, her hair was greying as was mine. I hadn't looked at her closely for a long time. She wasn't young anymore.

My mind raced back to our wedding down and on that day we committed our vows. "Til death do us part." We said in unison and the kissed a long deep kiss. The church erupted with applause. Everyone was there: Cho, Neville, Luna, Fleur, Seamus and of course Ron and Ginny. It's funny how life works out sometimes.

The sixth day, Hermione was wearing short skirt with thigh-high stocking with a flowery blouse. Her hair was tied-back in a ponytail. I always liked it best like that. She looked pretty sexy in this get up. But I didn't want to admit it. I just picked her up in my arms as per usual and carried her downstairs to the door. There I held onto her for just a moment and felt her weight in my arms. Her thighs were so soft and tender. I hadn't felt this close to her in a long time. But holding her so near to me made me feel different.

Time stood still. For that one moment at least, it was our wedding day again.
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