Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Siriusly In Love

Siriusly In Love

by loonymoony 0 reviews

It's a week before the full moon and Remus is, as usual, a bit out of it. When he asks Sirius to stay the night with him, what will happen?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Sirius - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-09-24 - 497 words

Remus slumps tiredly over his desk. For the thousandth time, Remus wishes he wasn't a werewolf. Just because the full moon is this week. But he isn't sure that's the only contributing to his tiredness. Perhaps thinking about Sirius might have something to do with it...Pulling himself out of a daze, Remus looks up, only to see that the rest of the class has already started to pack up. Remus reaches for his books and stands. He sways and collapses. Not again, he thinks.
He groans, pulling himself into a sitting position. He gathers a few pieces of parchment, his quill, and a few books and shoves them messily into his bag. Someone leans down and puts the rest of his books inside his bag. Remus rubs his eyes and looks up to see who it is.
His stomach jumps. Remus has always had a soft spot for the handsome lad. But lately, Remus realized his feelings are more than just brotherly. Sirius brushes his dark hair out of his eyes and offers a hand to Remus. He takes it. Remus is gently pulled to his feet. Remus sways dangerously again, but Sirius wraps an arm around his waist, pulling Remus's other arm around his shoulders.
"Easy there, Moony," Padfoot whispers. "Let's get you to the common room. You can rest a bit." Remus nods and takes a few shaky steps, leaning heavily on Sirius. But after walking down a few corridors, it is obvious that Moony can go no further.
"Padfoot," Moony pants. "I...need t-to stop a moment." Sirius obliged, and they sank down against a wall.
"I'm terribly sorry I'm lagging so much," Remus sighs. "You can go." He offered. "I'll..." He trailed off. "Er..catch up."
Sirius chuckled. "Not likely. You can hardly walk, even with me supporting you. It's alright Moony," Sirius said, reassuringly. Moony sighed and leaned his head back. Sirius clears his throat, and places a gentle hand on Moony's.
"I'm so sorry you're hurting, Moony. I wish there was something I could do." Sirius said.
"It's quite alright, Sirius," Remus sighed. "There's nothing anyone can do." Though he doesnt want to pull away from Sirius's gentle touch, Remus pulls himself up, then sort of falls into Sirius's arms. Sirius smiled and picked Remus up bridal style. He then proceeded towards the Gryffindor common room. Remus lets out a sigh, and rested his head against Sirius's chest. He could feel Padfoot smiling as they approached the portrait hole. He gently sat Moony down, and then helped him through the portrait hole. Sirius picked Remus up again, and carried him to the dormitories. Remus lets himself down and collapses on his bed. Remus looks tiredly over at Sirius.
"Padfoot," Moony starts hesitantly. "Would you with me?" Idiot! Remus's brain screams. Now he'll definitely know you love him. But Sirius walks forward with a soft smile and says, "Of course, Moony. Anything for you."
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