Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Siriusly In Love

Do you reeeeeeallly love me?

by loonymoony 0 reviews

Remus invited Sirius to bed, and this is where the truth or what Remus thinks is the truth, comes out.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-09-26 - 307 words

Remus pulls his legs into bed and lays on his side, with his back towards Sirius. He feels the bed sink a bit as Sirius climbs into bed.
Oh this was a mistake! Remus thinks. What if he's just doing this so I won't be embarrassed? But when Sirius gently kisses Remus on the cheek, he knows that Sirius may really love him.
Remus smiles and snuggles against Sirius, pressing his back against Sirius's stomach. Sirius wraps a protective arm around Remus's waist. Remus's eyes gently flutter closed as Sirius places a gentle kiss on his neck. Finally, Remus can stand it no longer. He must ask Sirius, to know the truth.
"Sirius," Moony says softly. " you l-love me?" Moony asks, closing his eyes, bracing for Sirius's answer. When there is a silence, tears sting Remus's eyes. He sits up, cringing when pain sears through his midriff. He stumbles out of bed, tears flowing down his cheeks.
"I knew it," Remus says to himself. He turns to look at Sirius who has jumped out of bed, and is studying him. "You don't love me," Remus says accussingly. "You just didn't want to hurt my feelings." Remus sobs. "Well now I am hurt." Remus angrily wipes away a few tears. He sighs shakily and looks at Sirius.
"You lied." Remus said quietly. Sirius flinches, obviously detecting the coldness in those two simple words. Remus turns, sobbing uncontrollably and races out the portrait hole into the dark corridor.

Author's note: hey everyone! So I decided to write another chapter! Woo hoo! Lolz xD. So anyway, of you're enjoying this story so far, please review! I could always use some feedback, seeing as this is my first fanfic about a ship. Ty guys. : I'll try to update again later tomorrow. Until then, my darlings.
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