Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Siriusly In Love

Shocking Confessions

by loonymoony 0 reviews

Remus runs away, convinced that Sirius doesn't live him. But Sirius has something he needs to tell Remus.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-09-28 - 251 words

Sirius sits on the bed in stunned silence. What just happened? Sirius's brain is muddled and confused. He shakes his head and jumps up from the bed. He must find Remus.
Meanwhile, Remus runs down the corridor, a few angry tears slipping down his cheeks. He isn't paying any attention to where he is going. He comes to an intersection, where he can go left or right. Remus wipes his eyes and chooses a random one and walks on, still a bit briskly. He sighs shakily and trya to catch his breath.
Remus hasn't realized how much running and crying has taken out of him. He doesn't have any energy to waste. Especially the week of the full moon. Exhausted, Remus sinks to the ground, his back pressed against the wall. He has no more energy. He can't cry, so he sits in the dark hallway, replaying what just happened.
Well maybe I just shocked him, Remus thinks. Perhaps I should go back and see him; let him explain. But Remus is just so tired. Going to Sirius can wait until morning. Drained, and with a pounding headache, Remus tilts his head back and drifts off into a deep slumber.

*Author's Note: Hello everyone! I know I've been focusing a lot on Remus and how he is feeling, so I think in the next chapter, I'm going to focus more on Sirius. If you liked this story, or hated it, please tell me and give this a review. Thanks xD
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