Categories > Original > Romance > Teacher, Teacher

The Aftermath

by Miami 0 reviews

The day after the kiss. Everything seems so right.. but something so wrong is brewing.

Category: Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2015-10-08 - 1703 words

“So you’re telling me… he kissed you? Like on the lips?” Devin whispered softly into the phone, even though he was home alone and locked in his room.

“Mhmm…” Clover replied while blushing and trying to hold in a giggle. “Now I’m just worried about how we are going to act around each other in class… if anyone finds out, he could get in serious trouble!”

“You know I’ll never tell anyone, except maybe Brad but he can keep his mouth shut.” The conversation lasted much longer due to Devin wanting to hear every single tiny detail from beginning to end over and over and over again.

The next morning, Clover awoke and was instantly nervous about homeroom. She didn’t know if she could keep her cool in front of Mr. Fields. More importantly, she didn’t know if she could refrain from walking in the class and kissing him. She knew she had to control herself, but she definitely didn’t want to. She met up with Devin and Brad like normal, except she had to fully debrief to Brad who didn’t get the full story from Devin. Instead, he got the shortened version which only consisted of the words Clover, Mr, Fields, and kissed. Ten minutes before the warning bell rang, they usually headed to homeroom together so they could talk to each other without random people potentially listening in. However, today Clover asked if she could go in alone so she could talk privately with Alex. Her casual use of his first name was the sole reason the couple agreed.

Clover walked hastily down the hall toward her homeroom with a ginormous smile plastered across her face. Her heart was beating rather quickly as she considered the possibilities of what could happen when she walked into his room. She paused at the closed door and sighed, collecting herself before entering. She turned the handle and pulled the door open, revealing the toned back of her teacher. She smiled at the sight and entered the room, the door clicking closed behind her.

“Good morning, you three!” Alexander stated, without turning around, and smiled knowing Clover was one of the three he was expecting. He was surprised and turned around immediately when he heard her response.

“Actually, Mr. Fields, it’s just me.” She blushed when he turned to face her and she saw a large smile playing across his lips. He slowly began crossing to room to where she stood, still in front of the closed door. “They had something to do, so I came alone.”

“That’s a shame, I look forward to seeing the three of you in the mornings.” Alex faked interest in the other two as he made his way to his student, stopping a couple feet in front of her.

“Sorry to disappoint you,” Clover faked sadness, cutely pouting to further draw him to her. She took a small step further into the classroom, “I was just hoping we could talk for a second.”

“You could never disappoint me,” Alex breathed out, wishing her could reach out and place his thumb on that adorable pouted lip of hers. “I always enjoy talking with you.” That wasn’t a lie. He looked forward to every word they shared, no matter how short, simply because he loved her soft, angelic voice. “What is it that you want to talk about?”

“Yesterday,” Clover took another step toward her teacher, this one much bigger than the last, leaving mere inches between the pair. “I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop-“

“-replaying it… over and over in your head.” Alex was finally close enough to graze her arm softly with his fingertips, sending chills up and down her spine. His hands were so warm, and she was always so cold. The temperature difference alone gave her goosebumps. Add on that she was falling head-over-heels in love with her teacher and you’ve got the perfect internal hurricane, swirling through her body and causing her head to swim with excitement. Alex took another step in Clover’s direction, fully placing his hand on her arm while he lightly took her hand with his other. “I haven’t stopped thinking about it either, Clo. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the day you first walked into my classroom.”

Clover’s cheeks burned – not just from smiling so much, but from the heat rushing to them as she blushed. She never quite understood how he always made her feel this way, even before the kiss. Now, it’s magnetized and she could hardly contain herself. “What do we do now?” She asked, not sure what their relationship could evolve into.

Mr. Fields kissed her rosy cheeks softly, one after the other. “We date,” he stated, his eyes lost in hers. Clover giggled at the simplicity of it, and he picked up what it meant. “…secretly of course. No one can know about us.” He watched as she looked down and grimaced. “Aside from Devin and Brad, who, judging by your look, I assume already know.”

Clover shrugged and looked around the room coyly, as if she was sarcastically saying she didn’t know what he was talking about. However, she knew – and he knew – that she had already told her two best friends. “I couldn’t help myself, I had to tell someone. And you know as well as I do that they’re extremely trustworthy.”

Alexander simply nodded and pulled Clover into a much wanted hug, silently agreeing to her statement. They embraced each other for several moments until the warning bell rang, after which they instantly sprang apart. Clover took her rightful seat and Mr. Fields returned to the board. Shortly after, Courtney walked in, glaring at Clover as she crossed the floor, with Devin and Brad in toe. Clover shot them a ‘why is she here so early?’ glance and they both shrugged, just as confused as she was.


Courtney was in such a frantic state during the emergency evacuation on Tuesday that she lost her phone in the panic. She wasn’t sure where she left it, so she decided to get to school early the next day to retrace her steps. She knew she had her phone during 3rd period so that’s where she started. When she didn’t find it there, or in her math class, Courtney remembered she stopped by homeroom to “grab something from her desk,” which was code for ‘admire Mr. Fields without getting caught.’ She sauntered to homeroom where she was sure her phone lie, waiting in her desk, potentially dead. Just before she entered the room, she noticed Clover standing almost directly in front of the door. Oh how she wanted to fling it open and knock Clover over, but she knew she would most likely get in trouble so she refrained. That’s when she noticed Mr. Fields walking over to Clover, smiling like an idiot. This intrigued her, so instead of entering the classroom, she waited outside of the door and watched the scene unfold.

Courtney regarded Mr. Fields and Clover talking, but they were speaking too quietly for her to make anything out. They were standing a few feet apart, respectively, in order to maintain an appropriate speaking distance. Then Clover stepped closer to Mr. Fields, and he didn’t move away. Actually, it almost looked as if he were blushing. Most certainly he was very focused on whatever he was saying to Clover, who then took another step closer. Much closer. Courtney couldn’t believe what was happening before her eyes. They were merely inches apart, their eyes locked on one another. She watched as Mr. Fields stepped toward Clover, reached his hand out and gently caressed her arm. Courtney’s jaw dropped when she saw him take another step even closer and grab Clover’s other hand. And when Mr. Fields kissed both of Clover’s cheeks, Courtney nearly fainted. She was seething inside. Jealousy and rage coursed through her being. She wanted to be the one who’s cheeks he was kissing. She wanted to feel his fingers softly touching her arm. She wanted his hand holding hers. It took everything in Courtney’s being not to burst in the door and threaten to tell authorities if they didn’t immediately stop… whatever was going on. But something prevented her from doing so. Proof, she needed proof if she were going to tell anyone and have them believe her.

Courtney reached to her back pocket for her phone before remembering it wasn’t there. “Shit!” She whispered to herself, exasperated. She looked quickly over to her desk and saw her phone sticking out of the cubby. Oh how she desperately needed that. Her eyes drifted back to the pair in front of the door and she nearly exploded when she saw Mr. Fields pull Clover into an embrace. She wanted to fit snugly in his arms. She wanted the scent of his cologne stuck to her clothing. It wasn’t fair. Why did he have to pick Clover? Why couldn’t he be falling for her, instead? Something had to be done. She knew then what she had to do. She had to wait, catch the two of them in some compromising situations and get photo evidence. Maybe after class, maybe later that day, maybe even the next morning. She didn’t know when she would get the opportunity, but she knew she had to.

Finally the warning bell rang and she watched Clover and Mr. Fields break apart and take their respective places in the classroom. Once she was sure Clover was sitting and others were on their way, she burst through the door and headed straight for her seat. Her eyes never left Clover. If looks could kill, Clover would be dead in her seat. She loathed Clover at this point. She wanted Clover gone. She was an intruder in Courtney’s world, taking her possessions and stealing her territory and Courtney wasn’t going to stand for it. If it was a war Clover wanted, a war is what she would get.
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