Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Nothing But A High School Crush

Nothing But A High School Crush

by unholyfrank 0 reviews

A story through Frank's eyes as he pines over his best friends older brother. Jock!Gerard and Schoolboy!Frank.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-11-02 - 1887 words

This was so much fun to write and I know that there will be more chapters to this, so don't worry. There will be more coming. This however, will be my first smutty fic so don't judge too hard.
I saw this image on tumbr, surprise surprise, and it kind of sparked my imagination
I hope you like it. Let me know.
Unholyfrank xx

I’m trying to swim against a sea of people to get to my locker. I need my books. I don’t have that long until class. I fumble with my lock and open the door, the inside covered in band logos and mini posters. Its safe to say that I’m not a ‘popular’ kid at this school. I’m in my second to last year of school, so just a little bit longer to go. I transferred here a few years ago and have my little collection of friends, well three is about it. There’s Ray, he looks out for our group, not that we need it or anything, but he graduates at the end of this year. Then there’s Bob, he’s great, we mess around all the time and he acts so serious but I’m pretty sure he has a soft spot for me. And finally, Mikey, he’s my best friend, he was the first guy to talk to me when I got here and he introduced me to Ray and Bob and he showed me the ropes. He’s a great guy, strange, quiet and awkward, but who’s not really?

The bell rings and I quickly grab my books and put them in my bag. As everyone makes their way to class I spot him walking with his friends down the corridor. Gerard Way. Mikey’s older brother. I basically have to hold onto my locker door to keep my knees from shaking. I don’t make it painfully obvious, don’t worry. As he walks past, he watches me, it’s like the slow motion walks they do in the movies, those really cheesy ones? You know what I mean. God, why does he have to be popular, on the football team and hot, it’s just not fair.

I mean, I’ve met Gerard before when I’ve gone round to see Mikey. He’s a really nice guy for being a jock but you can tell that he could use that to get whatever he needs, people always naturally fear the guys on the football team. Its a natural status thing. But he’s amazing, that’s why I have this fascination with him, he’s secretly into comics, drawing and singing, Mikey tells me everything. He obviously thinks its a bit weird that I have this fascination with his brother. But its just a crush. Gerard wouldn’t consider me anything more than ‘Mikey’s friend from school’.

He’s said ‘hi’ before but never really at school, only when I’m in the house with Mikey. At school he just watches me as he walks past, I think its an intimidation thing, he must do it to everyone. I’m not the only one who finds him intimidating but to Mikey he’s just putting on the ‘I’m the older brother’ character as he looks down on everyone, walking past talking to his friends.

After Gerard has passed, I get my bag zipped up as Mikey pulls me by my arm suddenly.

“C’mon loser! We’re gonna be late for Chemistry!” He moans as he hauls me to our classroom by my sleeve.

“Hey, I was just on my way, no need to drag me.” I complain as I fix my bag over my shoulder. But before I could look up, Mikey is already standing still and giving me ’the eyebrow’.

“Really, just on your way? I know exactly what you were doing and I don’t wanna know about it. Now, c’mon, lets go.” He scoffs as we walk to class.

Hey, I can’t help it. We all have those High School crushes and mine just happens to be on my best friend’s older brother. Oh boy. I’m such a bad person. But he’s so hot. I’m internally whining right now, its just not fair. I can’t smile at him or say ‘hi’ or even look at him for any longer than two seconds because he’ll think I’m a loser. Hey, never mind saying ‘hi’ to him, that would never work anyway, I tried asking where the bathroom was at Mikey’s house the first time I went round and it came out like ‘Bathroom..? Do you.. bath.. Um.. sigh Where?’ He just laughed it off and pointed round the corner. Ugh, I can’t even forgive myself for that one. I was so stupid.

I blink a few times and I slightly shake my head. Fuck. Back to reality and out of dream mode. It had been twenty minutes. Another forty to go. I have done no work, fuck, I haven’t even opened my book. I’ll just have to get Mikey to help me catch up again. This is happening too much, I need to get this under control.

I scramble to open my book and copy down the writing on the board. I have written it all down and I see him outside the classroom door. He’s walking into a class across the hall. I put my pen down and I watch. I can see him from here, just inside the other classroom. It’s alright. Everyone else is focused on doing work and my teacher is distracted by something on her computer, I can day dream a little. Well, that is, I could day dream a little until he saunters into our classroom with a smug little expression on his face as he walks to our teacher and puts a few papers on her desk. She listens to him as he explains their purpose but I can’t hear a thing. I’m just watching. So are a lot of people at the front of the class, but they are more interested in what Gerard has put on her desk rather than Gerard himself.

At this point I have picked up my pen again and I have it sat in between my teeth in some sort of half dazed phase. I realise and quickly put it down again before anyone notices. He looks up at the class and apologises for disrupting our work and concentration. Everyone shakes their heads and gets back on with their work, talking to the people beside them. Gerard on the other hand looks up at the back row, looks at Mikey and nods before he turns and leaves. Sort of a ‘hello’ without saying anything I suppose. I watch him as he walks out of the door and walks along to another class. That is until I get a rather painful kick in the shin. I hold back a swear as I grit my teeth and turn to Mikey.

“Hey, you were asking for it.” He shrugged. And I suppose I was. No one could blame him for that. If it was your brother I was drooling after, you’d think it was weird too. I rub my shin and breathe off the pain as I pick up my pen again. I do pay attention for the rest of the lesson and get as much notes written as I can, but I know that I still missed a lot from the beginning of class. Mikey will help me.. hopefully. He’s kind of the only hope I have left when it comes to these situations. So if he decides not to help me. I’m a little screwed.

I bite my lip slightly and turn to Mikey. He has his head down and is doing his own work. Something I should probably be doing, but I nudge his arm slightly and watch him.

“Hey, Mikey? Do you think you could help me with this stuff after school. I didn't get all of it down. But you already know that..” I say quietly hoping that he’ll be alright with it. He looks up at me and chuckles slightly as he nods.

“Dude, you’re little thing you have is weird and all but I’m not going to make you suffer because of it. Come round to my house after school and we can catch you up and make sure you understand everything.” I sigh, a little relieved to be honest as he speaks. I nod a little ‘thank you’ in return and I get on with the work in front of me for the time being.

As the bell rings, Mikey and I get our bags packed and head out of the class where we stop to unpack the contents of our bags into our lockers. I make sure to keep my Chemistry things in my bag to take to Mikey’s.

I swing my bag over my shoulder and twist the combination of my lock on the outside of the door. I talk to Mikey on the way out of school and we agree that we would both go home, get changed, whatever and meet up at Mikey’s house in an hour. I nod and start walking down the street, the same way as Mikey until he turns off further down the road. As I walk home, I turn the corner at the bottom of the road and I can see Gerard walking down after Mikey. I take a deep breath and keep walking. Now I’m by myself, just me and my imagination. I don’t know if that’s a good combination or not. I sometimes imagine that Gerard is walking home with me. This tall, dark, handsome guy in his leavers baseball style jacket walking beside me. Its somewhat comforting pretending to have a protective person beside you but then because its Gerard, I get all nervous, even though its my own imagination.

I shake my head as I get up to my house and unlock the door. Mum and Dad are both still at work. I pat SweetPea’s head as she sits at the door waiting for me.

‘Good girl.’ I smile as I give her tummy a quick rub. I take my shoes off and I wonder upstairs. Boy. I need to get him out of my head. But it’s been like this for too long, its not like this crush is new, its been there since I got here. Since I met Mikey. Since he introduced me to Gerard. I always found myself watching him if he was in the same room as us. Found myself looking away every time he turned to look at me. Going quiet when he was speaking. And losing my voice if he was speaking to me. Just thinking about him right now is making my breathing go a little shaky and my stomach turn to knots. If I don’t stop thinking about him, well, let’s just say Mikey will be really grossed out.

Better make that shower a cold one.
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