Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Fellowship of the Fox

Chapter 14 - Birthdays & Conspiracies

by Ryuuohjin 0 reviews

While Neville and Rhy celebrate their birthsdays, others are suspect unssen forces working behind thier back.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Arthur Weasley,Dumbledore,Lucius,Neville - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-11-26 - Updated: 2015-11-26 - 12771 words

The Fellowship of the Fox
by Ryuuohjin

////////////// AN////////////////

Disclaimer -
I do not on any way own Harry Potter or any of it's world or characters.
They all fully belong to J.K. Rowling and her affiliates. All expect for the moogle, it belongs to Square Enix.

I'm back after a long silence with new chapter, which if should be honest could had been out some months ago if I just had remembered to finish it then, but stuff happened. I snatched some of the birthday gifts from some other fics, don't remember which. Also snatched the part about nyctophobia from another fic which I also don't remember.

Now without further ado, lets get on with the story.


Chapter 14 - Birthdays & Conspiracies

To say that Lucuis Malfoy was an unhappy camper would be to understate the truth by several orders of magnitude. He and his family had spent days following their Manors destruction in rented rooms they at Leaky Cauldron. While they waited for their other properties to be checked and freed of any pests or vermin.

Narcissa Malfoy almost choked on her breakfast as she read the letter that had been delivered by an owl this morning. Lucius couldn't help but notice his normally cultivated and cultured wife spraying coffee over the table, he enquired who the letter was from. The letter had the Gringotts seal on it, this had alerted the head of the Malfoy family that this was serious, but what it contained terrified Lucius more than that blade against his chest.

"It's from from the bank. They're citing that they closing down our vaults because breach of contract. During a random search of the vaults they had found several dark and illegal objects, that violated the treaty the Ministry have with Goblins. In accordance to contract Gringotts have sealed the vaults and would continue to take its small, annual rental fee for their continued use. The rest of the contents will remain untouched until someone is able to claim it. In the case of the Malfoy vaults, that would be Draco when he came of age. "

It was now Lucius's turn to do a spit take at the breakfast table,"What? They can't do that! This must some kind of mistake."

Narcissa hated pointing out the obvious, a task that she supposed she should be used to by now with the Malfoy males."It also written that those vaults belong to Gringotts, and are only rented by the Malfoy family. As with any rental agreement, there are always conditions attached. Because of severity of the breach, they have taken quarter of the gold in the vaults as a penalty fee."

Lucius was fuming, he had to take action and fast, this situation could not be allowed to happen. He of course had contingency funds stashed where no one else could find them. But the Malfoy's change in circumstances would certainly put a swift end to funding anyone else. Those associates who had become reliant on what was basically a handout were now going to have to look elsewhere. But must importantly his master wouldn’t appreciate what this lack of funds would mean for his plans. Lucius foresaw only pain on his part, if this was not corrected swiftly.

"I will have to go Gringotts and clear up this. I'm sure its all just misunderstanding and that we can come to some sort of agreement," Lucius had his hand on the ever present cane with the snake motif, yes they would soon reach an agreement one way or the other.


Nyctophobia. It's a word few people really know by name, but nearly everyone has, at one time or another, suffered from to at least some degree. It's the fear of the dark. As children, when our minds are open and suggestible and even the non-magical children are capable of seeing magic, believing in it, we tend to fear that there is something out there, waiting and watching. It isn't even the fear of the pain that would come from whatever may be out there, or the knowledge that anything out there could, potentially, kill you. It is the unknown. Not knowing what the darkness holds, it could literally be anything. However, while the non-magical adults may look into a closet and then smile at their children who were sure that something was hiding there, believing there was nothing to fear, the child, and magicals by and large, knew that there very much were things to fear in the shadows and the dark. There were things that would lay in wait with the patience even a Saint would jealous of.

That was why wards Neville had placed over various muggle neighbourhoods were quite extraordinary. It was Luna who come with this ward, it was based on her mothers research of illusions, and made to only affect those with magic. Any magical with ill intent who enter the neighbourhood would assaulted by this very primal fear, and they would be unable to return from where their minds had gone. They would be stuck in the dark, paralysed by fear, because they knew what was in that darkness. They knew what that darkness held. Their minds would been unwilling to be found by they knew lurked there and so all of those various parts would try to hide away, trying not to be found by it, or anyone else who may be searching.

Only those that were strong of minds and wills, along with having good emotional control, would be able withstand the effects of these wards. As an added protection Neville had added Hostile Confusion wards. They were like muggle repelling wards which distracted unwelcome muggles. These wards tampered with ones reasoning and logic, amplifying any doubts or fears the longer one stayed under them.

Neville had spent the days following the visit to his parents by raising wards over the neighbourhoods of muggleborn class mates. It was slow and hard work, especially since he did it mostly by himself. As the Weasley's and Hermione was stuck with the Order, while Rasp's did help out a little they were mostly occupied with the Fox Den. Each ward set had awardstone hidden and buried deep in a unplottable location, which had a Fiddelus cast over it of which he was the Secret Keeper.

So far Neville had yet only managed to ward four neighbourhoods He had left the charging of the wards to the house elves, as he could cover more ground that way. But Neville would have to cut it short today, as he had invited several of his friends to celebrate his birthday later today.


After having finished her usual morning training routine and eating hearty breakfast, Rhy had flooed to the Leaky Cauldron, she was now walking along the cobbled pathway of Diagon Alley for the second day in arow. She had an appointment with the Rasp's account manager, a goblin named Silvertounge, at ten at Gringotts today.

As she neared her location, luck would have it that she was just in time to see several goblin guards roughly throw out Lucius Malfoy out of the bank, as if he were a rowdy drunk in bar. She stopped and watched for awhile as the Head of House Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, cursed and screamed at goblins guards, while generally making spectacle of himself as the goblins ignored him.

But after while he seemed to have calmed down and collected himself. With some final derogatory insults, along with promises that they would rue the day they crossed Lucius Malfoy. Lucius spun on his heel and stormed off down the alley, muttering things angrily under his breath. Much to the amusement of those watching.

As Rhy stepped into the atrium of Gringotts Wizarding bank, she nodded and flashed a smile to the guards, as she made her way over to a vacant counter where a teller was counting coins.

"Yes? State your business," the Goblin greeted sharply, without looking up from the coins.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Rhy Rasp; I have an appointment with Silvertounge and I would like you to let him know I'm here."

The Goblin looked up at Rhy and stared at him for a moment. "One moment." The goblin then said gruffly and touched a runestone."He'll be coming through that door if you want to wait for him there."

"Thank you." Rhy nodded and walked over to the indicated area.

Not even a minute later the door opened and revealed Silvertounge. "It is a pleasure to see you again Miss Rasp."

"Very well," the Goblin said and led her back to his office. "Right this way, Rhy."

"How are you today Silvertounge?" Rhy asked politely as she followed.

"I'm fine. How are you?" Silvertounge replied.

"I'm good," Rhy said before the two shared a nice silent walk.

"Will anyone else be joining us today?" Silvertounge asked as they entered his office.

"Not that I am aware of," Rhy smirked. "Should someone be?"

"No, not necessarily," the Goblin waited until she sat down before he took his seat. "As you know we have reviewed all of the information you left with us. And as told you know, your request for aid from the Goblin Nation has been accepted. We will not able to provide with any warriors or financial backing, but we will gladly help you with anything regarding warding, curse breaking, or anything else that is mainly support. We can also help you with any enchanting or rune . All to a fee, of course, but you will get a major discount."

"We are most satisfied with the services provided for the Rasp family by the Goblin Nation," Rhy said with gratitude. "And we would like to make use of that offer immediately."

"The Goblin Nation is honoured to serve the house of Rasp in any capacity and pleased to provide acceptable service," Silvertounge replied. "What do you require?"

"One of our contacts have found an another piece of Voldemort's vile soul," "It's an ugly ring that was made somewhat clumsily out of gold ring inset with a large black stone engraved a triangle, containing a circle, bisected by aline. "

Rhy and friends had decided since they didn't know what protected this horux. Since it had been Dumbledore who obtained it and destroyed it the last time. All they had about it was second hand information, therefore it been decided it that it would be safer to let the goblins handle it. Therefore they would get the goblins rip the site apart, disposing of the ring without them having to go anywhere near it. Rhy saw the goblin left eye twitch a little, when she described the ring.

"Just you know we do know what the crest on ring mean, the Peverell coat of arms, which is also the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. And before you ask it is the actual Resurrection Stone. Though seems like neither Voldemort nor the Gaunts knew that. We believe they were unaware of its existence. Will this cause any problems?"

"No problem, I get ateam on it as soon this meeting is over," Silvertounge replied."Though I think it might be best to hide the fact that it is aHallow."

"You do what think is for the best. From the information we have it's hidden in a run-down shack with a dead snake nailed to the door. Located near the village of Little Haggleton. We don't know kind of wards or traps has placed around the place, but since it's Voldemort we're talking about here it's probably something nasty. But we do know that the ring have been cursed with powerful flesh rotting curse, with strong compulsion charm tied to it. So be proceeded with caution."

"I'll be sure to warn the curse breakers about that. Was there anything else?"

"Yes, I like to hire a solicitor on the behalf of Sirius Black, any idea of a good one?"

"I think I know one that fits and that can be trusted, as long you don't have anything against a non-human solicitors."

"That's no problem, as long as they can be trusted I don't care."

"Good, then I will contact Woebringer after this. He is one of our best and very discreet."

"If accepts the case give him this," Rhy said as handed the goblin a small case filled vials containing silver liquid. "It is all the memories of me and friends, have pertaining to the case. And remind him that Harry Potter cannot be called as a witness."

"I will be sure to inform him," Silvertounge said.

The rest of time they went through the audit that Rhy, had requested on vaults and account connected to her. By the time they were done, Rhy's stomach was growling audibly, bringing a rueful grin to the goblins lips. "I think that's the signal to end this for today. If are there any changes or if you forgot something, you just owl me and I will deal with it. Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?"

"No, thank you," Rhy picked up the paperwork and rose, bowing from the waist, she told the goblin, "May your gold always flow."

Slivertounge rose. Returning the bow, the old goblin replied,"And may your enemies suffer."

Without further ado, she headed out of the bank into a hustle and bustle in the Alley.


The party took place during and after dinner. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. They'd just invited over almost everyone their year, fed them an enormous dinner, and baked a cake that seemed larger than Hagrid.

At around three in the afternoon, the first of the guests showed up. It had been the Rasps, which arrived by Floo and brought a wrapped gift with them. He smiled when he saw Rhy and her two sister.

"Happy Birthday, Neville," Rhy said as she handed him their gift. "This is for you."

"Thanks," Neville said. "What is it?"

"Not telling," Rhy replied.

"You'll just have to wait," Kerry added with a laugh. He gave the younger witch a false pout and placed the gift on a table in the Entry Parlor, as a house elf show them the way the ballroom where a there was a huge sparkling banner along the back wall, wishing Neville a Happy, Happy Birthday. Dancing multicoloured lights along the walls, hanging from the ceiling.

The guests continued to arrived over the next hour. The Weasley's and Hermione arrived about twenty minutes into the gathering, by then a large table had been brought forth carry all the presents Neville had received.

He was very pleased with the gifts he received, it was mostly sweets of some sort, although he did complain a little about how much the Weasley's present must have cost. He really enjoyed the dragon-hide boots that the sisters had clubbed up to get him. They were sturdy and surprisingly comfortable after they contracted to conform to his feet. Neville thought the glossy dark hide looked very smart with the blackened metal fittings. Ginny told him in secret that they had put a feather light charm on them, so they almost made no noise, and barley left any no foot prints.

Neville had received gifts from every branch of the Longbottom family. Several sets of pyjamas, complete outfits down to socks and underwear, a couple variety boots (snow and hiking), aheavy cloak in a dark forest green, books on gardening, on herbology, and on botany.

Luna had sent him her present by owl, as she still out travelling with her father. After having opened it, he pulled out and reveal a simple packing material that held two dozen crystal figurines, each about four inches tall. The were each crafted to look like individual fairies with various styles of wings, either dragonfly, butterfly, bee or angelic, feather-like wings; various colours of hair, either cropped short and spiky or long and luxurious, dresses from stylized armoured or jungle-like bikinis to long, flowing dresses and with various expressions that appeared to be near perfection on their faces. As though something were trying to be captured, but never quite made it there.

Each was delicate and beautifully crafted. And while the bodies and hair seemed to be made of a single crystal that shifted in colour as needed to make them look almost natural, the clothes and accessories they held like bows or knives at their waists or on their calves, were all other forms of crystal that looked to have been grown around the body since they were attached without actually being the same crystal as the body. In effect, it was as though these fairies and their clothing had simply turned into crystal at some point.

"Whoa," Hermione mumbled, wide-eyed. "What ... are they?"

Neville had picked up the letter from Luna and read it aloud for Hermione's benefit.

'Dear Neville,

Happy birthday and I'm sorry if this come later than your actual birthday. I'm still travelling with my father and it might just takes a little longer, even with our friend's speedy flying.

As for your birthday present, I found this as we were passing through a Scandinavian village. When I found what theme immediately thought that this was the prefect present for you. The fairies here apparently dance with some of the witches in the many fairy circles on All Hallows Eve and the selected ones are gifted these figurines by capturing the starlight and growing the crystal, each fairy making a replica of itself. I heard it's quite the beautiful spectacle.

The amazing thing with them are that you can take and store emotions if you ask them to, and will let you feel them any time you want just as if you were reliving the memory. They glow softly when an emotion is stored.

We should also be home mid-August, so feel free to send as many letters as you wish to then. Just remember it may take me a little while to respond to them.

I hope you enjoy your presents,

Your friend Luna Lovegood.'

Hermione had given him a pair of thick gloves, also in dragon hide, which was charmed to improve ones grip and grip strength, and make one less likely to drop anything, even if it were very smooth or slippery.

The Rasp's really was one of a kind, made and charmed by themselves. Rhy had gotten the idea from a game series she liked. And they had tried to recreate it as an advanced type of golem. Neville immediately recognized what it was, it was amoogle. While he had never really gotten at the games like Rhy had, there was no mistaking it. That form, those wing, and that ball, now matter how he looked it. The Rasp's had created a moogle. While they claimed it was just prototype he was getting, and that they his option on it, he still couldn't believe that they had created a real life moogle and gave to him.

The moogle was only a foot tall with with fur, resembling a small mammal, with a balloon-shaped head and a vertically oval nose resembling a koala, with it's eyes currently closed. Rhy informed him that while awake it eyes would be squinted most the time. A red ball of fur on a thin, wiry antenna hanged from it's head, which the Rasp's warned him that it would be sensitive about being touched.

It sported a full mane of fluffy fur, worn like a mink fur boa around the neck. The moogle's wings were small and pink, of a bat-like design, as to juxtapose it's otherwise harmless appearance. It could use it's wings to fly and it's possibly it can fly several meters above the ground, but it would be just simply too afraid to do so.

Personality wise they had made it to have a bubbly nature. It would be intelligent and industrious, but wary of human contact. The moogle would be able to speak English but would often punctuate its sentences with "kupo" as a verbal tic. They left honour of naming the moogle to Neville, and a note with instructions on how to activate it.

Rhy had said they maybe would something similar in a prank someday in the future, but in that case they need to see how it work and behaved first. He had yet activate it.

He was, however, secretly glad that his friends hadn't bought him a bunch of expensive presents. But all in all, the birthday celebration turned out to be a very fun evening.

The food was amazing. A long buffet with Succulent roast beef and pork, chicken, fluffy potatoes, thick gravies, multiple vegetables, an several different kinds of fruit. Warm fluffy and freshly baked rolls with butter. One huge cake with fifteen candles for Neville to blow out. Candy, cakes, cookies, sweets of a hundred different varieties. Fizzy drinks and juice in different flavours

There was music and laughter. Conversations with cousins and classmates. Makings of new friends. Reconnecting with old ones. Dancing. A few slow songs. More fast ones. All in all they had a wonderful evening, it was capped off with an extensive fireworks display.

It was by far Neville best birthday by far.


The following day elsewhere, at a quarter-to-twelve, Nymhadora Tonks walked into the kitchen at Grimmuald Place.

"Something smells good," Tonks said, as she sat down at the table.

"Breakfast lasagne," Remus said, "Or in this case, 'brunch lasagne'. An old speciality of my mother's."

"I wasn't aware you could cook," Tonks said.

Remus smiled wryly. "It is one of the few things I can cook in an oven without burning it, thanks to my mother. I'm more comfortable around a Muggle microwave. I lived on microwave dinners for many years."

Time passed and couple of minutes later the the rest of the house came tottering in.

Soon, they were all seated around the kitchen table, with a plate of breakfast lasagne and bottles of butterbeer. The lasagne consisted of eggs, cheese, sausage, and sausage gravy instead of the usual tomato sauce. It was quite tasty.

"Who made this dish?" Molly asked, "It is delicious. My compliments to the chef."

"I accept those compliments," Remus said.

Molly raised her eyebrows. "Exactly how long have you been keeping your cooking skills a secret, Remus Lupin?"

Remus smiled wryly.

Ten minutes later, all food was abandoned as acouple of owls flew through the window, all eyes glued to on them in particular.

The first was Gringotts owl, carrying a letter addressed to Sirius.

The third was a unknown horned owl that delivered a letter to the twins. It looked like an ad flier for the shop that had signed a contract with them sell their stuff, was opening soon. It invited them with their family and friends to the grand opening of the shop, which would be celebrated with cake and fizzy drinks under the first day. The rest of the first week would run a lottery where could win fabulous prizes, along with that they would have huge sale on selected wares. Similar letters had been sent to all who had been sent to members of the DA. And each contained asubtle compulsion charm, that was barley noticeable, making the reader to visit the store at least once.

But it was the last one that caught everyone attention. It was a beautiful snow-white owl, that everyone present immediately recognized. It was Hedwig, pet, friend and familiar to Harry Potter, who had been missing for several weeks now. She headed straight for Sirius, who quickly and took the letter as Ginny gave Hedwig a few owl treats. Who, after devouring them and drinking some water, spread out her wings and after few powerful strokes with them were gone.


Sirius had been sick with worry, since they had found out that his was godson missing. He hardly ate and slept and was almost always in abad mood or depressed, that he was forced stay in house he hated didn't help things either. He had even lost several pounds and was even more emaciated then before. That all changed when he saw Hedwig. Harry's owl was a gorgeous creature, covered with soft, dazzling white feathers.

When he saw Hedwig carrying a letter addressed to him, he quickly retrieved it, and ripped it open. The message was short and written in the scrawly handwriting of his godson, telling him that if he was a Marauder he would know what do. The line telling him if he was Marauder he would know what do really bothered him for some reason. Then it hit like bolt from the blue, he drew his wand and touched it to the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." To his utter amazement and excitement, the words swirled across the parchment, changing, multiplying, to then finally coalesce into a neat script:

'Dear Snuffles,

I hope this letter reaches you well and that you are in good health.

Am still alive, as you may surmise from this note.

Of course, I could be dead and someone is faking the letter to fool you. But really only few know you are Padfoot of the Marauders, or that the Marauders became animaguses because Moony's furry little problem. And further prove who I'm let me mention acertain incident involving me, you, Hermione and our friend Buckbeak.

I know it's probably is hard, especially since you are at that grim old place, but do take of yourself.

Unfortunately this isn't just a letter to ask you how you are doing. I know that you are aware of what happened recently. I talking of course of my disappearance from the Hogwarts Express. Trust me when I say that there was a very good reason for this.

Also say hi to 'Mione, Gin, Luna, Nev and Ron for me. And everyone else except Dumbledore. You could tell Dumbeldore I think is a sanctimonious goat because;

First off, he seems be unable to envision any situation that justified killing another person, and seems to hold on to the common misconception that many of the faithful have that killing a person is a mortal sin. In English, one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible is 'Thou shalt not kill.' That misconception is derived from a mistranslation of the original Hebrew by the Greeks and carried through in Latin and later English. The Hebrew word was not 'kill,' it was 'murder,' the unlawful and unjustified taking of life. Big difference. The ancient Greek did not distinguish between those two words. Despite being thrown into amajor war with Voldemort, Dumbledore refused to kill or allow any of his followers to do so.

Secondly, he was a firm believer in redemption, while I agree with his philosophy in principal, I also recognize that as honourable as that concept is, it can also be taken to extremes. At some point, a person must realize they are accountable for what they do and say. Should we give others a second chance? Indeed we should, but they have to earn it. There is an old expression he never seem to have understood - fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

With this in mind I decided that best course of action is for me to take is to go underground and disappear. So don't search for me, as you won't find me.

Love your godson Harry.

P.S. This letter will self-destruct after you have read it, just be on safe side, which means now.'

Just as had finished reading the letter, it poofed and exploded into afine spray of ash. Leaving his face blackened and his eyebrows singed, as he if had been playing with a deck of exploding snap cards.


Hundreds of miles away Albus Dumbledore also received a letter, but this time it was from a house-elf that he recognized as Dobby. However, before he could ask where Harry was, the elf disappeared again. He should have stunned the elf but sadly his reflexes weren't what they used to be. When he unfolded the letter he noticed the handwriting and sank into his comfy chair in relief. He quickly read the letter and was surprised at what he was reading.

'Dear Albus Dumbeldore,

I'm writing this letter to inform you that I will not continue my studies at Hogwarts this September. And in the light of recent events I decided that the course of action I can take is to simply disappear. As long as the Ministry is determined to hide its head under the blankets as though pretending the monster isn't there will rob it of its power. I can only this ending badly, unless the Minister changes his mind, otherwise it just have opposite effect.

You might disagree with all this, and I know you may still worry about things, especially about the Dursley's , but rest assured it's all for the greater good.

Have a nice day,

Harry James Potter

Head of the Ancient and Most Noble Houses of Potter'

Dumbledore put down the letter and put one of his famous lemon-drops in his mouth. This was distressing news to say the least. The disappearance of Harry Potter and Longbottom's had surprised and scared him as well. He didn't know what had happened and where they had gone off to and that bothered him more than anything. An cursory inspection had revealed that even Longbottom’s medical files had gone missing. Which made him suspect that the whole thing was setup just to cover up the Longbottom’s disappearance. But to setup something so large, complex and audacious just to kidnap a pair of invalids. It didn't compute, if wanted to kidnap them dozen of other ways to do without undue attention. So had gone for some so flashy. Dumbledore couldn’t see what their end goal was with this.

And Harry on the other hand was simply too important for the survival of the Wizarding World. If something happened to him, they were doomed. He had pulled in every member of the Order to find Harry but to no avail. No matter what they did or where they looked, they were unable to find any trace of him. The only reassurance they had was that Tom had no clue to Harry's location as well.

He had his suspicions, but no proof, that the disappearance of Harry and Longbottom, along with the portkey debacle and maybe even the torching of Malfoy Manor, were all connected somehow. And it all pointed to this mysterious group calling themselves the Fellowship of the Fox. He had tried dig up any information about them, but gotten zilch. It was as if they had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No know purpose, or any know members, not even their numbers, but the girl Alastor Moody had fought in the Hall of Prophecies at the DoM, Dumbeldore suspected was a member of this mysterious new fellowship.

Sure their howler had said something about setting things right, where he and Ministry had failed, but what did that really mean. Was is the Voldemort and his Death Eaters they meant, and if so how did they plan to solve it. Questions begot questions, none of which he had any answers too. And this was another thing troubled him greatly, too much was unknown or uncertain, he didn't like that. He was also curious about how Harry had managed to disappear from the train but judging from the House-Elf that delivered the letter, he had an idea.

Putting that aside, how Harry had managed to take his O.W.Ls still befuddled him. When the did boy manage that, since results was registered right after the summer break started, he must taken them while the tournament was still going on. And from what Albus knew had Harry never left the vicinity of the Hogwarts long enough to take any tests examinations, nor had any examiners come here what he knew.

"Well Fawkes, it seems our young friend Harry has managed to impress me once more," Dumbledore said to his phoenix. The noble bird replied with a happy song before bursting into flames. It seemed his burning day had come early. Dumbledore looked at the little bird in the ashes and smiled. Fawkes had been adear companion for many years and he was amazed each and every time at the rebirth of his friend.

Suddenly his fireplace flared up and a face appeared. It was a very distressed Remus who appeared and asked if he could pass through to the his office. Dumbledore quickly granted him access and second later Remus tumbled out the fireplace.


Rhy yawned as she stretched out her arms, she had fallen asleep in the limb of a tree while she was out enjoying the sun it seemed. Rubbing her eye, she hopped down and stretched her legs out one at a time before she began to make her way to the to her bedroom to further nap, or at least that had been her plan.

While today was her birthday, Rhy had managed after much persistence and fast talking convinced her friends not make big deal of it this, and not throw her a party. Or at least she that was, was she had thought. What didn't know was that her sisters had conspired with the elfs to throw her asurprise party.

While it paled in comparison to Neville party yesterday, it was still had quite enjoyable. It was quite small party with only her sisters, Neville and the elfs in attendance. While group the was holed up Grimmuald Place had wanted to come, they not been allowed to leave Order HQ, because there had no available chaperones to follow them. So instead they had sent their presents and apologies with Kreacher.

Like with Neville, Luna had her some strange bauble she had found under her travel. But this one was not magical like Neville's, but no less exquisite.

The most surprising present had come from the goblins. Since she never expected to receive anything from them, she quite surprised when apackage with a letter from Gringotts came, congratulating her seventh birthday and telling her that they had sent her something that they hoped might help her in any of her future endeavours

A first glance it had looked like just an dusty old cloak. But somehow it reminded her of her Invisibility Cloak in that she could feel something while touching it. However, unlike her other cloak that felt soft like water, this one felt like nothing, like touching the air.

It was a soft black cotton-silk combination in appearance. It was long, and when she put it on, over her shoulders it hung to her ankles where it has a tattered effect at the end like a bats wings. It had dark, blackened platinum fastenings, a high black collar that folded around her neck, and a pointed hood. However, when she finished fastening it on she had been startled, and her eyes had widened in awe and shock.

It had spread out like bat wings, stiff, but rather than flapping it glided her off her feet. It surprisingly felt similar to a broom, but not quite – it was the same, but different. After taking a deep breath to stop her from panicking before her small feet touched down and the cloak dropped back to hug her body and she grinned.

'A cloak enchanted with the gift of flight, the goblins sure how to give presents', she thought to herself giddy with excitement.

But her favourite Rhy had gotten from her sisters, it was a belt with the Rasp crest on the belt buckle. It were made of a combination basilisk and dragon skin weaved together and then lined with acumantula silk on the inside, while they had decorated the outside with scales taken from themselves. Rhy had been quite touched by that and had given her sister each a big hug while thanking them.


Lucius Malfoy not having pleasant day, and he was still reeling from the day he had yesterday. He had left the Minister of Magic's office without what he came for, this was a new experience for the blond Slytherin. He had been seething, as he strode through Ministry with the presence of one who expected people to move out of his way, just without his usual look of arrogance missing. He always known that Cornelius Fudge was an idiot, but he had at least thought he was his idiot - bought and paid for. Cornelius won't get a job cleaning up owl shit at the post office by the time he was finished with him.

After having been thrown out of Gringotts and humiliated in Diagon Alley by the goblins. He had marched over to Ministry to bully Dirk Cresswell, the Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, into set things right along with punishing the little beasts, while at it. But to no avail, so he had then gone higher up the food chain to Amos Diggory, which was the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Only to find that with the aftermath of portkey debacleand the recent death of his son, he didn't have even bother or care for what Lucius Malfoy thought.

But it had been Minister office that been the biggest surprise Lucius had always seen Fudge as someone of weak of mind and will. Someone easy to control, manipulate, or bribe. But since he didn't have access to Malfoy vaults bribing Fudge would be out of question. That's why when Fudge had stonewalled his attempts to get the Minister to deal with the goblins, Lucius had been quite surprised. It seemed like Fudge had managed to get brain from somewhere, along with growing some backbone.

But what worried him the most was that, he was not the only that had his vaults seized. At the Ministry he had encountered Nott, Avery and Flint. And he was currently talking to Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson in a private room at the Leaky Cauldron. All of them, like him, had had their vaults seized due to a sudden random search of their vaults. Something was up, he didn't know what yet, but Lucius sure didn't like it, nor would his his master.




The Fellowship of the Fox
by Ryuuohjin

//////////// AN////////////////

Disclaimer -
I do not on any way own Harry Potter or any of it's world or characters.
They all fully belong to J.K. Rowling and her affiliates. All expect for the moogle, it belongs to Square Enix.

I'm back after a long silence with new chapter, which if should be honest could had been out some months ago if I just had remembered to finish it then, but stuff happened. I snatched some of the birthday gifts from some other fics, don't remember which. Also snatched the part about nyctophobia from another fic which I also don't remember.

Now without further ado, lets get on with the story.

Update 2015-12-17:Fix some things, add some things I noticed I missed, and just generally cleaned it up a little.


Chapter 14 -Birthdays & Conspiracies

To say that Lucuis Malfoy was an unhappy camper would be to understate the truth by several orders of magnitude. He and his family had spent days the following days the Manor had burned in rented rooms at Leaky Cauldron. While they waited for their other properties to be checked and freed of any pests or vermin.

Narcissa Malfoy almost choked on her breakfast as she read the letter that had been delivered by an Gringotts owl that morning. Lucius couldn't help but notice his normally cultivated and cultured wife spraying coffee over the table, he enquired who the letter was from. The letter had the Gringotts seal on it, this had alerted the Head of the Malfoy family that this was serious, but what it contained terrified Lucius more than that blade against his throat.

"It's from from the bank. They're citing that they closing down our vaults because breach of contract. During a random search of the vaults they had found several dark and illegal objects, that violated the treaty the Ministry have with Goblins. In accordance to contract Gringotts have sealed the vaults and would continue to take its small, annual rental fee for their continued use. The rest of the contents will remain untouched until someone is able to claim it. In the case of the Malfoy vaults, that would be Draco when he came of age. "

It was now Lucius's turn to do a spit take at the breakfast table,"What? They can't do that! This must some kind of mistake."

Narcissa hated pointing out the obvious, a task that she supposed she should be used to by now with the Malfoy males."It also written that those vaults belong to Gringotts, and are only rented by the Malfoy family. As with any rental agreement, there are always conditions attached. Because of severity of the breach, they have taken half of the gold in the vaults as a penalty fee."

Lucius was fuming, he had to take action and fast, this situation could not be allowed to happen. He of course had contingency funds stashed where no one else could find them. But the Malfoy's change in circumstances would certainly put a swift end to funding anyone else. Those associates who had become reliant on what was basically a handout were now going to have to look elsewhere.

"I will have to go Gringotts and clear up this. I'm sure its all just misunderstanding and that we can come to some sort of agreement," Lucius had his hand on the ever present cane with the snake motif, yes they would soon reach an agreement.


Nyctophobia. It's a word few people really know by name, but nearly everyone has, at one time or another, suffered from to at least some degree. It's the fear of the dark. As children, when our minds are open and suggestible and even the non-magical children are capable of seeing magic, believing in it, we tend to fear that there is something out there, waiting and watching. It isn't even the fear of the pain that would come from whatever may be out there, or the knowledge that anything out there could, potentially, kill you. It is the unknown. Not knowing what the darkness holds, it could literally be anything. However, while the non-magical adults may look into a closet and then smile at their children who were sure that something was hiding there, believing there was nothing to fear, the child, and magicals by and large, knew that there very much were things to fear in the shadows and the dark. There were things that would lay in wait with the patience even a Saint would be jealous of.

That was why wards Neville had placed over various muggle neighbourhoods were quite unique. It was Luna who come with this ward, it was based on her mothers research of illusions, and made to only affect those with magic. Any magical with ill intent who enter the neighbourhood would assaulted by this very primal fear, and they would be unable to return from where their minds had gone. They would be stuck in the dark, paralysed by fear, because they knew what was in that darkness. They knew what that darkness held. Their minds would been unwilling to be found by they knew lurked there and so all of those various parts would try to hide away, trying not to be found by it, or anyone else who may be searching.

Only those that were strong of minds and wills, along with having good emotional control, would be able withstand the effects of these wards. As an added protection Neville had added Hostile Confusion wards. They were like muggle repelling wards which distracted unwelcome muggles. These wards tampered with ones reasoning and logic, amplifying any doubts or fears the longer one stayed under them.

Neville had spent the days following the visit to his parents by raising wards over the neighbourhoods of muggleborn class mates. It was slow and hard work, especially since he did it mostly by himself. As the Weasley's and Hermione was stuck with the Order, while Rasp's did help out a little they were mostly occupied with the Fox Den. Each ward set had awardstone hidden and buried in a unplottable location, which had aFiddelus cast over it of which he was the Secret Keeper.

So far Neville had yet only managed to ward four neighbourhoods He had left the charging of the wards to the house elves, as he could cover more ground that way. But Neville would have to cut it short today, as he had invited several of his friends to celebrate his birthday later today.


After having finished her usual morning training routine and eating hearty breakfast, Rhy had flooed to the Leaky Cauldron, she was now walking along the cobbled pathway of Diagon Alley for the second day in arow. She had an appointment with the Rasp's account manager, a goblin named Silvertounge, at ten at Gringotts today.

As she neared her location, luck would have it that she was just in time to see several goblin guards roughly throw out Lucius Malfoy out of the bank, as if he were a rowdy drunk in bar. She stopped and watched for awhile as the Head of House Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, cursed and screamed at goblins guards, while generally making spectral of himself as the goblins ignored him.

But after while he seemed to have calmed down and collected himself. With some final derogatory insults, along with promises that they would rue the day they crossed Lucius Malfoy. Lucius spun on his heel and stormed off down the alley, muttering things angrily under his breath. Much to the amusement of those watching.

As Rhy stepped into the atrium of Gringotts Wizarding bank, she nodded and flashed a smile to the guards, as she made her way over to a vacant counter where a teller was counting coins.

"Yes? State your business," the Goblin greeted sharply, without looking up from the coins.

"Good morning, sir. I'm Rhy Rasp; I have an appointment with Silvertounge and I would like you to let him know I'm here."

The Goblin looked up at Rhy and stared at him for a moment. "One moment." The goblin then said gruffly and touched a runestone."He'll be coming through that door if you want to wait for him there."

"Thank you." Rhy nodded and walked over to the indicated area.

Not even a minute later the door opened and revealed Silvertounge. "It is a pleasure to see you again Miss Rasp."

"Very well," the Goblin said and led her back to his office. "Right this way, Rhy."

"How are you today Silvertounge?" Rhy asked politely as she followed.

"I'm fine. How are you?" Silvertounge replied.

"I'm good," Rhy said before the two shared a nice silent walk.

"Will anyone else be joining us today?" Silvertounge asked as they entered his office.

"Not that I am aware of."Rhy smirked. "Should someone be?""

"No, not necessarily," the Goblin waited until she sat down before he took his seat. "As you know we have reviewed all of the information you left with us. And as told you know, your request for aid from the Goblin Nation has been accepted. We will not able to provide with any warriors or financial backing, but we will gladly help you with anything regarding warding, curse breaking, or anything else that is mainly support. We can also help you with any enchanting or rune . All to a fee, of course, but you will get a major discount."

"We are most satisfied with the services provided for the Rasp family by the Goblin Nation," Rhy said with gratitude. "And we would like to make use of that offer immediately."

"The Goblin Nation is honoured to serve the house of Rasp in any capacity and pleased to provide acceptable service," Silvertounge replied."What do you require?"

"One of our contacts have found an another piece of Voldemort's vile soul," "It's an ugly ring that was made somewhat clumsily out of gold ring inset with a large black stone engraved a triangle, containing a circle, bisected by a line. "

Rhy and friends had decided since they didn't know what protected this horux. Since it had been Dumbledore who obtained it and destroyed it the last time. All they had about it was second hand information, therefore it been decided it that it would be safer to let the goblins handle it. Therefore they would get the goblins rip the site apart, disposing of the ring without them having to go anywhere near it. Rhy saw the goblin left eye twitch a little, when she described the ring.

"Just you know we do know what the crest on ring mean, the Peverell coat of arms, which is also the symbol of the Deathly Hallows. And before you ask it is the actual Resurrection Stone. Though seems like neither Voldemort nor the Gaunts knew that. We believe they were unaware of its existence. Will this cause any problems?"

"No problem, I get a team on it as soon this meeting is over," Silvertounge replied. "Though I think it might be best to hide the fact that it is a Hallow."

"You do what think is for the best. From the information we have it's hidden in a run-down shack with a dead snake nailed to the door. Located near the village of Little Hangleton. We don't know kind of wards or traps has placed around the place, but since it's Voldemort we're talking about here it's probably something nasty. But we do know that the ring have been cursed with powerful flesh rotting curse, with strong compulsion charm tied to it. So be proceeded with caution."

"I'll be sure to warn the curse breakers about that. Was there anything else?"

"Yes, I like to hire a solicitor on the behalf of Sirius Black, any idea of a good one?"

"I think I know one that fits and that can be trusted, as long you don't have anything against a non-human solicitors."

"That's no problem, as long as they can be trusted I don't care."

"Good, then I will contact Woebringer after this. He is one of our best and very discreet."

"If accepts the case give him this," Rhy said as handed the goblin a small case filled vials containing silver liquid. "It is all the memories of me and friends, have pertaining to the case. And remind him that Harry Potter cannot be called as a witness."

"I will be sure to inform him," Silvertounge said.

The rest of time they went through the audit that Rhy, had requested on vaults and account connected to her. By the time they were done, Rhy's stomach was growling audibly, bringing a rueful grin to the goblins lips. "I think that's the signal to end this for today. If are there any changes or if you forgot something, you just owl me and I will deal with it. Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?"

"No, thank you, that will be all for today," Rhy picked up the paperwork and rose, bowing from the waist, she told the goblin, "May your gold always flow."

Slivertounge rose. Returning the bow, the old goblin replied,"And may your enemies suffer."

Without further ado, she headed out of the bank into a hustle and bustle in the Alley.


The party took place during and after dinner. It wasn't that bad, to be honest. They'd just invited over almost everyone their year, fed them an enormous dinner, and baked a cake that seemed larger than Hagrid.

At around three in the afternoon, the first of the guests showed up. It had been the Rasps, which arrived by Floo and brought a wrapped gift with them. He smiled when he saw Rhy and her two sister.

"Happy Birthday, Neville," Rhy said as she handed him their gift. "This is for you."

"Thanks," Neville said. "What is it?"

"Not telling," Rhy replied

"You'll just have to wait," Kerry added with a laugh. He gave the younger witch a fake pout and placed the gift on a table in the Entry Parlour, as a house elf show them the way the ballroom where a there was a huge sparkling banner along the back wall, wishing Neville a Happy, Happy Birthday. Dancing multicoloured lights along the walls, hanging from the ceiling.

The guests continued to arrived over the next hour. The Weasley's and Hermione arrived about twenty minutes into the gathering, by then alarge table had been brought forth carry all the presents Neville had received.

He was very pleased with the gifts he received, it was mostly sweets of some sort, although he did complain a little about how much the Weasley's present must have cost. He really enjoyed the dragon-hide boots that the sisters had clubbed up to get him. They were sturdy and surprisingly comfortable after they contracted to conform to his feet. Neville thought the glossy dark hide looked very smart with the blackened metal fittings. Ginny told him in secret that they had put a feather light charm on them, so they almost made no noise, and barley left any no foot prints.

Neville had received gifts from every branch of the Longbottom family. Several sets of pyjamas, complete outfits down to socks and underwear, a couple variety boots (snow and hiking), aheavy cloak in a dark forest green, books on gardening, on herbology, and on botany.

Luna had sent him her present by owl, as she still out travelling with her father. After having opened it, he pulled out and reveal a simple packing material that held two dozen crystal figurines, each about four inches tall. The were each crafted to look like individual fairies with various styles of wings, either dragonfly, butterfly, bee or angelic, feather-like wings; various colours of hair, either cropped short and spiky or long and luxurious, dresses from stylized armoured or jungle-like bikinis to long, flowing dresses and with various expressions that appeared to be near perfection on their faces. As though something were trying to be captured, but never quite made it there.

Each was delicate and beautifully crafted. And while the bodies and hair seemed to be made of a single crystal that shifted in colour as needed to make them look almost natural, the clothes and accessories they held like bows or knives at their waists or on their calves, were all other forms of crystal that looked to have been grown around the body since they were attached without actually being the same crystal as the body. In effect, it was as though these fairies and their clothing had simply turned into crystal at some point.

"Whoa," Hermione mumbled, wide-eyed. "What ... are they?"

Neville had picked up the letter from Luna and read it aloud for Hermione's benefit.

'Dear Neville,

Happy birthday and I'm sorry if this come later than your actual birthday. I'm still travelling with my father and it might just takes a little longer, even with our friend's speedy flying.

As for your birthday present, I found this as we were passing through a Scandinavian village. When I found what theme immediately thought that this was the prefect present for you. The fairies here apparently dance with some of the witches in the many fairy circles on All Hallows Eve and the selected ones are gifted these figurines by capturing the starlight and growing the crystal, each fairy making a replica of itself. I heard it's quite the beautiful spectacle.

The amazing thing with them are that you can take and store emotions if you ask them to, and will let you feel them any time you want just as if you were reliving the memory. They glow softly when an emotion is stored.

We should also be home mid-August, so feel free to send as many letters as you wish to then. Just remember it may take me a little while to respond to them.

I hope you enjoy your presents,

Your friend Luna Lovegood.'

Hermione had given him a pair of thick gloves, also in dragon hide, which was charmed to improve ones grip and grip strength, and make one less likely to drop anything, even if it were very smooth or slippery.

The Rasp's really was one of a kind, made and charmed by themselves. Rhy had gotten the idea from a game series she liked. And they had tried to recreate it as an advanced type of golem. Neville immediately recognized what it was, it was amoogle. While he had never really gotten at the games like Rhy had, there was no mistaking it. That form, those wing, and that ball, now matter how he looked it. The Rasp's had created a moogle. While they claimed it was just prototype he was getting, and that they his option on it, he still couldn't believe that they had created a real life moogle and gave to him.

The moogle was only a foot tall with with fur, resembling a small mammal, with a balloon-shaped head and a vertically oval nose resembling a koala, with it's eyes currently closed. Rhy informed him that while awake it eyes would be squinted most the time. A red ball of fur on a thin, wiry antenna hanged from it's head, which the Rasp's warned him that it would be sensitive about being touched.

It sported a full mane of fluffy fur, worn like a mink fur boa around the neck. The moogle's wings were small and pink, of a bat-like design, as to juxtapose it's otherwise harmless appearance. It could use it's wings to fly and it's possibly it can fly several meters above the ground, but it would be just simply too afraid to do so.

Personality wise they had made it to have a bubbly nature. It would be intelligent and industrious, but wary of human contact. The moogle would be able to speak English but would often punctuate its sentences with "kupo" as a verbal tic. They left honour of naming the moogle to Neville, and a note with instructions on how to activate it.

Rhy had said they maybe would something similar in a prank someday in the future, but in that case they need to see how it work and behaved first. He had yet activate it.

He was, however, secretly glad that his friends hadn't bought him a bunch of expensive presents. But all in all, the birthday celebration turned out to be a very fun evening.

The food was amazing. A long buffet with Succulent roast beef and pork, chicken, fluffy potatoes, thick gravies, multiple vegetables, an several different kinds of fruit. Warm fluffy and freshly baked rolls with butter. One huge cake with fifteen candles for Neville to blow out. Candy, cakes, cookies, sweets of a hundred different varieties. Fizzy drinks and juice in different flavours

There was music and laughter. Conversations with cousins and classmates. Makings of new friends. Reconnecting with old ones. Dancing. A few slow songs. More fast ones. All in all they had a wonderful evening, it was capped off with an extensive fireworks display.

It was by far Neville best birthday by far.


The following day elsewhere, at a quarter-to-twelve, Nymhadora Tonks walked into the kitchen at Grimmauld Place,

"Something smells good," Tonks said, as she sat down at the table.

"Breakfast lasagne," Remus said, "Or in this case, 'brunch lasagne'. An old speciality of my mother's."

"I wasn't aware you could cook," Tonks said.

Remus smiled wryly. "It is one of the few things I can cook in an oven without burning it, thanks to my mother. I'm more comfortable around a Muggle microwave. I lived on microwave dinners for many years."

Time passed and couple of minutes later the the rest of the house came tottering in.

Soon, they were all seated around the kitchen table, with a plate of breakfast lasagne and bottles of butterbeer. The lasagne consisted of eggs, cheese, sausage, and sausage gravy instead of the usual tomato sauce. It was quite tasty.

"Who made this dish?" Molly asked, "It is delicious. My compliments to the chef."

"I accept those compliments," Remus said.

Molly raised her eyebrows. "Exactly how long have you been keeping your cooking skills a secret, Remus Lupin?"

Remus smiled wryly.

Ten minutes later, all food was abandoned as acouple of owls flew through the window, all eyes glued to on of them in particular.

The first was Gringotts owl, carrying a letter addressed to Sirius.

The second was a unknown horned owl that delivered a letter to the twins. It looked like an ad flier for the shop that had signed a contract with them sell their stuff, was opening soon. It invited them with their family and friends to the grand opening of the shop, which would be celebrated with cake and fizzy drinks under the first day. The rest of the first week would run a lottery where could win fabulous prizes, along with that they would have huge sale on selected wares. Similar letters had been sent to all who had been sent to members of the DA. And each contained asubtle compulsion charm, that was barley noticeable, making the reader to visit the store at least once.

The third owl was from Hogwarts carrying the book lists, for this year. No one noticed that the some of the letters were thicker than the rest, nor the thud the thicker letters made as they hit table.

Because it was the last owl that caught everyone attention. It was a beautiful snow-white owl, that everyone present immediately recognized. It was Hedwig, pet, friend and familiar to Harry Potter, who had been missing for several weeks now. She headed straight for Sirius, who quickly and took the letter as Ginny gave Hedwig a few owl treats. Who, after devouring them and drinking some water, spread out her wings and after few powerful strokes with them were gone.


Sirius had been sick with worry, since they had found out that his was godson missing. He hardly ate and slept and was almost always in abad mood or depressed, that he was forced stay in house he hated didn't help things either. He had even lost several pounds and was even more emaciated then before. That all changed when he saw Hedwig. Harry's owl was a gorgeous creature, covered with soft, dazzling white feathers.

When he saw Hedwig carrying a letter addressed to him, he quickly retrieved it, and ripped it open. The message was short and written in the scrawly handwriting of his godson, telling him that if he was a Marauder he would know what do. The line telling him if he was Marauder he would know what do really bothered him for some reason. Then it hit like bolt from the blue, he drew his wand and touched it to the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." To his utter amazement and excitement, the words swirled across the parchment, changing, multiplying, to then finally coalesce into a neat script:

'Dear Snuffles,

I hope this letter reaches you well and that you are in good health.

Am still alive, as you may surmise from this note.

Of course, I could be dead and someone is faking the letter to fool you. But really only few know you are Padfoot of the Marauders, or that the Marauders became animaguses because Moony's furry little problem. And further prove who I'm let me mention a certain incident involving me, you, Hermione and our friend Buckbeak.

I know it's probably is hard, especially since you are at that grim old place, but do take of yourself.

Unfortunately this isn't just aletter to ask you how you are doing. I know that you are aware of what happened recently. I talking of course of my disappearance from the Hogwarts Express. Trust me when I say that there was a very good reason for this.

Also say hi to 'Mione, Gin, Luna, Nev and Ron for me. And everyone else except Dumbledore. You could tell Dumbledore I think is a sanctimonious goat because;

First off, he seems be unable to envision any situation that justified killing another person, and seems to hold on to the common misconception that many of the faithful have that killing a person is a mortal sin. In English, one of the Ten Commandments in the Bible is 'Thou shalt not kill.' That misconception is derived from a mistranslation of the original Hebrew by the Greeks and carried through in Latin and later English. The Hebrew word was not 'kill,' it was 'murder,' the unlawful and unjustified taking of life. Big difference. The ancient Greek did not distinguish between those two words. Despite being thrown into a major war with Voldemort, Dumbledore refused to kill or allow any of his followers to do so.

Secondly, he was a firm believer in redemption, while I agree with his philosophy in principal, I also recognize that as honourable as that concept is, it can also be taken to extremes. At some point, a person must realize they are accountable for what they do and say. Should we give others a second chance? Indeed we should, but they have to earn it. There is an old expression he never seem to have understood - fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me!

With this in mind Idecided that best course of action is for me to take is to go underground and disappear. So don't search for me, as you won't find me.

Love your godson Harry.

P.S. This letter will self-destruct after you have read it, just be on safe side, which means now.'

Just as had finished reading the letter, it poofed and exploded into a fine spray of ash. Leaving his face blackened and his eyebrows singed, as he if had been playing with exploding snap cards.


Hundreds of miles away Albus Dumbledore also received a letter, but this time it was from a house-elf that he recognized as Dobby. However, before he could ask where Harry was, the elf disappeared again. He should have stunned the elf but sadly his reflexes weren't what they used to be. When he unfolded the letter he noticed the handwriting and sank into his comfy chair in relief. He quickly read the letter and was surprised at what he was reading.

'Dear Albus Dumbledore,

I'm writing this letter to inform you that I will not continue my studies at Hogwarts this September. And in the light of recent events Idecided that the course of action I can take is to simply disappear. As long as the Ministry is determined to hide its head under the blankets as though pretending the monster isn't there will rob it of its power. I can only this ending badly, unless the Minister changes his mind, otherwise it just have opposite effect.

You might disagree with all this, and I know you may still worry about things, especially about the Dursley's , but rest assured it's all for the greater good.

Have a nice day,

Harry James Potter

Head of the Ancient and Most Noble Houses of Potter'

The disappearance of Harry Potter and Longbottom's had surprised and scared him as well. He didn't know what had happened and where they had gone off to and that bothered him more than anything. An cursory inspection had revealed that even Longbottom’s medical files had gone missing. Which made him suspect that the whole thing was set-up just to cover up the Longbottom’s disappearance. But to set-up something so large, complex and audacious just to kidnap apair of invalids. It didn't compute, if wanted to kidnap them dozen of other ways to do without undue attention. So had gone for some so flashy. Dumbledore couldn’t see what their end goal was with this.

And Harry on the other hand was simply too important for the survival of the Wizarding World. If something happened to him, they were doomed. He had pulled in every member of the Order to find Harry but to no avail. No matter what they did or where they looked, they were unable to find any trace of him. The only reassurance they had was that Tom had no clue to Harry's location as well.

He had his suspicions, but no proof, that the disappearance of Harry and Longbottom, along with the portkey debacleand maybe even the torching of Malfoy Manor, were all connected somehow. And it all pointed to this mysterious group calling themselves the Fellowship of the Fox. He had tried dig up any information about them, but gotten zilch. It was as if they had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. No know purpose, or any know members, not even their numbers, but the girl Alastor Moody had fought in the Hall of Prophecies at the DoM, Dumbledore suspected was a member of this mysterious new fellowship.

Sure their howler had said something about setting things right, where he and Ministry had failed, but what did that really mean. Was is the Voldemort and his Death Eaters they meant, and if so how did they plan to solve it. Questions begot questions, none of which he had any answers too. And this was another thing troubled him greatly, too much was unknown or uncertain, he didn't like that.

Dumbledore put down the letter and put one of his famous lemon-drops in his mouth. This was distressing news to say the least. He was also curious about how Harry had managed to disappear from the train but judging from the House-Elf that delivered the letter, he had an idea.

Putting that aside, how Harry had managed to take his O.W.Ls still befuddled him. When the did boy manage that, since results was registered right after the summer break started, he must taken them while the tournament was still going on. And from what Albus knew had Harry never left the vicinity of the Hogwarts long enough to take any tests examinations, nor had any examiners come here what he knew.

"Well Fawkes, it seems our young friend Harry has managed to impress me once more." Dumbledore said to his phoenix. The noble bird replied with a happy song before bursting into flames. It seemed his burning day had come early. Dumbledore looked at the little bird in the ashes and smiled. Fawkes had been a dear companion for many years and he was amazed each and every time at the rebirth of his friend.

Suddenly his fireplace flared up and a face appeared. It was a very distressed Molly Weasley who appeared and asked if she could pass through to the his office. Dumbledore quickly granted him access and second later Molly tumbled out the fireplace.


While today was her birthday, Rhy had managed after much persistence and fast talking convinced her friends not make big deal of it this, and not throw her a party. Or at least she that was, was she thought. What didn't know was that her sisters had conspired with the elfs to throw her a surprise party.

While it paled in comparison to Neville party yesterday, it was still had quite enjoyable. It was quite small party with only her sisters, Neville and the elfs in attendance. While group the was holed up Grimmuald Place had wanted to come, they not been allowed to leave Order HQ, because there had no available chaperones to follow them. So instead they had sent their presents and apologies with Kreacher.

Like with Neville, Luna had her some strange bauble she had found under her travel. But this one was not magical like Neville's, but no less exquisite.

The most surprising present had come from the goblins. Since she never expected to receive anything from them, she quite surprised when apackage with a letter from Gringotts came, congratulating her seventh birthday and telling her that they had sent her something that they hoped might help her in any of her future endeavours

A first glance it had looked like just an dusty old cloak. But somehow it reminded her of her Invisibility Cloak in that she could feel something while touching it. However, unlike her other cloak that felt soft like water, this one felt like nothing, like touching the air.

It was a soft black cotton-silk combination in appearance. It was long, and when she put it on, over her shoulders it hung to her ankles where it has a tattered effect at the end like a bats wings. It had dark, blackened platinum fastenings, a high black collar that folded around her neck, and a pointed hood. However, when she finished fastening it on she had been startled, and her eyes had widened in awe and shock.

It had spread out like bat wings, stiff, but rather than flapping it glided her off her feet. It surprisingly felt similar to a broom, but not quite – it was the same, but different. After taking a deep breath to stop her from panicking before her small feet touched down and the cloak dropped back to hug her body and she grinned.

'A cloak enchanted with the gift of flight, the goblins sure how to give presents', she had thought to herself giddy with excitement.

But her favourite Rhy had gotten from her sisters, it was a belt with the Rasp crest on the belt buckle. It were made of a combination basilisk and dragon skin weaved together and then lined with acumantula silk on the inside, while they had decorated the outside with scales taken from themselves. Rhy had been quite touched by that and had given her sister each a big hug while thanking them.


Lucius Malfoy not having pleasant day, and he was still reeling from the day he had yesterday. He had left the Minister of Magic's office without what he came for, this was a new experience for the blond Slytherin. He had been seething, as he strode through Ministry with the presence of one who expected people to move out of his way, just without his usual look of arrogance missing. He always known that Cornelius Fudge was an idiot, but he had at least thought he was his idiot - bought and paid for. Cornelius won't get a job cleaning up owl shit at the post office by the time he was finished with him.

After having been thrown out of Gringotts and humiliated in Diagon Alley by the goblins. He had marched over to Ministry to bully Dirk Cresswell, the Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, into set things right along with punishing the little beasts, while at it. But to no avail, so he had then gone higher up the food chain to Amos Diggory, which was the head of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Only to find that with the aftermath of portkey debacleand the recent death of his son, he didn't have even bother or care for what Lucius Malfoy thought.

But it had been Minister office that been the biggest surprise Lucius had always seen Fudge as someone of weak of mind and will. Someone easy to control, manipulate, or bribe. But since he didn't have access to Malfoy vaults bribing Fudge would be out of question. That's why when Fudge had stonewalled his attempts to get the Minister to deal with the goblins, Lucius had been quite surprised. It seemed like Fudge had managed to get brain from somewhere, along with growing some backbone.

But what worried him the most was that, he was not the only that had his vaults seized. At the Ministry he had encountered Nott, Avery and Flint. And now he was talking to Crabbe, Goyle and Parkinson in a private room at the Leaky Cauldron. All of them, like him, had had their vaults seized due to a sudden random search of their vaults. Something was up, he didn't know what yet, but Lucius sure didn't like it.



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