Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Lost in the not so great Outdoors

Split up

by GrimCameron 6 reviews

They go for a nature walk but turns out to be a kiddnaping! And Herry won't stop eating the trail mix!

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-17 - Updated: 2006-08-17 - 605 words

Author's note: Well Here I go making chapter three. I hope you like it, like the way you liked my other two. I am happy about that. xD
Disclaimer: Well no, I don't own Class of the Titans....
P.s: Me and my budgie are singing along to my music!:) and this chapter might be a little short.....ok mabey alot,it might be around the same size as my first. Well mabey longer!..... ;)

chapter three: Split up


Atlanta woke up to see Theresa Happily sleeping ZZzzzs. She got dressed carefully trying not to step on Theresa's seemingly dead body.

She went outside to see Jay,Archie,Odie and Herry outside Happily talking. Everything seemed so peaceful.

"Is Theresa ok?" Jay asks.

"No I burned her body, when she fell asleep" Said Atlanta plopping her little self down beside Archie, grabbing a bag of chips out of his hands.

"What? Says Jay. I'm guessing thats a joke."

"Nope. That's why she over there, exiting the tent." Atlanta says pointing her thumb towards the tent as she stared into the chip bag.

"Where's Neil" Theresa asks.

"Finishing his bueaty sleep." Archie answered, trying to take Atlanta's chip bag.


"That was a complete and total wreck! Cronos says angerly. I think we might have to get a bit more agressive... Since their too strong together, so we will have to split them up and just to make it fun I'll assign them each their own little friend...."


"Hey, guys why don't we go for a walk"? Atlanta asks.
(Neil has woken up)

"I think that sounds like a good idea." Theresa says.

"As long as there are no sqirrels!" Neil says, his eyes huge.


They got together all the stuff they needed to go for a walk,(which of course is not alot) like, water and a first ad kit, some trail mix and a book bag to it all in, which was carried by Herry.

So anyway, when they were on their walk, Herry wouldn't stop eating the trail mix, Archie would occasionally look over at Atlanta(who was too busy looking at the sceneary to look at him)and not watching were he was going would bump into Odie, who was talking to Theresa and Jay about what they should do after their walk and Neil at the back, saw a squirrel and almost jumped into Archie's arms.


So you can get the big muscular one and you get the short,

red haired one. So once you have them Alone KILL THEM!
EVIL LAUGH (Wow, if Cronos had a wife then she would be so annoyed of him and his evil laugh. Anyway, thats just something that popped into my head. Back to my story!---->)


This time when the forest creatures made a sneak attack so not even Atlanta could hear the creatures feet on the forest floor.

A female centaur jumped out of the bushes but insted of a bay like the last one, this one was a palimino and it grabbed Atlanta, covering her mouth and holding her so she couldn't move her arms.

"Let her go!" Archie yelled taking out his whip.

but before he could do anything, a large faun, grabbed him.

A huge, male centaur grabbed Odie and a gryffon threw Theresa in the air and she landed on it's back, held down by it's wings. A small dragon grabbed Jay and held him against it's chest and a and a large female centaur grabbed Herry. They all ran off.(except for the dragon who flew)


"I have them now!"


Author's note: good god Cronos.
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