Categories > Original > Drama > You Got a Friend in Me


by aberdeenqueen22 0 reviews

PLOT: Modern Jarida High school AU where Merida is the friendless unpopular constantly bullied girl and Jack is one of the most popular boys in the school. Yeah I know that plot line has been used ...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Romance - Published: 2015-12-31 - Updated: 2016-01-24 - 5383 words - Complete

Rrrriiiinnnnnggg! The bell screamed signaling lunch. Great, Merida thought, another day through the battle field. Lunch was never quite easy for Merida. She was always the one who sat alone. She never had that many friends throughout her life, and since her two only friends, Hiccup and Rapunzel, had both moved away last year it brought the total of her friends down to a zero.
She was used to it by now. She smiled to herself thinking of the two, and how both timid as they were, were the only ones who could handle that personality of hers. She frowned, but then they moved away.
Her freshmen year wasn’t the best, it was the year she had moved from Scotland to a town called Burgess across the sea. She was taunted for being a foreigner, and had people mimicking her accent or laughing at her hair. Hiccup and Rapunzel were they only reasons she’d go back every day. She wondered why she even bothered now, but her mother would never let her change schools just because she was ‘uncomfortable’ at this one.
The move was for her dad or mom’s work, something like that. They both worked at some wealthy company and were both powerful assets. Merida scoffed, not powerful enough to have to stay in Scotland. They told her it was good for the family, they’d be making even more money, and that everything happens for a reason. She didn’t bother much with reasoning’s for anything, and didn’t even care about the money. People always came up with excuses, or would never get to the point. It was why she prided herself with being straight forward.
Nobody seemed to admire it but herself and Hiccup and Rapunzel. That was of course before the moved. She walked out of her math class, saying good bye to the teacher, Ms. Tooth. She always had a soft spot for the outcasts and therefore was always kind to Merida.
She was suddenly shoved from behind and the impact caused her books to be knocked from he hands. “Hey!” she shouted before kneeling down to pick them up. “Woops,” could be heard leaving a group of girls mouths as they tried to hold back there giggles.
Merida scowled and watched they girls turn the corner. “Off with ya’!” she shouted after them but they were already gone. Merida looked down to her text book and noticed all her notes had spilt out. “Just my luck…” she mumbled to herself.
“See you later- wooaah!” A boy’s voice could be heard from behind Merida before he walked right into her and tumbled to the floor. Groans could be heard leaving both the boy and Merida’s mouth “Watch were yur goin’!” Merida snapped as she rubbed her now sore side.
She looked up to see a boy with hair so blond you could say it was white and icy blue eyes that seemed like daggers “I could say the same thing to you…” he mumbled before getting up and brushing himself off.
He looked down to her for a moment before saying “What are you doing on the floor anyway?” Merida scoffed “Well if ye’ haven’t noticed I’ve seem’d to have dropped somethin’,”
“No need to get nippy, I wasn’t the one serving as a road block,” he retorted as he crossed his arms. Merida studied the boy for a moment. Had she seen him before? He must be some newbie or else he wouldn’t be talking to her. “Well, I wasn’t the one off in la la land who can’t pay attention to what right in front of ‘im,”
Merida saw his features turn angry before he knelt down and started picking up her scattered notes. When he was finished he shoved them into her hands “Don’t let it happen again,” he said before he stood and began to walk away. This confused her entirely. Hadn’t she just insulted him?
“What’s your name?” She called out after him before she could stop herself. Without stopping or turning around he answered “Jack. Jack Frost,” and turned the corner, leaving her alone in the now deserted hallway.

“Jack, wait up,” Eugene. He ran up from behind and gave him a slap on the back “What gives? Why were you so late for lunch?” Oh right, Jack remembered, he was supposed to meet Eugene straight after he got out of physics. Oh well. “Sorry I just ran into… er, something,” Eugene looked at him curiously “What?” Jack knew he wasn’t leaving unless he supplied an answer.
“Well it wasn’t really a ‘what’ but more of a ‘who’.” He watched curiosity spark in his friend’s eye. “Who was it? Was it a girl? It was a girl, wasn’t it? Was she cute?” Eugene bombarded him with questions as the two made their way down the hall to their lockers. Jack thought about this. He actually had no clue who this girl was. Shit, why didn’t I ask her name? He was new to the school and had barley seen half the people who went here, let alone be able to know who they were, and yeah, he guessed he could say that she kinda, sorta was cute.
Of course he didn’t tell his friend what he really thought. Instead he answered with, “I actually have no idea who she is, haven’t seen her before,”
“Well let’s see if I can enlighten you,” Eugene replied. The two then made it to Jacks locker and he was turning the combination in “Well for starters, she had blue eyes, was a ginger with this insanely curly hair-” He’d opened his lock by then and used hand gestures to abbreviate ‘curly’.
“Whoahoahoa, hold up, did she have some sort of accent?” Eugene had interrupted him then nervously asked the question. Jack thought for a moment and the pulled out his bag from his locker. “Yeah, why?” He spun his lock and slammed the door. Meanwhile Eugene shook his head “Trust me when I say that you do not want to be hanging out with her,”
Jack looked confused and the two started to walk out of the school and started down the street at the sound of the dismissal bell. “Why, who is she?”
“Merida Dun’something. Listen, she’s just some loner with a temper, has no friends, I don’t even think anybody likes her let alone wants to breath the same air as her. Take it from me. Being around her will bring your reputation down drastically,”
“What do you mean?”
“Well for starters I used to date her best friend, until she moved, me and Merida hadn’t even really talked that much but what I heard of her she was some loud and clingy Scot who never knew when to shut up,”
Jack could care less about his reputation, he’d always had popularity sort of thrust upon him. He suddenly grew angry at his friend “If you hadn’t even really talked to her or gotten to know her what gives you the right to put a label on her from what you’ve ‘heard’?”
Eugene was taken aback by Jack response “Woah, chill out, I’m just saying it how it is,” Jack rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure he was done talking with Eugene. Jack turned the corner of the street that led to a dead end. Beyond that dead end was the tree line to the woods that bordered the street.
“Where are you going?” Eugene called after him. “Away!” Jack shouted back and blended into the tree line, making his way into the forest that, little did he know, was on the edge of town.

Fuck. Jack cursed. He’d actually been cursing for the past 45minutes. He’d been wandering the forest for about an hour if not more. He was hopelessly lost and had no one to blame but himself. He shivered. The sun was going down and the evening chill was setting in. If he couldn’t find a way out of this damned forest by the time it was dark, he’d have to spend the night.
Jack had tried to retrace his steps over and over again but that proved to be of no use whatsoever. A sudden burst of anger erupted and he kicked a tree. He needed to get that out and the only thing standing between him and his home were these damn trees.
Wait! The trees! Jack looked all around him, trying to find a big tree with easy branches. There. He ran over to a tall tree with a thick trunk. The branches were low enough and if he could just make it to the top maybe he could see which direction the town was in and he could make his way home.
He dropped his back pack to the side and jumped up to grab the nearest branch. He had to use the trunk to help get his feet up and as he did so he noticed several notches in the trees trunk. They weren’t that deep and they looked unfamiliar, almost like they were from a hatchet but not.
He shrugged it off, maybe they were just from some animal. Jack brought his feet up and began to climb. Climbing was easy for him, in fact he loved it. He use to climb trees all the time. Why did he ever stop? Oh right, he remembered, his family told him it was time to ‘be serious’ or ‘aren’t you getting too old for this?’ Jack frowned at the thought but grew excited at him nearing the top. One more branch and…
Jack lifted his head up from the branches that concealed his view. He realized he was in one of the tallest trees and that it would be no problem… to see… the town… oh no. Jack looked over the forest a second, third, and fourth time, but the town couldn’t be seen anywhere. How far had he walked?
Just before he was about to yell nonsense for the whole wilderness to hear, angry shouts, along with loud thumps could be heard on the ground below. Curiosity masked Jacks anger, and he began to descend the branches in hopes to find out what the hell that was.
He was a few feet above the lowest branches when he spotted a red ball of fury running at the tree and swing a sword. As soon as he saw that hair he knew exactly who it was. Geez, Jack thought, Eugene wasn’t lying when he said she had a temper. Every time the sword wedged into the trunk she’d pull it out and swing at it again. “Errrraaagh! What the hell does she know what’s best fer’ meh’?!” Angry shouts were heard coming from Merida. She continued to mumble swears, half of which seemed to be Scottish.
Jack couldn’t help but smile and shake his head in disbelief. He stood on the end of a branch to get a better look at her attacking the tree. Not once in his life had he seen a girl take her anger out like- like that! And in the middle of nowhere! What was she even doing out here?
Jack leaned even further out on the branch he stood, to get an even better look. The branch began to creek uneasily, like it was stretching too far, but before Jack could move it was too late and the branch snapped under his weight.
He cried out as he fell, hitting braches on the way down and unable to catch himself. Right as he reached the lowest of the branches, which were about seven feet above ground, a hole in his pant leg caught and Jack was left to dangle upside down in front of a fuming Merida.
At first she jumped back and screamed “Bloodied hell!?” But then Jack saw her features turn to confusion and rage “Wut tha’ hell are ya’ doin’ out here?!” Jack struggled with his pant leg, just out of reach of it “Trust me, I wasn’t planning on it,” he answered as he continued to struggle “were ya’ spying on meh’?” she demanded, not caring about his distress.
Jack looked to her unimpressed “Don’t flatter yourself, now if you wouldn’t mind helping me down?” he said as he tried to free his pant leg. After another failed attempt he let himself hang there, waiting for a response. It was now Merida’s turn to be unimpressed “Ya’ know ya’ never did say please,” Jack watched as she picked up her sword and began to approach him “Now stay still…” she began a brought he sword back, ready to swing.
“What are you- oomph” Jack started the question nervously, who wouldn’t if they were about to have a sword swung at them, but instead of hitting him she hit the branch that his pant leg was caught on. It snapped on impact and made him fall to the ground, his shoulder hitting the dirt with a thud “Fuck…” he groaned as he grasped his shoulder. Merida seethed the sword at her hip and began to walk away “Yer’ welcome!” she called back.
Jack picked himself up and brushed off his clothes before grabbing his bag “You know, I can see why you don’t have any friends!” he yelled after her. She stopped and spun around “And where did ya’ hear that!?”
“A friend,”
“Well he’s a liar, all of ‘em are liars!” she spun around and continued to walk away. Jack was left speechless. He was about to fume away in the opposite direction of her before her remembered, I have no idea where I am.
“Ugh...” he began before calling out “Wait up!” he ran after her but she showed no sign of stopping “What now?” she asked sharply. Jack was now trying to keep up with her as he answered “Listen red-”
“Don’t call meh’ red,”
“Ugh, just listen, I’ve seemed to have, er, misplaced myself-” Jack was cut off by a sharp laugh “That’s a laugh, I wonder, how long ‘ave ye’ bin’ wandrin’?”
“An hour or so,” Jack answered simply. There was no response and the two kept on for a few moments. Merida finally answered “Makes sense, seemin’ as though yer’ ‘bout two clicks frum the town,”
Authors Note:(For those of you who don’t know, a ‘click’ is also known as a km from where I’m from)
“Oh,” Jack mouthed the word. Had he really gone that far? Suddenly another thought occurred “So, what are you doing out here?” Jack asked “Except of course attacking a tree,” a smile crept onto Merida’s lips which Jack caught a glimpse of before it disappeared “If ya’ must know,” she began “I live out here,”
“In the forest?”
“No ya’ idiot! I have a house out here,”
“Well great, you can lead the way,”
“Excuse meh’?” She stopped dead in her tracks and Jack had to turn to face her “You’re leading the way to your house?” Jack questioned. Merida scoffed “You are not coming to ma’ house!” Jack frowned deeply and tilted his head “No” Merida answered deadpan. “All I need is a phone call,” Jack pleaded.
Jack let out a deep sigh and started to walk in the opposite direction Merida was heading. “What are ya’ doin’?” she asked, obviously confused. “Oh, just heading back to town,” he said it in a casual, seemingly innocent voice. He continued to walk and then turned to face her “it would be great though if you could point me in the right direction,” there was a moment of silence.
He pointed in a random direction that he began to walk in while still facing her “Maybe it could be in this direction,”
“Or Maybe in this direction,” He pointed to another area that he began to walk towards.
“Or just MAYBE-”
“JACK!” Jack looked at her and answered in the most innocent voice he could manage “Yes Merida?” she glared at him “You can come to ma’ damn house if yee’d stop talkin’!” Jack made it to her side with a mischievous grin plastered on his face “Lead the way,”

The two had been walking in silence for about ten minutes now. Merida didn’t really seem like she was in the mood for a conversation. The sun was down so it was dark, and extremely quiet, but only for a few moments before Merida took in sharp breath and began to speak “Now, when we get there, yur’ in and out. You can use the phone but then you’ll be out on tha’ door step waitin’ for a ride, understood?”
Jack saluted “Yes sir,” a low growl could be hard from Merida who might’ve said something more, but the two erupted into a clearing that seemed to be the end of a drive way that led to a house. But a house was an understatement.
The ‘house’ that stood before the two was actually a very large mansion, built from cobble stones and iron gates. The main color scheme was gray and had bulky wooden front doors and garage. The drive way was huge and in the center was large fountain that was off at the moment. Jack let his eyes fall on the tallest peak of the home which was a tower with a decent sized balcony One could say that it was reminiscent to a castle.
Jack stood there gaping and Merida smirked at his reaction “What? Never seen a ‘ouse before?” Jack remained gaping and slowly shook his head “This, this is not a house… This is a castle!” he looked at her and his expression immediately changed to one with a mischievous smirk “One fit for a princess,”
“Ugh,” she rolled her eyes and continued up the drive. The two finally made it to the door which Merida swung open with ease. It creaked loudly and then was slammed shut after her and Jack stepped in. “Muuuummm! I’m Home!” she yelled into the large boot room. Jack was surprised that her voice echoed due to the size of it.
Suddenly laughter could be heard and three boys that were nearly identical came rushing into the boot room, several candies and sweets in hand. Before they ran out they noticed Merida and Jack “Whose that? Yer’ boyfriend?” One of them mocked and all three snickered. Merida looked annoyed “ ‘Course not! He was just some baka’ lost in the woods,”
“Sure he wus,” one of the boys retorted, his mouth full of a Danish “Errgh,” Merida seemed to be at a loss for words and the boys were now running out of the room. She yelled after them “You’ll all get fat if ye’ keep eating that!”
“Not as fat as you!” one of the boys called back. Merida just picked up her shoe which she threw, but missed. “Boys!” a stern voice yelled fallowed by mumbles and hasty footsteps “I swear, it’s like taming wild animals! Merida dear you called?” A woman with long straight brown hair wearing a green shirt with yoga pants walked into the room. She looked tired before she spotted Jack and her face lit up “Oh, and who may this be?”
“Just some baka’ who got lost in the woods, he came to use the phone and then he’ll be leaving,” Her mother gasped “None sense! What is yer’ name dear?’ she asked Jack expectantly “Jack,” he answered cautiously. She smiled and answered “Well Jack, any friend of Merida’s is always welcome-
“He’s not ma’ friend” Merida interrupted “Oh, Hush Merida!” her mother snapped “Don’t be rude,” Jack decided he should maybe intervene, “I actually should get going…” But Merida’s mother proved to be persistent “Don’t be daft, supper will be on in twenty minutes and it really is gettin’ late, I’ll just give yur’ parents a ring and I’m sure you can stay,” She turned the corner and disappeared from sight but yelled after the two “I’ll be in the kitchen and we can call yer’ parents whenever, in the meantime make yerself at home!”
Jack turned to face Merida who looked severely pissed off. He just smirked “And what is it we’ll be having?” Merida groaned and rolled her eyes and she started to approach a large stair well “Jack trailed after her “Let’s go exploring, shall we?”
Merida scoffed “Let’s hope you find you find yer’ way into the dungeons,” Jack was slightly taken aback “No need to be rude,” What was this chicks problem? He thought. Time to do some investigating. The two had climbed the stairs into a large common room with a bar and kitchenette. A large flat screen T.V was planted on the wall above a fireplace. Just this living room alone seemed to be worth a million dollars.
“So...” Jack began “What exactly does your family do?” He couldn’t help but be curious of how rich this girl was. Merida walked over to the kitchenette and pulled out a bottle of iced tea “You hungry?” She asked before closing the fridge “I’m fine,” Jack waved her off and she shut the fridge.
Merida leaned against the counter and sipped her iced tea, she swallowed and began to speak “Fer’ starters ma’ mum is the VP of some powerful stock holdin’ company, ma’ da is only a bit below her, also close friends with the CEO,” she took another sip and put it away. “They’ve ben’ workin’ fer’ the company fer’ years and ar’ very trusted, so as a gift, we gat a discount on tha’ ‘ouse,” She gestured to the house as a whole then started to walk down a long hallway and shouted “You can watch T.V or whatever…” she trailed off and opened a door at the end of the hall which she slammed behind her.
Jack eyed the very large flat screen and then the hall. Although the flat screen was tempting, it was time to investigate. When he reached the large wooden door it opened into a smaller room that held nothing but I spiral staircase that seemed to go up forever. The stair case wasn’t anything special, compared to the other fancy features of the house, just a simple metal frame really. This must lead to the tower, Jack thought.
Jack debated whether he should actually go up there or not, but nonetheless he started up the steps. Upon reaching the top he was met by another large wooden door. He grasped the handle and swung it open. The room was a bed room which was painfully simple. It held a large queen size bed with a chest at the end of it. On the far end of the room there was a glass door that led out to a balcony which had nothing on it. On the floor was a rug with Celtic designs on it. Next to a fire place was a small book shelf which held a bow and an empty quiver, the sword Merida had earlier, and about five leather bound books.
At the foot of the fire place sat Merida who was poking at it needlessly before she turned around to face Jack. “What do ya’ think yur’ doin’ in here!?”
“Hello to you too…” Jack mumbled as he walked into the room and closed the door behind him “Don’t suppose yur’ planning on making yerself comfortable?” Merida stood and placed her hands on her hips. Jack smirked and eyed her bed. “Of course not,” he said and them jumped onto her bed, making himself entirely comfortable. She rolled her eyes and muttered “unbelievable…” Jack just smiled and watched her storm over to the bed side. He looked up at her and casually paced his hands behind his head. “Can I help you?” he asked innocently.
“Get out of ma’ bed!” she demanded. Jack just moved around to make himself snugger, but he felt something hard beneath the pillow. He sat up and moved the pillow aside, beneath it was a journal. Merida made a move a snatch it away but Jack grabbed it before she could. “What could this be…?” Jack asked waving the book around teasingly. “Jack,” rage filled her eyes “give me back that journal…” She didn’t raise her voice but the anger welling up inside her was irrefutable.
Jack just smirked and opened it up to a random page “Dear Journal…” he began to read out the writing on the page but was suddenly halted by Merida who quite literally jumping on him and began tackling him for the journal. “Give it back!” she yelled. Jack was taken aback at first by how strong she actually was but little did she know he had tons of wrestling practice with his little sister and this was nothing to him but child’s play.
The two fought each other for a minute, rolling around on the bed before they feel off, Merida hit the ground first and it gave Jack just enough time to steady himself and pin her down. “Let meh’ go!” she demanded and struggled hopelessly. Jack only used one arm to pin her and the other to grab the journal, flipped to a random page, and begin to read out loud for the both of them.
“Dear Journal…” he began again Merida struggling to escape his grasp and telling him to stop meanwhile. “Today our class had a basketball game, I won and scored most of my teams baskets since half my team is made up of people who’ll get out of breath trying to make it up the stairs,” Jack laughed and looked at Merida who was glaring and still squirming beneath his weight.
“I can tell we’re getting to the good part,” he smiled mischievously and looked down at her before returning to the journal. “Now, where was I, oh right, ‘The win didn’t really mean much to me but I can tell it didn’t seem to make the other’s happy. After school was out I crossed the football field to wait by that patch of trees that Mom always picks me up at, the thing is though, she’s always late on Wednesday’s. It wasn’t long before Astrid and her friends showed up. She went on about them being ‘better’ then me or some crap like that, I don’t take their shit that often so I came up with some remark that involved swearing and her getting angry,” What was this? Jack thought. He was honestly more intrigued then he was wanting to torment Merida so he read through the writing without reading aloud.
…I don’t take their shit often so I came up with some remark that involved swearing and her getting angry.
Next thing I knew her friends were on me. They ripped my bag off me and tugged at my hair. The one of them kicked me I the knee and I feel to the ground, each of them held one of my arms, forcing me to keep kneeling while I watched Astrid pick up a rock and slowly walk over to me. When she finally made it over to me she smiled before took a swing at me with the rock which hit me right below my left ear. I hit the ground and they walked away laughing. Stupid Witch’s. Mom picked me up about ten minutes later couldn’t tell her, it would just make more problems for me. Luckily it was dark and I sat in the back seat, she could hardly see me let alone question what happened to me.
When we got home I ran inside and locked myself in the nearest bathroom. I hadn’t even noticed I was bleeding. I quickly cleaned it up and did no more on the subject. I just hope I didn’t scar.
The entrée had ended and Jack looked at the date. It was three weeks ago. Jack then looked at Merida who, he hadn’t noticed, stopped struggling and had a distressed look on her face. She couldn’t look him in the eye. Jack suddenly dropped the journal and forced her arms beneath his knees. She struggled but this time Jack noticed she didn’t try as hard as she had “Let go of me!” she spat, but Jack ignored her and with his free hand he went to grab her chin.
She shook her head vigorously but he grabbed on to her jaw and turned her head roughly. With his other hand he brushed aside a patch of hair above her left ear and- Oh no. Right beneath her left ear was an unmistakable scar that had a few light scabs. Right where the rock had hit her.
Jack then got off of her and stood. She fallowed but did so slowly with her head down. There was an awkward moment of silence and Jack attempted to speak “Merida, I-” He was suddenly interrupted by Merida who looked up to him with tears swelling in her eyes “You what!?” she yelled throwing her fists back “You idiot! Do you think I care?! Do you think that I want you to feel sorry for me!? Just go away!”
Tears were streaming down her face. Merida hated this so much, looking weak in front of some guy she had only met that morning? What was wrong with her?! He just needed to leave, go away and leave her alone like everyone else had.
“Just go…go…” Merida chocked on her words through her tears. Jack suddenly lunged for ward and wrapped Merida into his arms, holding her in a tight embrace. Merida just stood in shock, not a sound left her mouth only the short breaths from crying. Her eyes were wide open and her arms hung loosely at her sides, she didn’t hug him back but she didn’t struggle either, just stood there in disbelief. One of his arms wrapped around her back and the hand from the other was placed on the back of her head, pushing her head against his chest.
There were so many things running through Merida’s mind, a main thing being so confused as to why she hadn’t scared this guy off yet, why did he care, and why did she feel so- so safe with her head leaning against his chest? The two stood there for another moment in silence before Merida’s mother could be heard calling from the bottom of the stair well “Supper’s on!”
Merida let in a sharp breath and pushed away from Jack. She roughly wiped away tear as she said “We- we’d better go,” she struggled fiercely as to not look Jack in the eye. Meanwhile Jack nodded slowly, as if waking himself up from a trance. He tried to answer but no words left his mouth, he was just as fazed about the encounter as she was. So to end the moment the two had just had Jack turned and began to descend the stairs, on their way to supper.

Wow. I got REALLY carried away with this fic. TBH did not expect it to go on that long and this was really just a break I took from ‘Forever Cupid’ (One of my other fics you should check out). Mad at myself b/c half way through I had already designed a hole plot to go with this when originally I wanted it to be a short one shot, so prolly gunna create a whole story behind this. This is just a sample piece and if no one wants me to make a second chapter I won’t update. Thanks for reading and remember support is loved and appreciated.
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