Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Corporate Mushroom Kingdom and the Seven Chaos Emeralds

Pierced Nipples and Pierced Friendships

by YungJimothy 0 reviews

What happens next? Not even I know.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Romance - Published: 2016-01-10 - Updated: 2016-01-10 - 227 words

"Mario!", screamed a frantic toad, his soul yearning for a nipple ring.

"What?", Mario replied, sleep barely leaving his comfy eyes.

"Mario, you still do nipple rings, right?", Toad asked, nervously shaking, unable to remain in one spot for longer than a single millisecond. His speed rivaled that of Sonic, as he was shaking with such speed that he seemed stagnant.

"I see where this is going," Mario stated, understanding of his friend's nipple-based urges. "Follow me, we'll go get your nipple pierced". Toad chased after Mario, and as Mario set him in the chair, he fell asleep.

Waking up, Toad had noticed, his nipple was gleaming at him. This wasn't what he wanted, he wanted the left nipple, not the right nipple.

"Mario!", echoed through the small room, followed by a head turn in response.

"Yes Toad?", was the response.

What came next is indescribable in any human language. Toad's words were mixed with venom and fury, forced in his native tongue, Gibberish. Eventually, he spoke back in English. "Mario! I wanted my LEFT nipple pierced, not my right nipple!", came forth.

"I'm sorry, you nev-"

"How do you not know that in the Mushroom Kingdom a nipple piercing on the right nipple means that the wearer is banished to Hell?!"

Mario couldn't reply, he had forgotten about that. "I'm sorry", Mario stated, as he left.
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