Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Wrong Kind Of Attention

chapter 32

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 32

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-17 - Updated: 2006-08-18 - 501 words

Chapter 32

Laura's POV

"the wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, ALL THROUGH THE TOWN" Sighing in frustration I turned to joe who was driving.

"maybe we should have rode with andy atleast jordan would have been quieter." He laughed nodding his head in agreement as Pete and Stacey went into the next verse.

We were on our way to Sea World and somehow we got the short straws and were stuck with pete. Now pete on a tour bus is better than pete in a car. Because on a tour can hide!

"If I hear that song one for fucking time I am going to duck tape your mouth shut" Joe growled glaring at pete through the rear view mirror.

"she's singing too" he pouted crossing his arms. "way to go! Blame me" stacey laughed smaking his arm.

"SHUT UP and get out of the car!" joe yelled throwing the car in park. Looking around I noticed we were there. I was kinda worried for a moment. Would he just randomly drop them off? Hmm maybe that's not a bad idea! Well pete anyways.

"no need to yell" pete mummbled getting out.

"Man you get them on the way home" Joe told andy as they walked up to us. "hell no dude! I like my passengers" he grinned.

"any ways! Where to first!"

Eventually we decided to check out the penguins first. "Dude look at that one! It looks like patrick" andy laughed mimicking the penguin he was pointing to.

"And there's andy! It's a drummer" patrick smirked pointing at the penguin who was lapping his arms almost like to a beat. I grabbed my camera getting a picture of the boys and their penguins.

"Andy no no penguin..." jordan said patting him on the arm.

"thanks buddy!" andy smiled.

" goose!" We all bit back a laugh. Man you gotta love kids.

Eventually growing tired of the penguins we decided to head over to the forbidden reef. "if its forbidden can we still go?" pete asked pointing to the sign. "its only forbidden for you...sorry you gota stay here" I told him shrugging my shoulders.

He glared at me before tackling me. "Pete get off" I laughed trying to get out of his grasp. " give me a piggy back ride...gittyup horsey"

"Pete your crushing me" I laughed trying to move a step with out falling. He jumped off of me glaring at me. "You're calling me fat" he growled pointing at me accusingly.

"I'm not fat"

Stacey's POV

Rolling my eyes I grabbed pete's arm dragging him over towards the little pond like thingy.

"I'm not fat am I?" he pouted looking over at me. "no you're not fat" I smiled patting his arms. Man he is worse than a girl! He smiled at me briefly before bouncing off

"Dude! Can you really feed them?!"
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