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Modern Commercial Design Company

by Ramirez59Ramirez 0 reviews

I come fromCongo {Democratic Rep}

Category: 6teen - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2016-01-29 - 729 words


Loaded with over two decades of combined experience, OSCA team delivers high standard interior design solutions. Our business development personnel, interior designers, and project managers are dedicated to assisting you enjoy a more professional and credible image through upgraded business facilities. Our customer-centric approach allows us to be a reliable partner in every stage of development.

Want to find out more details on our interior design capabilities?

Before commencing with any project, OSCA performs an extensive analysis of project feasibility. We use our expertise in design and architecture in order to completely understand the potential of existing or new space.

As a part of our strategic conceptualization, we perform initial onsite visits to perform our facility planning and test fitting. Apart from the design, we are also works with the technical aspects of the building and construction.Our streamlined process enables us to come at a reliable estimation of cost and schedule implications. We then lay down a suitable action plan which ensures high-quality, time-sensitive, and on-budget results.

OSCA helps its client companies to nurture greater synergy between their workplace and organizational goals. Our corporate design solutions concentrate on long-term objectives, leaving room for business growth and development.

Using 3D graphics, we present conceptualized designs that are depending on our client’s unique space requirements. The development phase is backed by thorough documentation of costs and other important factors. Besides cost consultation, we also provide advice on procurement and inventory.

Our effective methodologies together with the expertise of our people ensure a satisfying project turnaround. We design corporate office spaces that improve productivity, encourage collaboration, and optimize processes.

Our project management services rise above overseeing of development. The OSCA team is proactive, systematically meeting requirements from start to finish. From consultation to completion, clients can count on us for any concerns or issues they may have relating to the project. We are well-equipped to handle various types of design and build challenges.

No matter what the nature of business, we help clients follow strict industry guidelines by filing the appropriate paper works and undergoing necessary clearance tests. Guided by regulatory standards, we perform health, safety, and risk assessments in all our projects. We also do professional quantity surveys.

OSCA has a wide network of resources that allow us to provide effective design and build consultancy services. Equipped with strong industry knowledge and advanced design tools, we're able to come up with practical and insightful solutions that address specific space challenges.

Aside from providing architectural advice, we also help clients understand the mechanical and electrical engineering aspects of their construction project. We find new ways to expedite the whole process, which ends up to minimum business downtime and maximum project efficiency.

Rather than having template solutions, OSCA offers flexible interior design options. With experience handling clients from different sectors, we are able to provide customized value-added services that fit your individual office needs. Our expertise covers areas like acoustics, audiovisual systems, security management, IT centre, and disaster planning.

OSCA’s interior design process was specially created with corporate settings as the primary goal. Our integrated approach takes into account various factors, all of which help us to develop a strategy that promotes quality, speed, and customer satisfaction. While functionality is a key concern, we make sure to inject an artistic flair in all our projects. We constantly push for innovative designs that channel an image of professionalism.

In the initial stages of development, we focus heavily on project analysis and industry research. We help clients to ensure their requirements, aligning it with their resources which include time and budget.

We hold in-depth discussions with the client team, making sure that both sides understand fully the project objectives and limitations. We also agree on the creative direction and building schedule.

The most exciting and dynamic part is the conceptualization. With clearly set parameters, we develop and present mood boards, as well as interior draft blueprints. These proposed materials go through a series of revisions and refinements depending on regular client consultations.

With close supervision of OSCA’s senior management team, we proceed to the construction or renovation of the office space in line with the agreed-upon blueprint. We then procure all the necessary furnishings from our trusted network of suppliers. Prior to the turnover, we let the client inspect the facilities for any alterations and final approval.
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