Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Free fall

The Shadow

by panda_1418 2 reviews

I don't know what to call it and I don't want to summarize

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2006-08-18 - Updated: 2006-08-18 - 696 words


Scarlett gently put down the shock pads, Delilah's only hope of survival. They had been Delilah's only hope of survival. And they had failed. Al had called it a few seconds ago. He was right, even though Scarlett hated to admit it.

Delilah was gone.

Scarlett sniffed and wiped away a tear. "What's the world coming to, Al?" she asked, gazing out at the snowy tundra. "First, we lose Julius, and now we've lost Delilah."

Al looked up. "We haven't lost Julius yet. He's out there, close, too. I have his signal on my watch. He's only a few miles away. We can't let Delilah down, and leave her partner at the hands of Dr Dismay, can we?" Averting his gaze, he added, "We've already let one agent down."

Standing up, Scarlett sighed mournfully. "You're right, Al. We've got to rescue Julius. The two of us. It's what Delilah would have wanted."

The Academy leader and the gadgets gal walked out into the snowstorm.


One lone figure was crossing the arctic tundra. They were following the tracks Al and Scarlett had made. Through the snow, the figure could see the faint glow of a fire. The person grinned. They had been forced to stop. Now, the follower could pass them, and get to the kidnapped agent first.



Al was distraught. Not only had he lost an agent that had been like a daughter to him, but he had just come to the conclusion that he would have to break the news to Julius. To add to this, Al's phone had no signal, so he couldn't call in a new jet from B.C.

He was pacing around the camp that he and Scarlett had made angrily, when something caught his eye.

A shadow. A shadow, moving through the blizzard, right past the campsite. Al froze in mid-step. Could it be? No, it couldn't ... he shouted out,

"The abominable snowman!"

Scarlett looked up, but it was too late. As soon as "the' had left Al's mouth, the shadow had sprinted on. It had passed the camp in a few seconds. Shaking her head, Scarlett went back to trying to make a late dinner.

"The snow's getting to him." she murmured.


At the sound of Al's voice, the figure had bolted. There was no time to stop now. It had to get to Julius first.


[At the mouth of the cavern]

The figure had been walking up the slope for what seemed like an eternity when it reached the cave. It grinned. It had arrived.

As the shadow stepped into the cave, the sight caused it to smile. Dr Dismay and Nurse were sleeping around an artificial fireplace, the source of the cave's heat. There, next to the far wall away from the two villains, was a crumpled heap.

The figure's expression turned to worry. Had it arrived to late? If Julius was dead, the mission was failed. It raced over to Julius' side, checking his pulse. Relief spread across its features. He was alive.

The intruder gazed around the cave. There was a small pile of needles. Instantly, it dawned on the figure. Julius was drugged, kept asleep.

All of a sudden, Julius' eyes began to open.



The sound of a helicopter roused Al and Scarlett from their slumber. Al looked up, amazed that the helicopter was heading straight for them. When it landed, a man, whom Al recognized as being part of the Academy's Alaskan team, hopped out of the machine.

"You called for help, Al?" the man asked.

Al was astonished. "What? - No, I - Yes, we - But - How?"

"I got word from you a half hour ago that your were stranded."

Scarlett shook her head. "No, that's impossible. Our phone has no signal."

It was the man's turn to look confused. "But then who -?"



His eyes were the only part of his body he could control. Every time Dr Dismay had injected him, it had become harder and harder to move.

Suddenly, he was aware someone was standing over him. It was not Dr Dismay, or Nurse, with another dose of the drug for him.

It was ...

... no, could it be?
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