Categories > TV > Supernatural > Twinchesters Rewrite

Twinchesters Rewrite

by FrankIsMySexGod 0 reviews

After twin teenage girls find out they're related to the biggest hunters of all time, they find themselves tossed into a whirlwind of the unknown.

Category: Supernatural - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Published: 2016-01-31 - 2725 words

You know how most alarm clocks have a snooze option? Well, unfortunately my twin sister didn’t come with such a luxury. She was only 5 minutes older than me but acted as though she was 50 years older sometimes. Of course I’m like that at other times. We’re both responsible, yet sometimes we’re totally irresponsible. Two 19 year olds will act that way sometimes.

“Come on, Penina. It’s time to get up.” She said. I groaned.

“I’d rather not.” I said before trying to go back to sleep. A few minutes later a cold, wet, face cloth hit my face. I shrieked and struggled to take it off my face. I looked at Hozzie who was giggling like a madwoman and frowned.

“I’m sorry, but you haven’t learned anything after the same thing every day this week? It’s hilarious. Besides, it actually gets you up. So come on, get up!” She ordered. I sighed and reluctantly got out of my bed. I got ready for the day and then went downstairs to eat breakfast. I don’t know what it was, but I hadn’t really had much of an appetite since our mother passed away last year. I used to eat loads though. So I guess now I’m just having proper portions. In a way I guess that was a good thing. I was no longer massively overweight. Now I’m just average.

“Hozzie, it’s the weekend. Why did we have to get up so early?” I asked, suddenly realising that today was a Saturday.

“Because I want to do something. I’m always bored at the weekends.” She answered. She was right. There’s never anything to really do around here anyway though. It’s pretty boring in the countryside.

“Such as?” I asked, challenging her.

“I don’t know. Just something.” She said.

“Well we don’t have a license, let alone a car. And the bus only comes once every hour. To go out would be a waste of my time anyway.” I said before we saw flashing sirens outside our window. We got up to look outside. There was a fire engine and ambulance just outside the neighbour’s house opposite us. We loved that house. An old lady called Mrs Peril lives there. She’s so sweet and always looks out for us. She feeds us and sometimes comes round to give us cookies. We gasped and rushed to her house. Unfortunately a police officer stopped us. He had short, sandy coloured hair and he was wearing a suit. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“Is Mrs Peril okay?” Hozzie questioned.

“We’re not sure yet, but we’re going to need you to stay back.” He said with an American accent. It was weird. Another man in a suit, much taller than him with much longer hair came towards us.

“Dean, Cas is on the phone.” The tall man said. The man who we now knew as Dean went to take the phone call.

“This is such bullshit!” I exclaimed.

“Penina...” Hozzie warned. I sighed.

“Sorry but it is. We need to know if she’s okay!” I said. The man looked at us. In fact, it seems like he’s been looking at us since he saw us.

“Girls, we’re not able to tell you yet. We’re not sure.” He said.

“I need to call dad.” Hozzie said.

“No. Don’t. He’s not going to pick up. It’s futile.” I told her.

“I at least have to try.” She said. She pulled her phone out from her pocket and started dialling. She put it on loudspeaker so I could hear.

“This is John Winchester. Please leave a message after the beep.” The answering machine spoke. I knew that would be the case.

“Nothing.” Hozzie said sadly, hanging up.

“Don’t worry. He’s a total waste man.” I told her. I looked up at the man in the suit and he was still looking at me. “Can I help you?” I asked feeling a little creeped out.

“Just wondering something. Did you know anything about the old lady who lives here?” He asked. I decided not to tell him the whole truth. I didn’t want us to give anything away.

“Depends who’s asking.” I said. He held out a badge and it read Samuel Reed. He’s FBI. I don’t get it. What is the FBI doing in a small town in England?

“Samuel Reed, FBI. I have a few questions if you’re alright with that.” He said kindly. It was weird. I always thought the FBI were meant to be intimidating. But he’s not.

“What do you need to know?” Hozzie asked.

“Well, first of all, how well did you know her?” He asked.

“We didn’t know her that well. Just well enough, you know? She was always really nice to us. She’d talk to us about our day and invite us in to her house. We always tried to get out of it though. Her house smelt like rotting eggs. We didn’t want to say anything in case we embarrassed her.” Hozzie answered.

“Did she ever tell you anything about her past? Any friends, enemies, anything like that?” He asked just as the other FBI agent came towards us.

“We need to go.” Dean said to Samuel. Samuel looked slightly shocked and angry. It was weird. I didn’t think much of it though. “I’ll explain in the car. Ladies, Mrs Peril is okay. Just a small kitchen fire, that’s all. Samuel, let’s go.” He said before rushing off with his partner. Hozzie and I walked cautiously into Mrs Peril’s house. Instead of rotting eggs it smelt like burnt stuff. I didn’t know which was worse. Mrs Peril was sitting shocked on her couch while a paramedic was checking her over. We walked over to her.

“Mrs Peril? Are you alright?” Hozzie asked quietly so she didn’t scare her. She seemed so focused on what had just happened.

“Oh you’re such a dear. Yes, I suppose I am. It was just a nasty shock that’s all. I don’t understand what happened. I was making my breakfast when all of a sudden the pan set on fire. I tried to put it out but I wasn’t quick enough. Oh. I almost lost everything.” She said, beginning to cry. I felt awful, and I knew Hozzie felt the same.

“It’s alright Mrs Peril. We’re here now, and we will be for as long as you need us.” I said. She smiled at us and we sat down next to her. Once all the paramedics and fire crew had left, we made her a cup of tea and had a chat.

“Oh. I would’ve been so upset if I lost my photo album. You see, photos were very expensive back in the old days. So one day my father surprised me and my mother by getting us a photo shoot for their anniversary. Not one of those posh and fancy ones, but it was still wonderful. I was very young at the time. Anyway, we all had to sit very still and smile. And I’ve kept that picture ever since.” She said.

“That’s incredible.” I said.

“Yeah. It sounds really exciting. I would’ve loved that.” Hozzie said. I checked the grandfather clock she had in her living room, which stood on the paisley carpet. As much as I loved Mrs Peril, she really didn’t know the first thing about interior design.

“I can’t believe it’s already 7 o’clock.” I said.

“Oh of course. We have been nattering for a long time now. Don’t let me keep you. There is one thing I want to give you two though, for being such wonderful neighbours. No, not neighbours. Friends.” She said. All of a sudden, her eyes turned pitch black. Hozzie and I instinctively held on each other’s hands for safety and comfort. “I’m going to give you to the count of 3, before I give you the sweet release of death.” She said, cackling. She picked up a knife as if from nowhere and almost stabbed us. I wasn’t sure what happened next because my eyes were closed. But after hearing the door bust open and some sort of weird chant, I opened my eyes and Mrs Peril was dead on the floor. Standing behind her were Samuel and Dean. They looked out of breath and haunted. They didn’t look like the sort of people we met today. They weren’t even in suits anymore. Just some second-hand looking jacket and jeans. They escorted us back to our house. On the way we saw loads of dead bodies littered in the streets. It was scary. Terrifying, in fact. I wasn’t sure what to do or who to trust.

“What the hell’s going on?” Hozzie asked crying. I felt like her on the inside. I just didn’t let it show.

“Girls, it’s going to be okay. We’ll explain in the car, we just need you to pack up some essentials and then we’re going to get out of here, okay? I promise that everything will be fine.” Samuel said.

“How do we know you’re the good guys? How do we know you’re not one of them?” I asked angrily.

“Because, I’m Dean Winchester and this is Sam Winchester. We’re your brothers.” Dean said. “Now hurry up because we don’t have all day. We need to go someplace safe.” He ordered. I felt kind of intimidated by him, so Hozzie and I ran upstairs. We got out a suitcase and packed everything we needed. Even some stuff we didn’t, and we put it in Sam and Dean’s car. I still had no clue if I could trust them, but even if I didn’t, we’d probably be dead by morning anyway.

“Okay, who the hell are you, where’s our dad, and what the hell’s going on?” I asked.

“Well, Dean’s right. We are your brothers. Half-brothers. John Winchester is our father.” Sam answered.

“How do we know you didn’t just hear that from our voicemail and decided to kidnap us and murder our entire street?” I asked.

“You’re morbid. Listen; believe what you want but we have a duty to keep you safe. So like it or not, you’re coming with us.” Dean said.

“Where’s our dad?” Hozzie spoke up.

“When’s the last time you’ve seen him?” Sam asked.

“I don’t really remember. He came round for mum’s funeral and that’s the last we’ve even heard of him.” Hozzie answered.

“Yeah, because he’s a deadbeat.” I said, getting increasingly angry.

“He’s dead. Not a deadbeat, just dead.” Dean said.

“No!” Hozzie shouted, not wanting to accept this at all. Whereas I accepted it long ago. He may not have been dead to the world, but he was definitely dead to me. Hozzie was closer with him than I was. I was always wary of strangers. Don’t get me wrong, Hozzie is too. In fact, she’s one of the shyest people I know, but she trusted our mum on who to trust. I on the other hand hated him. I didn’t care what my mum said, he was never there. Why should I trust him? I barely know him.

“When did that bastard bite the dust?” I asked. Clearly everyone else in the car worshipped the ground he walked on, which is why Dean snapped back at me.

“Don’t you ever talk about our father like that.”

“Dean...” Sam warned.

“Because let me tell you something you spoiled brat, he was the best goddamn father ever. He saved our bacon more times than you can count, so just leave him be. And to answer your question, he died about a year ago.” He said.

“Excuse me? You think I’m spoiled? You think that sitting at home when the electricity turns off because you’ve run out of money is me being spoiled? You think that having people laugh at you behind your back because your mum passed away is being spoilt, huh? I’m not fucking spoiled. I’m just sad and angry at the world, and I’m especially angry at him because he was never there. I didn’t know the man and he’s an idiot to me!” I shouted.

“Penina, just shut up! Our dad’s dead!” Hozzie said. I didn’t want to make Hozzie anymore upset, so I just kept my mouth shut for the rest of the explanation.

“Anyway, he was killed by a yellow eyed demon named Azazel. We ganked that son of a bitch recently but I guess it didn’t really matter all that much. Our dad’s still dead. But at least Azazel won’t be hurting anymore people.” Sam said.

“So why come and visit us now? How come we never knew about you?” Hozzie asked.

“Because we only found out about you when dad died. He told us on his deathbed that we had sisters, and it took us so long to find you. Then when we did find you, we had to be careful because we knew you were in trouble with other demons. It’s a whole complicated demon story.” Dean said. I was just looking out the window, watching everything we knew fade away.

“I’ve gotta say, you don’t look very shocked for people who just found out that unnatural things exist.” Sam said.

“Yeah, well we saw a nice old lady’s eyes turn black. What do you think we’d be like?” I asked angrily. Okay, I probably shouldn’t get angry at Sam. He didn’t do anything wrong. But Dean was acting like such a pompous prick it was unbelievable. Sam didn’t look angry. Just kind of guilty. Hozzie was still crying her eyes out, and Dean looked absolutely livid.

“Okay, here’s the deal, Penina, you shut up for the rest of the journey, and we get you some chocolate on the way home.” He said sarcastically.

“Let me out.” I said.

“What?” Sam asked incredulously.

“Let me out of the fucking car!” I screamed, with tears brimming in my eyes. I hate anger. I hate it so much. Because with me, it eats me alive. I swallow it whole and it makes me sad. Dean had no choice but to pull over. I was about to have a complete meltdown. I scrambled out of the car and made my way to the grassy field we were passing by. I collapsed on the grass and started crying my eyes out. This was so unfair.

“Penina, what’s wrong?” Sam asked. He clearly came out to check on me.

“I want to go home. I want my mum.” I said.

“Listen, I know how much this sucks. Nobody goes into this life by choice, but you get used to it, and it’s not so bad. I know how much you miss your mum. But at least she was there. She was there to give you cuddles and make you soup when you had a cold. Dean and I didn’t have that throughout our childhood. Our mum died when I was 6 months old.” He said. I wiped my tears away.

“But you don’t know how much it hurts when you suddenly have to miss it.” I stated.

“I know. God. I wish you guys didn’t have to go through this. I really do. But guess what? When we get to America there’s this really cool person I’d like you to meet.” He told me.

“Unless it’s my mum, I’m not interested.” I stated. He shook his head.

“Sorry. It’s not. But it’s someone who can give you updates on her.” He said. I looked at him sceptically.

“What’s this person’s name?” I asked.

“He’s an angel. He’s called Castiel.”
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