Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > nazi unleashed: the anime


by koifish 0 reviews

nazo meets donald trump and other stuff

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Erotica - Characters: Knuckles,Sonic - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2016-02-06 - 958 words - Complete

Nazo flew above the flaming city when he came across the president.
"YOU RODENT LOOK AT WHAT YOUVE DONE TO AMERICA" Nazo looked around and saw everything being engulfed in flames, even the fire fighters were getting burned to a crisp. So much for being someone who can fight fire right. Nazo squinted back at Trump. "Yeah I just think your just putting the blame on me for your own existence by the way wheres the nearest deserted DBZ landscape around here?" Trumps looked like a fat angry chris chan and transformed into godzirra. Nazo just bitchslapped Trump with his fat tail and he exploded into millions of dinosaur pieces. Nazo made a straight face and said "yep" before blazing off into the skies. Suddenly someone came out of the Shadows............................................ ITS WAS SHADOW, BUT NO, IT WAS SHADOSAMA BID LADEN and he was really anger at Nazo.
"That slut," Shadosama Bid Laden screamed. "They think they're so hot, blowing up shit everywhere and causing crimes on the streets. WELL FUCK, they're right." Shadow then flew after them to stalk them then realize tons of those other hitler fags were stalking them too. "HEY GET YOUR OWN MAN" Shadow shouted as he blew them all up using Chaos blast.

Nazo landed on some land that did in fact look like those backgrounds in Dbz when they fight. NAzo sighed at how bad of an idea this all was and how the author writing this piece of shit must be some mental patient typing this with their nose. He was snapped out of his thoughts once jew senses started tingling. AND THERE WAS SONIC AND THAT NIGGER HE STOLE THE METH FROM. some then some other guy he hadn't seen before.
"Shadow? What the hell are you doing here?" Sonic spoke up and Shadow just smirked like the bad ass he portrays himself to be but not saying anything about being there because Nazo was hot because then he'd look like a total fag to everyone and he was not fag.
"HEY YOU!" the jewhog shouted at Nazo and then went silent. Nazo stood there for a few moments.
"Me, what?" Nazo spoke up in a bored tone.
"Ehhh.. I don't even know at this point. I guess I'm supposed to fight you and make myself seem like more of a ripoff to non sonic fans like what the original creator did."
"Right, we;; then it's been a long time since since I've been pounded by a jew. Come at me with everything you've got." Nazo averted his gaze and got ready for battle. Sonic smirked and responded soothingly. "Just you wait Nazi, I'll make sure this is the greatest pounding you've ever gotten ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
Nazo then screamed and flew up into the air wITH THE SPEED OF 10 MILLION SONICS AND THREW A ENERGY BLAST AT SONIC. Sonic dodged the blast and it hit Knuckles instead. Sonic flew up to the air with him and fought him in mid air because thats how you made Sonic cool, you make him be a rip off. Sonic grabbed Nazi and slammed him into a mountain with his super sayian powers, Nazi flew right through and kicked Sonic in the dick. Sonic yelled and he plummeted to his doom.


"SONIC MY LOVE" Tails yelled and gave Sonic a senzu bean before throwing him off the Tornado because he was a fat motherfucker despite all the running he did. Sonic landed right on Knuckles and charged up a kaioken spindash thing which was interrupted once Knuckles got up and smacked Sonic upside the head. Knuckles then leapt towards Nazo and fisted one of his anal plugs right into his anus when he tried to dodge. Nazo sCREAMED AS THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME ANYONE STUCK ANYTHING UP HIS BUTT. Nazo fell to the Earth, clutching his asshole and crying because he felt violated. Sonic laughed because Nazo was a faggot now and Shadow was nosebleeding because that was hot and he was a closet fag so its ok. Nazo got up and anger seethed thru his entire furry body.
"You... HOMOSEXUAL!!!!!" Nazo screamed and Knuckles looked surprised. "Say wha-" Knuckles was then kicked under his chin and he flew into space because Nazo was suddenly feeling like being kin to a school anime girl who encountered a pervert. Sonic sweat dropped like the anime furry he was and sighed asking Shadow if he could help attack Nazo which Shadow agreed to because then he could be one of the people who pounded his ass. The hedgehogs flew up and started fighting him together before Nazo trapped their heads between their legs and bang their heads against his own. They both screamed in pain because their brains exploded. Tails flew by and threw more senzu beans at them, then knuckles fell down onto the tornado and Nazo blew them both up with the plane. Nazo tail slapped Shadow unconscious because his ass is powerful. Sonic looked around him, all his frined........... they were DEAD. sonic was feeling real emo at that point and Nazo laughed at it.
"now i can finally finish you off, jew." nazo prepared to shoot another blast at sonic but then sonic grabbed his hand. nazo tried to pull his hand away and when he couldnt he looked up and saw that sonic had transformed iNTO A SUPER NIGGER!!! Nazo's eyes filled with fear before Sonic kciked him through the rocky mountains. sonic then calmed down and become a jew again, then he saw all the chaos emeralds shattered around him and scrEAMED VERY L0OUD to transform into super sayian sonic! he flew off leaving his friends corpses all over the place.
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