Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

The warning

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

A flashback chapter explaining what Kate saw in the jungle right before she found her way back to the beach.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 509 words

An hour ago…

Kate gasped and woke to the sound of tropical birds chirping in the distance. Her eyes blurry and unfocused she tried to make out the green fuzziness above her head. Once her eyes focused she realized that she was lying flat on her back under a creepy and strange looking tree. It’s branches were all twisted and snarled and if you looked at them just right, it looked as if it could grab you. She quickly turned her head when she heard bushes and leaves crunching under someone’s feet. At first she could see nothing, only heard a voice.

“Megan’s a beautiful baby Kate. I’m glad I got to see my granddaughter come into the world.”

Green eyes took in a tall man dressed in tan pants and a blue striped shirt, it was dirty and worn. He had striking blue eyes. The smile looked like Jack’s. The one between a smirk and a smile. Swallowing, Kate scooted farther back from the man in front of her.

“I know who you are. Get away from me.”

Shaking his head, the tall man kept smirking and laughed slightly, leaning against a smaller tree at least 30 yards away.

“I mean you no harm Kate. I see you’ve got the same mistrust as my son. Did Jack ever tell you he found my empty coffin in the caves?”

Kate’s eyes widened further and she shook her head.

“You were there when I gave birth?”

The blue-eyed man nodded and kept smirking.

“Why would I miss my granddaughter’s birth? And please Kate, call me Christian. Small talk aside, I think it’s best if we get down to business. I came to give you a warning: something bad is coming. Megan, Cody, and Grace are all in grave danger.”

Confused, Kate attempted to sit upright when a wave of nausea overcame her, forcing her to lie back down again.

“Who’s Cody and Grace?”

Christian kept the strange smirk on his face, which didn’t look a thing like Jack’s anymore. Kate knew now that the man standing in front of her was not Jack’s father. He was something else.

“Your son and daughter.”

Taking a gulp of air, Kate noticed Christian was gone. Eyes widening in fear, she pulled herself to her feet with a tree branch above her head. Pain ripped through her stomach and she felt something tear on it. Crying out, she braced the tree branch for a minute. Gaining more strength, she forced herself to go forward. She could hear the ocean, so she knew she couldn’t be far in from the beach. Breathing deeply, holding her stomach, and blindly grabbing for tree branches along the way she finally stumbled out of the underbrush and onto the beach. There she found Jack. What could she tell him about what she saw out in the jungle? Why was she here? She didn’t remember much from after blacking out. She needed answers.

To Be Continued…
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