Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

The island's warning

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Jack spends time bonding with Megan and Kate wakes up. Meanwhile, an unexpected visitor shows up outside their tent.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 929 words

“Come on Kate. Open your eyes for me.”

Jack had tried already to rouse Kate from her unconscious state. But to no avail. She was breathing but she wasn’t responding to any stimuli. Frustrated but not giving up he opened her left eyelid and checked her pupil response. It was sluggish and dilated. Daylight was beginning to breakthrough their shelter and it was easier to see. Once again examining the cut along Kate’s forehead, he could see a knot was beginning to form on the bruise. Grabbing some bandages from his bag, he also pulled a bottle of peroxide. Preoccupied with treating Kate’s wound he hadn’t noticed Juliet’s hand on his shoulder.

“Jack take a break. I’ll watch over her for a while. Megan’s getting hungry. Why don’t you feed her?”

He agreed with Juliet but on the condition that he stayed within distance of Kate. He knew she wouldn’t be alone when she woke up, but it was a matter of if at the moment. Reaching into the cradle, he folded Megan into his arms. She began to fuss. More of a whine/whimper. Megan’s tiny face began to scrunch up and she belted out a scream. She was becoming angry. Jack mixed the formula into the makeshift bottle and put the nipple up to her lips. The desperate infant grabbed on and Jack watched her little jaw move up and down as she ate.

“Slow down sweetheart. There is plenty more where that came from. The milk from mommy probably tastes a little better though.”

A happy gurgle escaped Megan’s tiny mouth as if in agreement with her father. Jack let his mind wander. Why was all this happening to Kate? He mulled over his thoughts and then was brought out of them when Megan let out an unhappy cry.

“I know your tummy is upset.”

Gently cradling Megan up to his shoulder, he began patting her back until he heard a tiny burp escape her mouth. The ratty but clean towel he used as a burp rag was surprisingly dry. Megan almost always spit up after she ate. He and Kate didn’t get much sleep. Waking up every couple of hours during the night to feed her was exhausting. But that’s what being a parent was about. Being there for their child. Placing her back inside the cradle, Jack sat on the edge of the bed. Juliet ran a small jar of smelling salt under Kate’s nose, hoping that would pull her from her unconscious state. A startled breath and a low moan escaped Kate’s mouth. She had trouble opening her eyes at first. The bright sunlight blinded her and she shut her eyes. Juliet turned her attention to Jack.

“Jack she’s waking up.”

Leaning over Kate, Jack fingered the white bandage over the cut on her forehead. Then his index and middle finger on his right hand went to her jugular. Her pulse was steady and getting stronger as the minutes passed. Managing to open her eyes, the colors were vivid, but objects, Jack, and Juliet were blurry.


Quickly grabbing for Kate’s water bottle filled with fresh water he put a hand behind her neck and tips it to her lips helping her drink the precious liquid. His throat felt dry and his words died on his lips. For a moment he couldn’t speak. Get it together Shepard! Kate is fine. Finally, Jack found his voice.

“Take it slowly Kate. That’s it. Just a little bit at a time.”

Kate was still confused. Which Jack knew didn’t suit her. She was always the stubborn one who loved to climb trees. Always the first to volunteer for any treks into the jungle. Putting the water back down on the sandy ground beneath him, Jack slid an arm under Kate’s shoulders, propping her up against the bed. Wincing she glared at him and pushed his hands away.

“What’s wrong?”

Her nose flared for a millisecond.

“Jack could you be a little gentler next time?”

Still confused at first, it dawned on him what he’d done.

“I’m sorry Kate. I know your breasts are sensitive right now. I apologize.”

Juliet put a hand up to stop him from speaking more.

"Jack I would leave that alone. She’ll talk about the changes her body is going through when she’s ready. Don’t push her right now.”

Jack wanted to argue, but something about Juliet made him stop in his tracks. She was authoritative, but in a quiet manner. She could make people listen to her. Kate froze when she saw a figure standing near the water. Juliet followed her gaze.

“I won’t let him hurt you Kate. He can’t come in here. Your tent is safe.”

Jack got up from the end of the bed, ready to exit the tent. His hands curled into tight fists. Juliet put a hand on his forearm.

“Jack don’t go out there. That’s what he wants. It’s what the Black Smoke does. It tricks you. Taunts you into doing what he wants. His biding. He once lured me into the jungle claiming that my sister and my nephew were here and in trouble. It turned out not to be true.”

Jack kept his fists curled. But that was exactly what the Black Smoke wanted, was for him to be angry, it would be easier to lure him in.

To Be Continued…
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