Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

First meetings/a special gift

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Kate tells Jack what she's going through. Aaron gives Jack a warning about Megan.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Charlie,Claire,Jack,Kate - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 1084 words

“Jack I want to tell you what I’m going through.”

Jack took a seat next to Kate and put a hand on the small of her back. He could tell she was nervous.

“All right Kate. I’m listening.”

Medically speaking, Jack knew what Kate was going through. However, that’s where it stopped.

“I feel like I’m wearing a pair of rocks. Every time I go to feed Megan, I have to steel myself my breasts are so sensitive.”

Kate was feeling self-conscious and she never liked the feeling. Jack was there to lend a helping hand to Kate in every way he could, but reassuring her was all he could do.

“Kate I realize what you’re going through is painful right now but once you get used to it won’t be so bad. It also helps if Megan nurses not only from the left but the right too. I’m going to take a walk. You should get some fresh air. I’m sure Megan would like it too. Claire would like to see her.”

A smile started to creep up on her lips. It had been some time since she’d taken a walk down the beach with Jack. Leaning down to take Megan into her arms, she stopped short when her muscles began to ache.

“Ok. Remind me that leaning over is off the table for a while.”

A sympathetic gaze formed in Jack’s eyes. He was doing his absolute best to understand what Kate was going through.

“Yeah. It’s going to take some time for your muscles to heal. Especially after having just had a C-section. Here. I’ll get her.”

Securing Megan into Kate’s arms Jack helped her to her feet. The two walked together along the beach towards Claire’s tent. A young boy about 5 came bounding out.

“Uncle Jack!”

Launching himself into Jack’s arms, Aaron began to giggle. Jack caught the small boy with sandy blond hair and blue eyes.

“Hey buddy. Where’s your mom and Charlie?”

Aaron tugged on Jack’s hand but stopped when he saw Kate holding Megan standing next to them.

“Aunty Kate! When we get back to mommy and Charlie can I hold Megan?”

A grin spread across Kate’s pretty features and a nod ensued.

“Of course you can goober. But you’ll have to be real careful with her ok? She’s very little.”

The small boy nodded happily and began to tug on Jack’s hand applying more pressure to pull him forward.

“Ok Aunty Kate. Come on Uncle Jack!”

A thought crossed Kate’s mind as they reached Claire and Charlie’s tent. Jack had his family here with him all along. Kate nearly tripped on a rock but was quick to keep Megan steady in her arms so that she didn’t take a spill. Aaron had already run inside. Kate hadn’t noticed Jack was beside her, until she felt his gentle but strong hand on her elbow.

“I’ve got you. Watch your step sweetheart.”

A blush began to form on her cheeks and she picked up her feet.

“Thanks, but I’ve got it Jack.”

Jack felt frustrated. He was there for Kate in every way he could think of. He had to be patient with her. Knowing that she was in the beginning stages of Post-partum depression he had to tread lightly. Any little thing could set her off. They had to work through it together. He needed her as much as she needed him. Putting on a smile Jack was pulled into the tent by Aaron. Charlie clapped a hand to Jack’s shoulder.

“I think congratulations are in order. I never got the chance to tell you the day Megan was born.”

An appreciative smile playing on his lips Jack let out a small laugh.

“Thanks Charlie.”

He watched as Claire held Megan in her arms. Megan was grabbing for pieces of Claire’s shirt. Kate took a seat next to her and traced a finger under Megan’s jaw.

“So, when are you going to have another one of these?”

Claire looked at Kate and then back down at Megan.

“I have thought about it, but it’s not the right time.”

Aaron tugged on his mother’s shirt. Megan whimpered and opened up her eyes. She gasped and watched as the little girl looked up at her intently.

“She has Jack’s eyes I think. She has so much hair on her head! Aaron didn’t have any hair on his when he was born.”

Kate smiled at the thought. She remembered the night Aaron was born. She’d been beyond terrified to deliver Aaron. However, when a tiny baby emerged from Claire and into her arms she felt proud of herself. Helping Claire that night made her feel for one moment, that she could erase all her past sins, all her wrongdoings.

“I remember. He’s a wonderful little boy. I remember his 10 perfect little toes and fingers. We are so lucky that he came out healthy.”

Aaron tugged on Claire’s shirt again.

“When can I hold her?”

Claire looked over at Aaron and smiled.

“In a minute sweetheart. Don’t pester mum now.”

Aaron sat quietly even though he fidgeted some. The smile still on her face Claire looks her son in the eye.

“Ok Aaron hold out your arms. Be gentle with her now. You know mummy remembers when you were that little.”

Aaron’s eyes lit up as he held his cousin.

“She’s really little mommy.”

Claire ruffled Aaron’s hair and watched him as he interacted with Megan.

“When you get bigger Megan we’re going to build sandcastles together.”

Jack laughed slightly and watched his nephew playing with Megan.

“It’ll be awhile before the two of you can build sandcastles. She’s too little right now.”

Aaron nodded at Jack and then shrugged his shoulders.

“I know Uncle Jack. But we have to protet her from the scary smoke monster.”

Jack knelt down to his level and spoke up.

“Don’t worry Aaron. We’ll protect your cousin from the monster. Uncle Jack and everyone here will keep you guys safe.”

Jack was determined to keep the children safe. Not only Aaron but his own children. Kate’s eyes widened at Aaron’s words. Claire had said he was special, he could sometimes see flashes of things.

To Be Continued…
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