Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

A tiny light at the end of the tunnel

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Kate has a nightmare, then Jack inadvertently saves Juliet's life, via Jacob.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate,Sawyer - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 1076 words


A giant sob issued from Kate and Jack scrambled from the other side of the room to her side. She sat on the adjustable cot and rocked Megan back and forth. Jack put a hand on her back and rubbed it in large sweeping strokes.

“Kate what is it?”

For a few moments Kate said nothing. She only continued rocking Megan in her arms the sound of her sobs were breaking Jack’s heart. Jack let adrenaline fuel him as he took a quiet Megan from a defiant Kate. She kept hold tight of Megan. She wouldn’t let him take her.

“No. Let me hold her a little longer. Jack please.”

Jack ran a hand over Megan’s downy soft hair and bowed his head for a few seconds. He watched as her little head moved and she opened her eyes.

“Kate look. She’s ok. Megan’s ok. You were having a nightmare.”

Letting out a breath Jack tried using more of a tone of reassurance.

“You were having a nightmare. It’s alright.”

Kate sniffled and looked up, Jack followed her gaze only to find Jacob standing near the door to the room.

“A child should not have to suffer. Megan was not meant to deal with this ailment.”

Eyes wide with disbelief Jack stared at Jacob.

“Do you mean to tell me Juliet and I will find something to save her? Soon?”

Jacob nodded his head but continued to look serious as he averted his gaze towards the hallway.

“Megan will be all right now. Go and help Juliet. She needs you right now.”

Something akin to nausea gripped his stomach but he steeled himself. Something about the tone of Jacob’s voice told him something was wrong. Hurriedly kissing the top of Kate and Megan’s head, Jack scurried out into the hallway. The lights flickered a bit as he searched for Juliet. He found her a few feet from the door, gripping the handle of the hatch door. He heard her give a grunt of pain. Raising his eyebrows he slowly approached her.

“Juliet what’s going…?”

The last word died on his lips as he turned Juliet so she was facing him. Her hands were drenched in blood. Taking a few seconds to verify the situation, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her back down the hallway. Her voice was shaky and barely above a whisper.

“James doesn’t know…”

Tears streaked her face as confusion began to make its mark across it. When they reentered the room Kate and Megan were in, Jacob was nowhere to be found. Kate sat stock-
straight on the cot and held Megan a little tighter.

“Oh my god Jack. What happened?”

Juliet began mumbling but Jack was trying to keep her quiet as he concentrated on getting everything under control.

“Juliet I need you to focus on me. Tell me exactly what happened.”

She looked away and shut her eyes.

“The island is punishing me…”

Jack wanted to scoff at her comment, but what she really needed right now was comfort not sarcasm.

“Look at me Juliet. The island isn’t punishing you. These things happen. I’ll get you something to help you relax.”

A piece of him was angry that Juliet hadn’t mentioned any of this. He’d known that she and Sawyer had thought about starting a family, but that was the extent of it. Sighing and doing his best to keep the frustration at bay, Jack kept his focus on Juliet’s face.

“I’m sorry to have to ask you this but how far along are you? Or were you?”

Looking away again Juliet struggled for words at first. At last finding her voice, she croaked out two words.

“Six weeks.”

Sympathy lining his handsome features Jack rested a hand on her knee.

“I’m very sorry Juliet. Would you like me to get James for you…?

As Jack finished his question to Juliet he heard footsteps behind him and Sawyer’s gruff voice, but it was filled to the brim with worry.

“What’s going on blondie? Doc why is she bleeding?”

Jack looked Sawyer straight in the eye as his frown deepened.

“She’s having a miscarriage. I’m very sorry.”

Sawyer hated when Jack called him by his real name. Jaw hard-set, Sawyer looked about ready to start throwing punches in Jack’s direction.

“Well can’t you stop it?”

A sigh escaped Jack’s parted lips as he shook his head no.

“I can get the bleeding under control, but the baby is gone.”

Jack mentally beat himself up. He’d already been in their shoes once. He was trying to stay in doctor mode though. If he let his emotions take over, it wouldn’t be good. Sawyer’s gaze turned dark and soon the accusing remarks began.

“This is your fault doc!”

Sawyer always blamed Jack for some unforeseen accident. Jack took the high road and reasoned with him instead.

“Look Sawyer these things happen. It could’ve been any number of things: stress, sleep deprivation, not eating properly… The list is pretty extensive. Even after I get all this under control, I’ll need her to stay absolutely still.”

This time Sawyer didn’t argue with Jack. He clamped his mouth shut and ran a hand through Juliet’s blond locks.

“Everything will be ok baby. I promise.”

Everything now under control, Jack seated himself on the edge of the adjustable cot. Kate looked more like herself than she had just a couple of hours ago. Her cheeks were rosy with life and her smile was brighter than the sun. Jack peeked under the blanket to find Megan enjoying a meal.

“She’s eating Jack. I didn’t have to help her. She did it all by herself. Do you think this is the sign Jacob was talking about?”

Relieved and yet curious at the same time, Jack tried to process everything Jacob had told the couple.

“I don’t know. We’ll have to wait until Juliet recovers to find out. In the meantime, I’ll be looking after both of you.”

Kate smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes.

“Juliet deserves to be happy. Sawyer too. All Juliet ever wanted was just to go home. Sawyer’s made her happy. I’m very sorry this happened to her.”

To Be Continued…
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